You might be a RAT Packer if...

Fletcher Knives

Aug 30, 2007
You might be a RAT Packer if...

1) You have Jeff Randall's cell phone number on your speed dial just in case
2) You know the RAT Cutlery line, including all specs and knife history better than Jeff, Mike, and Shon
3) You now refer to the devil colour as "Tactical Pink"
4) You have NEVER helped anyone CHOOSE an RC knife, ...only pointed out why it is necessary and practical to own multiples. (almost as if you're more just trying to convince yourself)
5) You are only ready to leave the bedroom when you have your RC knife on your person in the morning
6) You can sound off the RC warranty by heart. (you do it everytime someone asks, "so why is that one the best?")
7) Your RC blade is the one knife that is NOT "in rotation". RC is a constant.
8) You think "the Beav" should be added to the dictionary as the definition of "cute".
9) You have an unnatural love of all things bacon and have a collection of bacon pics just waiting to be worked into a thread.
10) You firmly believe that a clean and unscratched powdercoat is unholy and a sign of neglect.
11) You are now a master sheath maker. It was just less expensive to learn.
12) Your secret "Peru Trip" piggy bank has more cash in it than your Anniversary vacation piggy bank and it is NON-TRANSFERABLE
13) You have actually put one or more monthly bills into paying jeopordy because you just couldn't wait
14) If you don't get a RC product for your birthday/Xmas, someone made a mistake
15) You have at least one permanent scar that you consider and RC right of passage
16) You have a PSK in every room of the house because who knows where you'll be when you need it... and after all... WWTTDD?
17) RAT Cutlery gets more advertising out of you than paid ads in magazines
18) You now own a Zippo even though you don't smoke
19) You now consider the inexpensive machete one of the most valuable survival tools one could possibly have
20) You check this forum section before checking your email in the morning
21) You read all of these and said, "wow... yup." or some variation

Add your own.
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I was going through all this thinking "yup, that's me" on all of them except #1. Then I grabbed my phone and looked through my contacts. Well whadda ya know, "Jeff Randall"

Damnit, looks like I'm a true RP!

RP #36
You might be a Rat Packer if....

You don't cut your vegetables, you baton them.
You might be a Rat Packer...balancing your budget to coincide with a new Rat
model release date.

Awesome list. I have some catching up to do apparently. love the Beav point.
.... if...... While looking for a particulat RAT model...... you end up getting 2 or 3 different knives.....
You might be a RAT Packer if you keep a browser window on porn so if your wife looks over your shoulder you can switch to that so she won't know your looking at another knife on the RAT webpage! :D
Damn, all except the machete and Jeff's number one, they're true!

(kukris rule, machetes drool, and I don't have anything on my speed dial except voicemail and 911, because the phone came that way -- but his number is on my contacts list. . .):eek:
Every gift you gave this holiday season, required you to explain proper knife care to the recipient.
You might be a RAT Packer if...
5) You are only ready to leave the bedroom when you have your RC knife on your person in the morning
That one is pretty obvious - breakfast offers the first cutting opportunities of the day!
Maybe this should be a requirement for a rat pack number. You have to have at least half of them plus your 25 posts...:D
WWTTDD.... That was awesome!! Seriously though, who doesn't refer to a TTD thread to make sure they didn't forget anything??

Thanks for the morning laughs Dylan, now I can check my email...
This was the frist post I read this morning dead on! man thats funny!
I can now go to the bathroom.
If your wife threatens to leave you if you get another RAT knife !!!! Oh, it sure has been quite at home since my last purchase :p !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!