Ti handle screws are getting closer!

I bet you guys are more busy creating awesome than B. and the gang are at peddling some of said awesomeness.
haha, look how ahead of the game we all are!! :D damn...hot cakes gentlemen...hot cakes. Crazy. :)

Rubi - 10-4 buddy...cant wait to see the goodies either. hope theres still some left sat. after the lottery! ;)

N2K - killer blade. love that textured bronze Ti scale w the sterile blade. lookin sharp.
Got me a set of 3" in all 3 flavors and finally a armorers tool.

Rob, I sent in a email regarding my order. Hope you can do something.

Thanks hinderer crew!
Dang! I missed out on blue for my 3.5 :(. Anyone have an extra set let me know!!
Dang it!! Dang it!! Dang it!! Totally bummed:dispirited: Been checkin the site daily. Checked this am before I left to take the kids to school and work. Didn't get home until 22:30 and I missed the blue and bronze for my 24. Im gonna get the plain. Anybody out there that has an extra set of bronze and blue could you help a brother out. Please and thank you. Cheers, Chad
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I can't keep my mouth shut. Ti screws? Do these screws offer any kind of performance increase on these "duty knives"? I mean, you only sell it to a class of people as hard work tough guy knives but you sell things to pretty them up for collectors who can't buy knives from you? I know a bunch of Leos/first responders/Military and all of them carry, non of them have Hinderers... Maybe cater to your customer base first who keep this thing going, you know the ones who buy cute unnecessary embellishments and keep them unused and pristine as art pieces for their thousand dollar Nikon photo shoots. Yeah, they'll sell you Ti screws though.

...And you guys swallow this all up SMH. Ti screws... Yeah I know I'm getting the Hinderer forum ban. Good, I'm never coming back. Haven't been here, just came by to browse and it still the same old joke. Hope your mods delete this in time before too many read some real perspective.

ER Nurse(9 yrs) National Ski Patroller(15 yrs). Carry my XM 24 on a frequent basis all purrdy and everything. Just cause you don't get it doesn't mean you have to hate. Cheers, Chad