This is my Makinac Bridge Walk Case Commemorative. Imgur says I copied the image, but we'll see (late because of power outage).

Yeah, there it is. The other side is dappled blue and white.
This is the Bear MGC trapper I found buried in my dresser. I forgot I had ever had it. I can't find many details online about the MGC versions. I assume it is some form of 440 steel. The texture of the handles looks like worn stag, but it could well be "bone stag". I apparently carried this one quite a bit, because of the bluish tinge around the edges... it appears to be pretty nicely made, almost no gaps at the springs, and blade half stops....

So you're one of those guys that wears gloves when handling knives.
I see this all the time when surfing the Big Auction site, always wondered why?
well... I don't know much about the big boys on the auction sites, but I was wearing gloves because I was at work, in a manufacturing cleanroom.

I also had on a hairnet and beard cover, smock, and booties. Quite stylish....