What about "The 'Vegas?"


Musical Director
Mar 22, 1999
Is the man in my "Why is this man smiling?" picture smiling because he's looking at this mysterious rumored Bali-Song called, "The Vegas?"


Yes, The Vegas exists, but it's already been shipped... and not Los Vegas for Shot Show but to Hollywood.

You see, The Vegas is not a prototype of a new product. The Vegas is not an exhibit for Shot Show. It's a prop for an upcoming MAJOR (and I do mean MAJOR) motion picture. (Think Big Stars and Big Budgets!)

What new movie?

I can't tell you.

Why can't I tell you?

Because when they make movies, they start out with all sorts of ideas and plans and end up cutting many of them out. Maybe a scene just didn't turn out as well as expected. Maybe they decide not to use it for technical or artistic reasons, maybe they just end up running a little bit to long. So, there is no guarantee that the balisong scenes will end up in the finished movie. If they decide not to use The Vegas, I don't want everyone thinking of this movie as "The movie that left the balisong on the cutting room floor."

So, there you have it: the truth about The Vegas.
By the way, even without The Vegas, Benchmade does have a couple of new things they'll be revealing at Shot Show.
Thank you for clearing that up, Chuck! That would be nice if the Vegas actually gets through the whole process! :) And even though I really want to know, your reasoning for not telling us makes sense.
Originally posted by Gollnick
Is the man in my "Why is this man smiling?" picture smiling because he's looking at this mysterious rumored Bali-Song called, "The Vegas?" No.
So, you are not denying that the man could be Vance Collver? And since it's not the "Vegas" is it the 49-SPL #10 that was sent to the awards then?

Hey, considering I never met Vance and have no clue as to what he looks like, other than that he has a beard, if I'm right, I'll be very pleasantly surprised.... :D
Big movie...big budget... one of the Matrix sequels?

And Chuck why do have to be such a tease all the time?

I believe Mr. Gollnick's tone was a tad too.. thrilled.. if the case of using a balisong was in a villian's hands. Perhaps what he said was the extent of his knowledge, but.. knowing Chuck (not that I do).. there's always a little something he keeps to himself beyond the obvious.

Mr. Gollnick would be the mastermind in the Bond movie where Bond dies and he achieves world domination.. because he keeps his evil plans to himself. The Evil Musical Director's carefully orchestrated plot reveals itself to the crowd only a little at a time, piece by piece, until it's too late for it to be stopped.. then all will marvel in the glory that is the finale.


Besides, knowing that there's something you don't know is almost as fun as actually finding out about it. I'm entertained ;)
Funny how you happen to use the James Bond reference.... ;)

An additional bit of trivia; the reason Vance called it the "Vegas" was because he felt it was too "flashy" after he sawed the completed product.
If it's in Bond 20 that'd be awesome!
new car, new bali ;)

If it isn't that, my guesses are:
Red Dragon (began filming recently)
Men in Black 2 (filming is probably done though)
Matrix: Reloaded

that's all I can think of right now
The Benchmade crew has a team of people presently.., that is probably as good as it will ever get.., also very nice people.., with tons of integrity related to confidentiality, and professionalism.

Unless we were employed there.., the knowedgebase of what any of us know for sure.., will be limited by the those principles I mentioned above.

I think BM provides us with a really amazing amount information as appropriate to maintaining fairness and a pragmatic approach to the marketing domain.

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Mr. Gollnick would be the mastermind in the Bond movie where Bond dies and he achieves world domination..

"Patch me through to the balisong forum secret meeting room..."


"Your agent Dawkind in now part of the nose cone on my missile! This missile will be launched in exactly 48 hours. Unless, that is, unless the world pays me... One Million Dollars!"


"Oh, right...

That is unless the world pays me... one... hundred... billion dollars!

There's only one thing. I'm missing the chip that controls my satellite. That chip is the insert material in the latest Dobruski custom and I want it back!"


scene changes to balisongXtreme headquarters...

"With the balisong, he rules the world.... without the balisong, he destroys it...

But that's not what The BalisongCollector really wants."

"You don't mean"

"Yes! Sniperboy! That's what The BalisongCollector wants and that's what we're gonna give him"

"But you remember what happened last time Sniperboy went into the the line of fire...

It's a good thing Tonyccw is a strong swimmer."

scene shifts to secret BalisongCollector lair...

"I'm going to place Sniperboy in an easily escapable situation involving an overly exotic death.

Guards! Start the unnecessarily slow fllipping mechanism!"

"You don't really expect them to pay, do you?"

"No, Sniperboy, I expect them to DIE!"
After reading Chuck's "mini" dialog, I'm going to guess it might have something to do with the new Austin Powers "Goldmember" movie. I know he's an Austin Powers fan. He may think he's Austin or maybe he thinks he's Dr. Evil or maybe even Mini Me.:D Only he knows!:)

Originally posted by Don Rearic

Does the movie happen to feature Tommy Lee Jones? :)

:eek:Hell, my first movie!:eek:

"Your agent Dawkin in now part of the nose cone on my missile! This missile will be launched in exactly 48 hours. Unless, that is, unless the world pays me... One Million Dollars!"

Thanks Chuck, the Academy, everyone on the Fourms, my mom, etc., etc., etc................:cool::rolleyes::p:D
Originally posted by Dawkind
Hell, my first movie!
Sorry Dawkind Tommy's not in this one... But on the bright side, it's rumored to star Halle Berry :)
Originally posted by Dawkind


Thanks Chuck, the Academy, everyone on the Fourms, my mom, etc., etc., etc................:cool::rolleyes::p:D

If only their speeches could be so short Dudley.., I'm copying and pasting to the Academy as an outline for future use. :)

Fun post Chuck! Thanks!

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"