Well I’m sick


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2012
Had to go to urgent care this afternoon to get tested for COVID. I started feeling bad Wed and getting worst. My wife said I have all the signs of the virus. The doctor said she’s sure I have it. So much so that we bet lunch at Panda Express on it. Hope whatever has got me right now moves on quickly. Just hope it’s not this stuff as my immune system is a bit low because of my cancer. Fingers crossed it passes quickly without the major symptoms some have experienced.
Damn Bob. I hope you get through this quickly. Hang in there buddy.
Hope it turns out to be nothing and you're back to your BDB self quickly.
Your winning attitude will see you through :thumbsup:

See - laughing helps :D

Sorry to hear this Bob. :( I wish you the best.
I hope it passes quickly too. Thinking and praying for you brother. Please keep us posted. watch out for the rest of the fam too.
Had to go to urgent care this afternoon to get tested for COVID. I started feeling bad Wed and getting worst. My wife said I have all the signs of the virus. The doctor said she’s sure I have it. So much so that we bet lunch at Panda Express on it. Hope whatever has got me right now moves on quickly. Just hope it’s not this stuff as my immune system is a bit low because of my cancer. Fingers crossed it passes quickly without the major symptoms some have experienced.
Get well brother and start working on boosting you immune system!
Well the doctor just called me to confirm that I do have COVID. This sucks as I have to isolate and quarantine for 10-14 days. Well at least I now know why I feel like complete shit.
Hang in there Bob, and have faith. You're in our prayers.

I'm certain Alayna and I already had this virus, back in Jan and Feb Before the announcement had even been made We had ALL of the original and symptoms, some unique to Covid-19, that the doctors were announcing originally but weeks before those were released. Back before some out there decided it wasn't being as effective as they'd like, and needed it to create more fear than it was creating organically, and started conflating the data of every death in the world as a Covid death, so it could have an appearance of having more symptoms than it actually has. We tested negative for flu and strep, so it was diagnosed as an upper respiratory infection and treated as such with Z packs. We had the annoyingly painful unproductive cough that I treated with lots of big doses of guaifenesin. We had the aches and pains I treated with Tylenol for her and ibuprofen for me because we were also treating high fevers. We had stomach issues we had to just deal with, and we generally felt like crap for a few weeks. Her fever spiked to 104 one night and mine to 103.8, and then the fevers went away, and then the other symptoms slowly went away. The loss of sense of smell was really disconcerting and annoying at first, but it eventually passed as well.

I still have some annoying residual breathing capacity issues that I am still working on rebuilding through exercise, because I am 55 and I smoked for several years before quitting 4 years ago it probably hit me harder than most non smokers who spend time outside in the open who have healthier immune systems than the people who smoke or spend their lives in hepa-filtered environments, or even worse both and have severely weakened their immune systems over the years. Thank God I quit when I did, or I think it would have hit me much harder, but luckily I did and have always spent a lot of time actually exposed to our atmosphere. I think smoking and hepa-filtered environments probably play an important roll in the lethality of this virus, but the media (and some other powers that be) doesn't seem to want to talk about anything that gives any useful or helpful info, or want us to have access to such information the way they snatch it down so quickly. They seem to just want to weaponize fear, despair, and hopelessness. I would suggest not binge-watching the msm bullshit and agendized sit-coms and docu-dramas while you're convalescing if you want to heal faster. negative emotions and feelings only impede healing time.
Wow Bob, that news is a real bummer. First cancer, then a major motorcycle accident, and now COVID. Somebody on this forum must have a voodoo doll with your name on it. You have certainly had more than your share of major trials.

I will keep you in my prayers my friend so that this too will quickly pass without any lasting complications.

Get well and stay well.

Well that is a total downer. I thought I had it back in May, but "It was only pneumonia." Can't even begin to think about actually having it. Hope you get the easy ride. If you need anything, please ask. there's nothing we like to do more than to help someone. Don't take that away from us by not asking!