What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?



Nice Case Barlows Stuart! :eek: :thumbsup:

Looking good Dean :cool: :thumbsup:

Great lines on that Dozier Gary :) :thumbsup:

Some people might also object to being expected to suck the pocket lint of others.
I use kitchen knives in the kitchen too, except for halving an English muffin or peeling an apple or such for myself.

Love that line Jer! :D :thumbsup:

Week's started wet, windy, and miserable here :( Hope it's not like this until May! :eek: :D Have a great week folks :thumbsup: Carrying these two today :thumbsup:

A BEAUTY Gev and I too wish Mark would engage this forum more. I know he's dedicated himself to a life changing project over the last four or five months. We do text and talk at least once or twice a week which I enjoy:thumbsup:

Thank you Paul ! I can't wait to hear the news :thumbsup:

A beauty...I’ve always liked his Fishbone Barlows.

Thank you and yes...Mark is an artist indeed:)
So civilized! A friend of mine goes home to England every year and returns with 12 kilos of tea. Nice knife too!

12 Kilos of tea! :eek: Crikey! Mind you that would of lasted my Grandad about a week. I drink about a cup a day :thumbsup:

Absolutely smashing Donn :thumbsup: Is your sausage-roaster homemade? :thumbsp:

No apparently it was two quid from Wilko's. End of summer sale though.