WARNING: To NYC Residents & Tourists

I am having some trouble finding an electronic copy of this this document so I am transcribing here. On the reverse side of the Property Voucher is this text.


The person from whose possession property was taken should retain and safeguard the voucher.

In order to obtain the return of property, the claimant or a representative authorized by a notarixed letter to claim the property will be required to submit, in person or by mail, the foucher and proper identification to the office of the police Property Clerk. The property may be disposed of by the police Property Clerk according to the law, unless the claimant demands the property no later than 120 days after the termination of criminal proceedings.

A claimant demanding the return of property other than arrest evidence does NOT require a District Attorney's release and may make such demand whether or not criminal proceedings have been instituted and, if instituted, whether or not such proceedings have been terminated.

A claimant demanding the return of arrest evidence from the Property Clerk should obtain, before making a demand, either a District Attorney's release or a supervising District Attorney's statement refusing to grant release, although presentation of either or both of these documents to the Property Clerk is NOT required for making a timely demand. If deman for the property is made without a District Attorney's release or a supervising District Attorney's statement, the claimant shall have 270 days from the demand to obtain a District Attorney's release or a supervising District Attorney's statement refusing to grant a release. If a release or a statement refusing to grant a release is not provided to the Property Clerk within 270 days of the demand, the property may be disposed of according to law.

If a claimant timely provides the Property Clerk with a District Attorney's statement refusing to grant a release, the clamant must, when the District Attorney no longer needs the property, obtain and submit to the Police Department a District Attorney's release.

Also of _minor_ interest due to the fact that guns get preferable treatment:


All firearms, rifles and shotguns deposited for safekeeping must be reclaimed or disposed of by the owner within one (1) year of the date of deposit. After the exiration of one (1) year, the firearm, rifle or shotgun will be disposed of by the Property Clerk pursuant to law, without further notice.
icorbett, Look up Bernard Levine on this forum and click on his link to state laws, under NY you will see the NYC Admin code and this is the section that tells you that it must be concealled. As for getting the knife back, the ONLY remotely possible way is for you to get a fishing license and inform the judge that you will then be able to lawfully own it and it is a gift that has value to you. What you posted is the back of the standard property voucher, and at this point your knife is still evidence. As for tanto blades, spear blades and that type, they are looked at as weapons. The most widely known tanto was the Cold Steel model from the early 1980s that was advertised as being able to pentrate a vest....this made that style an instant "bad" knife with LEOs everywhere.
Just two words: Mayor Bloomberg. God help us if he wins the presidential nomination! :thumbdn:
Still cant find the Admin Code or requirement for concealment even on Bernard Levine's page. The only mention of concealment I can find on that page is NYS law, not NYC law.

- "Accused's possession of knife in case attached to his
belt, with long handle protruding and case sheathing blade
concealed inside accused's trousers, did not constitute
violation... absent evidence of design on accused's part
to use the knife unlawfully." (1974)

Now if only that applied in the city...

On the other hand, I am all too familiar with the wonder that Cold Steel and some of the other manufacturers have done for us with their vest and even car door penetration marketing, however in the case of CRKT my understanding is that they consulted with emergency and rescue workers to pick the designs to market to them. I dont think I really expect any Paramedic/EMT/Fire to have much interest in stabbing anything and yet across the board that is the design they have chosen... I mean WTF!
icorbett, the NYC admin code says it can not be visible, the NYS Penal Law does not mention that a concealled knife is illegal....therefore you can carry it concealled.....OK ? I am a former NYC LEO....that is the law

Fantastic! I have actually been asking around for exactly that piece of advice for a while now. Ive asked both on and off duty officers and none of them gave me quite so straight an answer. I definitely appreciate all the responses you have given here!
icorbett, the confusion on this is from the old Sulliavn law that did ban any concealled weapon. The present NYS Penal Law is about 30 years old now and does not state anything about a knife being concealled or carried openly. Mayor Kock added the ban on open carry for NYC when the law was added to the Admin Code in the late 1980s.
It does seem strange that NYC would basically go a full 180* off most of the rest of the country with that law/admin code however I suppose not all that different from other aspects of the law here. Sadly this likely makes it even more unlikely that the manufacturers will create knives that can be sold and/or carried for regular use out here.

I do wonder how LEOs and the courts would feel about sheepsfoot or other knives blunted against stabbing in some other way. Perhaps something along the lines of the Benchmade "trainers" but with an edge along only the inner edge. While these are generally rather rare it does seem like a potential means for compromise.
.....did anyone ever believe that he was a Republican?

Of course not. His problem was, there were ethnic Democrats fighting it out for the nomination. If he entered the race as the registered Democrat he had always been, he would have had to defeat both of them in the primary, thereby alienating their communities' votes.

By running as a Republican, he was effectively uncontested, and went into the general election without big negatives. From then on, it was his money against nothing much.

It was all politics, not policy.
icorbett, there are some knives that are legal ( if not used as a weapon). Any lockback that you can tighten the blade on ( either buy a srcew or peening with a hammer) can be legal if you maintain the tight blade. I now manage commerical real estate and have to go through several metal dectors a week for meeting with our office/retail tenants, so I bought a dozen cheap knives that I don't care if I lose ( these http://eknifeworks.com/webapp/eComm...xt=&list=50&range=1&order=PriceAsc&SKU=210580) so they are a useful knife but they are cheap enough to get rid of if a night club won't let you in with it, and they are a "legal" knife....
King Bloomberg is spending millions every year to punish law abiding citizens and businesses across the U.S. who buy and sell knives and firearms. He's enlisted numerous mayors from across the country and is illegally circumventing the Constitution and federal law by imposing his personal agenda upon citizens outside of NY. He's already been reprimanded by the BATF for this crap, but he continues anyway. Don't worry about him running for president right now because his reach and power will be unlimited anyway should Hillary get in the White House.

Meanwhile, firehouses in NYC are closing down because of budget cuts and rookie NYPD officers make peanuts. But Bloomberg's army of lawyers are making lots of money, funded by the taxpayers.

The NRA has strongly opposed Bloomberg at every turn and they are perhaps our last hope for organized opposition to this communist dictator. Although their focus is on firearms, I would suggest you send them a letter or an email regarding your situation. At the very least, they will spread word about your situation to their members, some of whom may have suggestions. Also, their ILA (Institute for Legisative Action) seems to take interest in situations like this.

Good luck.
Speaking of which, does anyone know if KnifeRights.org is going to be a bipartisan advocacy group? This would, I think, be the best approach. There are Republicans that want to ban pocketknives, and there are Democrats that want to be able to carry. Honestly, I don't believe that a group that is just going to be a knife version of the NRA will be effective, and a group that only supports Republicans? Please, like that would make a difference in NYC.

I'm very interested in this issue, so if anyone can shed light on how kniferights plans to do advocacy, I would be very appreciative.