What’s your specialty??

Originally posted by T. Erdelyi
Hey buzz what's your favorite SAK?

Hmmmm...... With so many great SAKs, it's quite tough to choose a favorite. I guess I'd have to choose the Huntsman for sentimental reasons. The Huntsman was my first. It's also got a killer set of outdoor tools. For straight functionality, I'd go for the Camper. The Camper is slim enough to fit in a pocket, but has all the basics for outdoor survival. But then there's the Cybertool 34, which gets a lot of carry. If you work on computers for a living, it's hard to beat the Cybertool. The screwdriver set on that knife is simply amazing. Oh, but I can't forget the Tradesman. The locking blade on that baby is awesome, and the grips are very ergonomic for a slipjoint. I also dig the indestructo' nylon scales.

I'm just getting ready to do my first SAK customization and make some of my own scales. I'm thinking micarta would look pretty nifty.....
Funny you mention the camper..My brother bought me a SAK when he was in Europe 7-8 years ago, I have just recently inquired as to which model it is by comparing it to all the ones for sale online, guess what, it's camper, and I totally love it! I believe one of these and a small gerber ax are about ideal for the majority of "survival" scenarios.
I collect all kinds of knives but there are two categories that really stand out:
1) Swiss Army Knives, both Vics and Wengers. I have quite a nice collection of SAKs and I can't help but look at other models whenever I see them.

2) Knives with different locks. The lockback, axis-lock, liner-lock, phantom-lock, bladelock, latch-lock, Opinel style lock, pac-lock, compression-lock, frame-lock...
If I see a knife with some type of lock I don't have then I'll probably buy it, even if the knife is'nt that great otherwise.

Good luck,
Specialize you say..............hmmm. I guess I would say that I would like to get some more
Smith's, Carson's, and Obenauf's......Oh MY!
I like them all and have examples from many categories (custom and production), but gravitate to forged daggers and custom multiblades.

At that I still get wound up over a well excuted tactical or auto. (put a Carson in front of me and I drool, put a Carson auto in front of me and I might loose all control) I also order the occasional art knife, but it will always be a knife first and foremost.
For me its the following, in Order;

Ruana knives

Stag Handled Randalls

Fixed Blade Customs

I'm starting to learn about older CASE knives and can see adding this to my collecting interests.

I'm always looking to add to my collections!
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects ."

Robert A. Heinlein
Any kit that I can convince myself that I might someday actually use out in the wild.

maximus otter
Definately Tactical Folders. Luv em

Plus I don't know about you guys but I'd rather have 3 or 4 Benchmades than one custom job!;)
"Tactical folders" are my nitch. Anything automatic, assisted opening, or quick opening puts the smile on my face! :)
Originally posted by Ron Andersen
"Tactical folders" are my nitch. Anything automatic, assisted opening, or quick opening puts the smile on my face! :)

Almost exactly what I'm into minus the autos since they're illegal in Canada.