Why INFI? What does it mean?

Where/ how the hell did you guys find this! At some point I have to stop hanging out here and do some actual work...
I'm amazed that there are so many die-hard Busse fans, and this has been able to remain uncommon knowledge for so long lol.

My guess, it's not an acronym, it's an abbreviation.

INFInitely Superior Proprietary Knife Steel sounded a little too braggadocios, so Jerry being the humble master metallurgist he is decided to shorten it to something a little more mysterious
..and ISPKS didn't roll off the tongue as well.
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DING DING DING, we got a winner. This is true. INFI is the crack of the knife world. Just one taste and you have to have more and we have all thought about selling our wife's wedding ring to get that grail we see listed on the forum sales site lol. It would be the most painful knife in history but it would be mine Mua ha ha ha. I digress.


I Need Further Income

[Climber Writes on 02-02-2022; a mere 20 years after this thread started... ]

'Taint nothing Necro~ about a thread that touts the merits of INFI Steel by J~ Busse.
Because it's going to last forever:
"To INFI-nity and Beyond!"
I think I heard an oddly helmeted little spaceman say that a few times in a most familiar voice; my mind is just Toying with the Story of who said it...
Just re-read this thread. I did; and found myself reading some posts for the first time, because life as I knew it ended in 2002; Glad to see my peeps missed me in 2011 and again in 2017...
Brought veritable tears to my eyes... Did a lot of missin' as well...
So, in Honor of those who asked then,
and for those in the Present who DO ask,
and for those in the Future who WILL ask,
and in Utter Heartfelt Respect for All Things Busse,
and strong items composed ala INFI,
I have penned a Summary in answer to the original thread question,
the question that Haunts all blademakers, blade-users, noobie blade wannabe'ers, and veteran blade aficionados: "What is INFI?"
Yeah, Twenty Years Later: (Is that called showing up fashionably late to the Party...?)
More Importantly:
Does that make this the Longest Running Thread on the BF/Bladeforums...?
Inquiring Minds wish to know...
Well, without further ado:

WHAT is INFI...?

INFI is:
8.5% Chromium, 1.3% Molybdenum,
0.95% Cobalt, 0.74% Nickel,
0.5% Carbon, 0.36% Vanadium
& 0.11% Nitrogen in an 87.54% Iron Matrix
for the remainder of the Steel Composition.
This Matrix of Seven Alloying Elements
is shape-ground in each design into an extremely usable knife configuration
Conformable to the human hand,
as well as Aesthetically Pleasing to the Eyes & Providing a Tactile Pleasure to the Touch.
Then INFI Blades are Heat Treated with the utmost care within a three-day process
unlike any other in the History of Humankind.
Some are slow to Realize:
Steel Heat Treatment counts for More than mere Steel Composition.
After steel hardening, a process itself Unrevealed by the makers as to its exact nature,
A Transversion-Wave Tempering is applied to each knife blade,
a Dynamic instead of Static application of heat
Coupled with a Cryogenic or extreme-sub-zero portion of the tempering.
(These) Perform at least three functions,
to draw off the high hardness
so as to reduce the innate brittleness of the hardening process.
thus (1) produce a greater amount of malleability than found elsewhere,
(2) refines the grain structure to unheard of proportions within a fine grain matrix
(3) to evenly distribute the various carbides --
formed by the alloying elements combined with the carbon -- throughout the Iron Matrix.
This results in Greater Cutting Ability & Edge Holding,
Toughness & Lateral Strength.
Wear Resistance & somewhat of an innate Corrosion Resistance,
Due to its 17 to 1 Ratio of Chromium to Carbon content
Than found anywhere,
in any steel or other blade material,
made by anyone, from any substance, upon the face of the Earth;
without being either a "Stainless Steel," or a "High Carbon Steel," per se,
but a near-perfect complement of what all blade steels & materials are trying to achieve;
at a knife hardness of 58-60 (Rc),
so as to be visually indistinguishable from other knife blade materials...

of what a knife blade can do...
This is Not Hype; This is Not Hyperbole;
This is Not a Boast Nor Braggadocio.
Not Fanciful Fable, But Faithful Fact,
& Repeatedly Proven Reliability.

(For the record, "A Fact is a Value with a Variable Error of Zero." Dr. Gordon H. Clark)
At that point, there is But One Question:
"Have you ever used one?"
Cut frozen oak in the chilly morn for your breakfast fire,
awakened fresh from your blade-cut lean-to;
Cut it with any knife you choose, and you may find a chipped edge, unless it's a Busse-Kin.
The Experiential Performance Distinction is, as we shall say, Clear-Cut.
Busse's INFI is nothing short of:
What You Wish A Blade Could Do.
It's A Cut Above The Rest.
Appreciate the Best in Bladeware.
Its Name is INFI.
Originally crafted by Jerry Busse with continued craftings by the Rest of The Kin...

[ With Intermolecular Nitride, Finely Intermingled, firmly in hand;
Let Us Go: Into Nature's Fury Indomitably ...!! ]
. . .
Written By Climber, aka Clif-Bar, on 02-02-2022 AD]
Holy crap!!!! 20 yeat old thread!!!! INFI is Latin for BLOODY AWESOME.
That's Right, Rob Stanley:
I Like To Think INFI Transcends to the Universal Language, beyond English, French, Swedish, Italiano even in italics, Deutsch, Spanish, or even Greek and Hebrew, to the place where NO Ambiguities can invade...
Like the Resonant Frequencies found within Great Music...
"INFI is merely... Understood, and then: Appreciated."
Yeah, Baby...
Bring On The Symphony of the INFI-ny... (Because it Rhymes, that's Why =8^O )
Cheers 🍻!
All y'all are wrong.
INFI stands for It's Not For Everyone.
Jerry was very drunk at the time.
Hey There, John the Texican
(Great Handle, by the way! I just added "Texican" to my Google Dictionary Pop-up menu: Yep, Darn Tootin' I did, Tex~)
Perhaps Jerry wasn't the only one doing a little drink-in'...
You misspelled INFI... Youza got INFE, clearly a whole 'nuther animal. Either that, or you meant to say: It's Not For Iveryone, or perhaps It's Not For Inyone, which would keep that Acronym intact. ;)
But I do grasp the sentiment:
I believe it was KDSTRICK here on the B/F back on Sept 10, 2010 that said,
"The fewer mouths at the trough the better... OINK!"
So I get that Concept & Acquiesce...

Keep being the TexiCAN, John; It's a whole heap better than being a TexiCAN'T...

May the Intrinsic Nitrogen Fired Intrusions be with You, Now and Always.
I had a NMFBM LE Satin blade with Tigerhide scales about 12+ years ago. I chopped down a small tree and I swear it was sharper after than it was before.
Wish I never sold it.
I FEEL your Pain, Jason. Every Busse I ever had, I Regret letting go. That one sounds like a Sweet Busse if there ever was one: Tiger-hide handle, Satin Finish on a Battle Mistress?!? Too Sweet to Let Go, Indeed. And Yeah, Sometimes the materials abrade the INFI cutting edge "Just Right" and HONE that EDGE!! I have coined a new motto for myself:
Never Let A Busse Go. Debts, Schmedts! Who needs 'em? There are No debtors prisons, so far!
Seriously, I've had to sell sweet INFI blades to pay the pipers with their hands out: I'm making a concerted effort to Never Regret, so Never Sell a Busse ever again. Call it a New Year's Resolution.
Any chance you could contact the buyer of that Tiger-Hided Battle Mistress and buy it back, J~?
Just a *Thot*...