You have knife making disease when....

When you take furniture out of the bedroom to make room for the bandsaw...

When you have more power tools in your apartment than your high school metal shop...

When you look at a block of ironwood burl the way your wife wishes you'd look at her...


For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:23

When you wake up at 3 AM and instead of reaching for the wife you grab the sketch book and pencil...

When your pregnant wife insists you get an intercom to the shop because she isn't going to walk back and forth anymore...

When the UPS guy delivers a 25 lb piece of mammoth and doesn't even question it...

When you're within 2 feet of another knifemaker and you all automatically pull a knife out of your pocket to show it off...

When you go to bed with the wife, pop a video in - "How To Make Knives" - and the wife doesn't find it odd...

When you plan the work you'll do after midnight so the noise doesn't wake the neighbors...

Gene Osborn
Center Cross Metal Works
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword...
Hewbrews 4:12
When you look at the shop floor and wonder if you can somehow put all that dust back together to make another knife.
I'm with ya boyz
Here's mine
If you scan roadkill @ 75 mph and try to tell if there's a usuable rack...
if you see damascus patterns in carpet, gravel, clouds, etc...
if you've ever had to decide whether it's more important to put yourself OUT or finish the heat...(better make a quick descision)
if, in the kitchen, there are as many knifemaking tools as cooking tools...

well i gotta admit ive been waking up at 3am thinking about variations of my new TNT, and although i am getting older and dont stay up till 2 making knives anymore...i really dont worry about the fact i figure im just getting them back


When your neighbor asks you to sharpen his lawnmower blade, and you sharpen and give the entire blade a mirror finish.

It is better to bear the rebuke of a wise man than to enjoy the flattery of fools.
When you move your computer to the shop, so you don't have to rush in to check bladeforums, while waiting for superglue to dry!!

It is better to bear the rebuke of a wise man than to enjoy the flattery of fools.
When you love the smell of micarta/epoxy in the mornings

When your parents/significant other can distinguish between micarta, dymondwood and plain epoxy

When you scan the want ads for a second job for your wife to pay for some more supplies*******sorry had to duck under a swinging fry pan on that one

Scott Jones
Heck yea I invented it ...What is it???
Good things aint cheap and cheap things aint good