• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request

What's going on in your shop? Show us whats going on, and talk a bit about your work!

For some reason I really enjoy making these... 8670 with elk, leather, bubinga, g10 with dowel reinforcement and nickel silver hardware. I'll be edging the sheath, final finishing the blade and gluing up the handle later today I hope. Unfortunately, real life duties are tugging on meIMG_3430.JPG
Edit after dark, real life won out, no glue up today!!
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I haven't seen anything keep an edge like this K390 stuff yet. A bit of field testing this weekend, no chipping and shaving sharp still..
In a month I am bringing it on a moose hunt, and hopefully will try som proper skinning then.


MagnaCut, brass, and zebrawood. I made this for a "bushcrafter" friend that wanted to be able to strike a ferro rod with the spine when closed, so I put in a stop pin instead of just the traditional kick system. Then he can't compress the blade edge into the spring. The spine was also left pretty sharp for the purpose. The action is crazy nice, but I've been conditioned over the past year to cringe when I hear that very recognizable "slap" sound when the blade impacts the spring on close (blade rap). Unfortunately, the stop pin impacting the choil area also makes the same sound! So there is no blade rap, but it sounds like there is.
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Howdy everyone,
I've recently finished this chopper brut de forge. O1 steel for the blade, lapacho wood and red fiber for the scales and copper tubes.

This is a fighter with integral bolster forged in 1070 steel. It is my first attemp of clay selective hardening. Unfortunately, the clay came off during hardening, so the blade tuned out fully handened.

This is some kind of "art knife". The idea is to represent a fighter with an integral guard with the shape of an anvil. The blade is forged in firestorm pattern damascus steel. I will call this blade as "ephestus", remembering the god of the forge and fire.

Fourth and fifth are a kukri and a fighter with integral D-guard/knukles.
The kukri got a big warp after hardening, I think that i leave it too skiny before hardening... I don't know if I'll can fix it.
The other one turned out great, Now I a have to hand sanding it and polish.

Best regards.
I haven't seen anything keep an edge like this K390 stuff yet. A bit of field testing this weekend, no chipping and shaving sharp still..
In a month I am bringing it on a moose hunt, and hopefully will try som proper skinning then.


I bet you were planing that color match from the very start. Jealous of fishing AND the knife :)
Forging out a 26c3 gyuto. I tried to get most shaping done by forging, as well as at least a good portion of a distal taper, and some forging of the bevels. This picture was well before I finished forging, but after it started to actually look like a knife.

It's honestly not too fun forging without actual tongs lol, at least with a steel like 26c3, that doesn't seem to want to move too readily. I ended up with a piece of flying steel as it slipped out of the pliers more than once, and once it got me on the arm.


This is a solution I found to not having a large enough container of vermiculite. It actually seems to be cooling slower than when I use vermiculite (maybe it's just the stuff I have). But yeah i had this piece of ceramic wool laying around, and it seemed perfect for this.

With how it finished forging. I'll still need to clean up the profile, and definitely everything in general, but I feel like there's a good bit less steel wasted.
Here's what happened in my shop tonight: I carelessly placed a spring and, more importantly, a good spring template on my car hood to take possession of a crying baby. Then a couple hours later drove off, returned home, got kids to bed, then went back to work only to realize that my spring and template are somewhere along 5 miles of road. Stuff like this makes me convinced I have a strangle hold on the "dumbass of the community" award.
I tried out some acrylic liquid inlace material from TKS. “Abyss” is the flavor. This is for the tracking pillar handle on my grinder build.



Very easy to work. That’s at a 800 grit finish with a light buffing with brown tripoli. Hard to pickup the depth in photo, but there’s some pretty cool stuff going on.

Went rummaging in the scraps bin for this simple honyaki petty. W2 blade repurposed from a nakiri who's hamon flew to close to the sun. Auto hamon with a quick and dirty polish.

Handle is repurposed from a block I messed up when trying to drill perfect holes for a mono handle. Whipped it in half skimmed it off and threw some micarta in for a frame.
