What SAK are ya totin' today?

I have no idea what was said, but I love those old Mitchell reels and still use one frequently when fishing out of the boat:thumbsup:
I have a Mitchell reel my Dad bought for me when I was a kid and when he passed 13 years ago I got his. I use them both, great reels!

Recruit today. A serrated version
Paul, I may have to try and score a set of those green scales, I like them!

Thanks Jim, I like them so much I placed an order for a pair of 91mm. I admire yours and the one's Buzz has posted as well. I did tweak them a little. I got an ultra fine point sharpie and blacked in the cross. I like them even better now:thumbsup:

We've been in a ten day cold snap with the worst to come this weekend, then FINALLY a warm up is in sight:cool::cool::cool:
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Thanks Jim, I like them so much I placed an order for a pair of 91mm. I admire yours and the one's Buzz has posted as well. I did tweak them a little. I got an ultra fine point aharpie and blacked in the cross. I like them even better now:thumbsup:

We've been in a ten day cold snap with the worst to come this weekend, then FINALLY a warm up is in sight:cool::cool::cool:
I've done some quick conversions and that's way to cold!!! ❄️☃️

Nice cross
Paul, I think your scales are made by someone different than mine. I like the rounded edges yours has better than the ones I got. The cross is a bit different too.
I've done some quick conversions and that's way to cold!!! ❄️☃️

Nice cross
Thanks Dan, when Duncan and I talk a common topic is the difference in temps from ND to NZ so I'm learning a rounded version of Fahrenheit to Celsius, but here's the conversion on our coldest overnight temp so far in 2021...along with my Recruit again:thumbsup:

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