What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

Hope y’all have a great day! I’m carrying these two today! :)


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Thanks GT! Nice work on the veggies, they didn’t stand a chance :).
Thanks, Tom; I'm the master of most vegetables I meet. :) Your red jigged 2-blade folder is A-1!

Camillus #70 , inside today as it's dull and snowing outside .
Nice photo of a bewitching knife, Steve! :thumbsup::thumbsup: How did you light that pic?

... Unfortunately about 5 minutes after the first pic was taken a slip with cold fingers ended with a good chunk of thumb semi-detached:eek: after replacing said chunk I applied a workmans band aid, a piece of napkin from lunch, and electrical tape. The blade is so sharp I didn't even feel the cut, or its 27°f and its numb:confused:
David, here's what my grandpa always said, in his Dutch immigrant accent, to my 2 younger brothers and me whenever we came to him with injuries ranging from scraped shins, to sucker spear through a foot, to finger sliced open to bone: "Yah, ya gotta be more careful!" :rolleyes: (How about less advice and more first aid, Gramps! :p)

I just received a parcel from Rob @rockman0 and what a parcel it is! Amongst a whole bunch of chocolate bars, a really cool convenient single pack of Spam :p was
a 2018 Buffalo Horn Lambsfoot :eek::thumbsup: Rob also added a modified Case Barlow and a Red Rider pocket knife. :D What can I say I'm overwhelmed Rob, at your generosity and thoughtfulness, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
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Congrats, Dave, on a treasure trove! :thumbsup::cool: Kudos to Rob for his kind and thoughtful generosity! :thumbsup::)

I'm totin' an old friend today: an Ulster serpentine jack (1876-1941). In addition to the swaged spear main tip, two-thirds of the pile side of the pen is swaged. It slices!
For a trip to my local watering hole later today, I am peer pressured by several posts herein to tote this Needham Bros. swell center jack (1860-1953).
- Stuart
Those look like a couple of manly jacks in the prime of their manhood, Stuart!! :cool::cool:

Killer Camillus Barlow, Wayne! :eek::thumbsup:

Gary and Buzz - you both have the treasure of Pioneers; and well loved at that. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thanks, Dean. :)

Today's carry (a gift from 5K Qs - thanks Gary!) is a Victorinox Farmer.
You're welcome, Dean; I hope you get many years of service from that good-looking Farmer! :cool::thumbsup:

...As always
As always, my heart skips a beat when I see your glorious checkered bone 78! :eek::thumbsup::cool:

Up to 15F! Time to ski!...
Great pic of your bone gunstock in a winter wonderland! :):thumbsup:

Today is Toothy Tuesday! :D...
Your Rodgers pen rocks, Rachel! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I love this trapper, but I have such a hard time not carrying the stockman. It is just so useful for me. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t use every single blade on it for something. ...
Handsome pair of knives, but when it comes to using, I'm with you and would choose the stockman almost every time. ;):thumbsup:

I noticed the package was opened by customs, I think there's an officer sitting there eating my Kale!! :mad:
Those customs guys are notorious for their healthy approach to confiscation, Dave! :D:thumbsup:

Thanks Gary! I’ve got some oak end tables that would get torched before my Ironwood Bigun!! :p:eek:

:thumbsup:;) I like the looks of that Honey Bone Buck Canoe Gary. :thumbsup::cool:
"Burn furniture before knives!" Words to live by, Ron! :p Thanks for the canoe compliment :); the honey bone model is essentially a smooth bone version of your jigged bone Buck canoe - nice knives.

No, don't know who the patron saint of cutlery is, but I will try to find out!
St. Vincent is one of my patron saints. He is also the patron saint of vinegar-makers and wine-makers, I've read.
He is the protomartyr of Spain, and died in 304 anno domini.
(This is also the 30th anniversary of my father's death.)
Nice tribute to your father to remember the day of his passing, Vince. :thumbsup: My Mom died 30 years ago last October, basically a month after my daughter turned 30. Sad they never got to know each other. :(

You have a lot of nice canoes. How many different makers? Do you have a favourite? It's a great pattern: a spear and a pen is a marvelous combination.
Thanks, Vince. :) I think I currently have at least 45 canoes from at least 15 different companies. Picking ONE favorite would be difficult; I'd almost certainly choose one of my stag models. I think a lot of this Mohawk canoe made in Germany for AG Russell:

Well, GT, I mix it up for the men's breakfast. For quite awhile I was feeding them blueberry pancakes, but I am cutting way down on my carbs, and the butter that I have to slather on my pancakes, so yes, they've been getting more stuff like what's in today's picture dumped into about 60 scrambled eggs. However, that picture today was all mine.:D:cool:
One time I cooked up a big pot of oatmeal with all the fixins, like raisins, blueberries, walnuts, and cinnamon as well as a huge plate of fresh cut fruit.

They hated it. They were nice about it, but a cook can tell these things.:D

Thank you for the kind words about my Telecaster copy!
That ivory colored Colonial sure is fetching. I have a Colonial in cocobolo, but yours must be much more rare.
I call eggs and veggies cooked up together "egg stuff"; one of my favorites, with toast and pork&beans. :) I'd have given you two thumbs up for enhanced oatmeal! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Do you think my ivory-colored Colonial electrician has synthetic handles? Or bone? On that recent pic, you can see lots of dark "imperfections" which make me think bone. But most of my Colonian experience has been with very inexpensive clam-shell clad models.

These on this snowy day :...
Exquisite examples of stag on the Henckells and ram's horn on the Lionsteel, Harry! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks GT, some great photos there :thumbsup:

Cold weather here, carrying a large pocket-knife and a small FB :rolleyes: :thumbsup:...
Thanks, Jack. :) Your big peaches and cream knife is a looker! :cool::cool:

Special and functional knife...;):thumbsup:
:D:D Thanks, Senhor Pinto!

Because today is Wednesday, walks in my pocket this beautiful English knife...;):thumbsup:...
Your Rodgers Jack looks VERY handsome! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks GT! It's a 2018 Guardians lambsfoot. No symptoms of a cold, I just like the taste :D:thumbsup: Our conversation on licorice triggered me to buy a tin as it was a long time ago I had some :)
Congrats on the lambsfoot, Mark. Have you become an "official" Guardian posting in that thread? Have your requested that your location be added to the recent Google map of where Guardians live around the world? Yes, black licorice is "lekker"! ;)

I’m toting one from Sheffield and one from Soligen this morning! :D
Spanning the globe with beautiful knives, Ron! ;):thumbsup:

Tremendous tree-based trio, Joshua, displaying some of wood's variety! :cool::thumbsup:

Watch pocket knife this week is a Rough Rider mini canoe:

Big Knife of the Week is a Case amber bone stainless Sodbuster Jr (from the @mrknife never-ending GAW):

Miscellaneous Knife this week is a small "naked" Imperial serpentine jack I call the Silver Bullet (thanks, Dave):

- GT