Urban Dead Revisited

One of my zeds is at Pole Mall now. He's still pretty low level, but he tries hard.

Ted W.
Ouch...Ted...your freshly revived character just killed one of mine.

LOL...whatta game!
Oops, he looked like every other zombie to me. I can loan you my green and purple tiger stripe pimp suit so it doesn't happen again.
I think the MWC will be much more fun for zombies since the promoters specifically wanted to exclude them. :D

Ted - I finally got tossed back outside the mall after infecting 12 survivors. It was amusing how long I was allowed to stay there considering there were about 40-50 survivors inside with two zombies. I actually lasted about 4 hours in there. I'm standing outside the NW corner again regaining AP at the tailgate party. What's your zombie's name? Give me a "Graagh" so I can add you to my contacts list.
It's Chitlangi and he's over by the Wilson Museum. He seems drawn to it for some reason, but he's about to get killed. A zombie hunter came by and I saw a chance to whack him for a few points, but didn't have enough AP to get away.

My dedicated zed just got revived and is a wuss as a survivor. Oh well, at least my survivor is still, ....well, surviving.

Ted Wilson
Ever since SGR got Brainrotted, I haven't had to worry about combat revives. (Although I do worry about all those used sharps laying all over the place. I've been hit five times in one night! Seriously!) My other zombie gets hit occasionally though. How do I deal with it?

1. Cure that Infection! If you spent any time as a zombie you're probably Infected upon your return. Get thee to thine hospital as quickly as possible. (Or don't. You'll just be a zombie again.) A fun twist that often works (especially when you're almost out of HP) is to just crash into a safehouse and yell, "PLEASE HELP I'M INFECTED!" and log out. No one wants an Infected survivor dying in their safehouse. You'll probably get the heal.
2. Got armor? If not, go to your nearest PD and get a Flak Jacket. Survivors will have to expend approximately 20% more ammunition to kill you; factoring in the AP required to find the ammo, then the AP to kill you, you're imposing a heavy penalty on them without griefing any baby zombies who decide to munch on you for quick XP. This is important: get the Flak Jacket. Hell, get two, just in case you screw up and drop the first one accidently. (Like I did.)
3. Spend those XPs! Bodybuilding imposes another 20% penalty to the survivors trying to kill you. Knocking down a Superzed (with Flak Jacket and Body Building) really takes some AP, thereby taking the heat off the rest of the horde. NT Employment allows you to spot the NT buildings easily. Diagnosis renders most of the zombie Scent Fear skill tree redundant for only 100 XP. Various combat skills and Free Running are optional -- more on this later.
4. (Optional) Get an Axe, Crowbar, some guns and ammo, and a GPS unit if you find it necessary. Might as well grab a few syringes as well so that your zombie buddies who are lacking armor can get some.

What next? You have some options.

1. Return to death. Jump out a window if you're in a hurry; otherwise, park yourself back in the horde and let them handle it. The younger zeds will appreciate the easy XPs and getting back up will cost all of 1 AP if you have Ankle Grab. If you're feeling particularly devious, allow the Infection that you probably have upon revival to kill you inside a safehouse. Good times.
2. Zombie spy. Scout out all those buildings that you couldn't tear the barricades off of, take notes, and tell the horde. This is frowned upon in some circles but if Kevan didn't want you doing it, you wouldn't be able to. Feel free to bust down barricades with your Crowbar if you're so inclined. If you're feeling particularly mean, overbarricade the resource buildings while you're at it.
3. Death cultist! Remember that Axe and those guns? Track down the punk that combat revived you and do some combat devival instead. Go after his friends if you'd like as well. The best part of it is, some survivor will have to use yet more AP's to kill you for it, making you a zombie again. Great, huh?
4. All-out griefing. Change tags creatively. (Turning "Entry point: Keep at VSB" to "Keep at EHB" is a favorite, as is changing "Revive Point" to "Revive Point CLOSED, Revives now at [false location].") Smash generators in malls, warehouses, NT buildings and hospitals. (This is particularly bad with the new search protocol.) Tear down barricades on buildings under siege. Overbarricade entry points. Go into heavily crowded areas, such as malls, and accuse random people of being PK'ers, GK'ers, or zombie spies. (Spraypaint it around as well. People listen better to tags for some reason.)

Brief stints of life for a zombie are a blessing in disguise if you're ready to take advantage of them.

The war of humans vs. zombies will be won by AP's and AP's alone. Whatever you do as a zombie, always consider how best your AP's may be spent. Shredding that injured Level 1 newbie that got caught outside the barricades is fun and easy XP's, but did you need the XP's? Upon entering a mall or safehouse, don't go for the quick kill if you don't need the XP's; instead, kill the important people. (NT's, barricaders, and headshotters are your best choices. Or better yet, bite everyone in the room once, smash their genny, and move on to the next room. It usually takes more AP's to find a First Aid Kit than it does to bite someone and Infect them and some of them won't have FAK's at all, meaning that they'll lose HP while searching for one and it'll cost them even more AP's.) If there's an active defender, bite them once and move on; they'll probably run. If they stay, let them attack and keep refreshing, and be ready to hit that Stand Up button. They'll have essentially traded most or all of their AP and ammunition for 6 AP of yours. This is one of the most effective tactics that a zombie can use. Theoretically, a Superzed could wear out seven or eight defenders before AP'ing out; done several times, a mall would be essentially defenseless for 24 hours. Think about that.

Edited to add: if you're not already a maxed out zombie, disregard the above. Focus on maxing out. If you find yourself human, DO get the armor, DO get Bodybuilding, and DO get Diagnosis. The rest should wait until you're maxed out. Brain Rot should be the absolute LAST skill you ever get, as it'll be very hard to be a human again. Put it off until you have all the human skills and equipment that you want.
Got ya, Ted. Joe Fabulous Graaaghed back atcha.

Dave, great advice. I got my zombie bodybuilding and a flak jacket when he was still level two. Some zombie hunter would waste his whole day's AP on little ol' me instead of the big dogs in the horde.
Dang it, my main zombie is a human right now. He's hanging out in a police station trying to get a flak jacket. The problem is he keeps getting pistols, pistol clips, shotguns, shotgun shells, and flare guns on like every other search. WTH!!! My survivor can't ever find enough pistol clips or shotgun shells, but now he has 4 flak jackets!

BTW - Nasty, I went looking for zombies by the hospital and almost got trapped outside. Managed to get inside, but I'm in another suburb right now. I wanna see what their PD has to offer.

Ted W.
GRS arrived in Santlerville last night. No wonder you guys like it so much -- a hospital and two NT buildings within three blocks of a mall! You're all spoiled rotten. When I was your age, the NT building was three 'burbs away from the mall and it was an uphill trip both ways, and I liked it.

Anyway, it seems like a nice enough 'burb and I did notice a lot of cracked buildings on my way in. I'll probably stick around for a while and help out. I'm currently well stocked with FAKs, syringes, and ammunition, so let me know if anything's popping. Tonight's focus will be on scrounging up some more shotgun ammo and getting a feel for the area but I'm on call.

Are the Binning Monument and Santlerville Cemetary revive points still active, and are there any others? And what's the rotter situation?
I still say they need at least one skeet range for folks who prefer a shotgun...I throw away more pistols and clips then I could ever use.
I tend to keep about as many pistols as shotguns for finishing off nearly dead targets and so I don't have to waste any ammo finds. And speaking of which, GRS wound up spending the night in the mall hogging ammo and FAK's. Inventory's full, so I should be ready for action tomorrow night.

SGR the Superzed, on his way to Fort Perryn, got sidetracked on a NT building in Crowbank that was only lightly barricaded. After kicking the door in, lo and behold! A crowd of harmanz! In a rare streak of luck I bit and Infected every single occupant and had AP to spare. I Groaned several times and spent my last few AP's Death Rattling trash talk at the survivors. I won't repeat what I said here but it was a doozy. They're going to love me after this.

If the ferals don't show up soon I'll eat a Headshot for sure. I'm torn between continuing my journey, harassing the NT building, or camping their revive point and wasting their syringes. (I try to always spend the night in one; it cuts the Headshots down to one every two or three days and burns up 3-5 syringes per day, on average.) We'll see.

My third unnamed character, currently a zombie, made his way to the Pole Mall just in time for the festivities. The upper left corner was at QS so he kicked the door down and joined the battle already going on inside. I don't think that Pole Mall is going to last much longer.

Good times, good times.
Since Pole Mall seems like so much fun, I decided to move one of my survivor characters there :) I'll be there tomorrow, gotta kill a PKer first.
Pole Mall belongs to the ZOMBIES!!!! Whoohoo!

My survivor is hanging out with some heavy hitters from the HI forums. He's in awe to be in such famous company.:)
Pole is empty...I ransacked...it was a hollow victory.

Which building now holds the most tasty snacks?
And I ransacked it again. Pole Mall has been pwned.

The FD just north of it had two survivors left in it...well, one, now. The stadium's still locked up. I suppose that we'll deal with that tomorrow.
One of my survivors is at Pole Mall now. I wont tell where exactly :D
Link to his profile: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=401149

The other survivor has joined the HI group in Santlerville. I have been in Santlerville for quite a while, it's getting calm. I'll be staying w/ you for a while and then move back to my safehouse and work on a nearby revive point to help unfortunate survivors. If you want to know the location, let me know.
Link to his profile: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=465058

There's another survivor/zombie at Pitneybank somewhere - SGR, is that any of you guys? Just saw him destroy a generator, and he was alive :eek:
Profile: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=473779

The zombie is happily destroying buildings in Yagoton. :D
Link: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=467092

Take care everyone,


SGR is mine. That character is a career zombie that finally purchased Brain Rot in order to prevent being combat revived...and they combat revived me anyway, so now I'm on another generator destruction spree. They will learn eventually.

GRS is my character in Santlerville. I'm quite well behaved there, aside from punching Nasty once. (Don't worry, I healed him afterwards.)

The free agent is a zombie around the Pole Mall. No sense in tipping my hand just yet.
It's interesting how schizophrenic this game makes you. Same es you, may characters have totally different ways of behavior. both survivors, queso verde and richardallengeorge dont pk unless attacked. the guy that saw you destroy the generator has been quietly killing other players as well :D
the zombie doesn't care much. i am currently hunting people that combat revive me. anyone still active in Yagoton?
I hate bumping old threads, but this belongs in this thread: have any of you guys heard of this?


It's another browser-based game. The guy running the show is Jorm, who is (or was, anyway) a UD player. It's sadly lacking in zombies but is much more refined and complex than UD, and your AP refresh twice per day instead of once. There is no IP hit limit either.

It went beta about two weeks ago so the deck isn't completely stacked against new arrivals.