Zt 920


Gold Member
Dec 8, 1999
Anyone have one? I have always like Les George knives and his ZT's collabrations. I wonder if this is going to be another good one like the 909? I like the 909 so good I had to get a spare.LOL
Nope, I also have no intention of getting one either. Don't like the design, but then again I didn't like the 0909 so maybe his designs just aren't for me.
Talking about rain on the parade. Mind sharing what you dont like about Les George design?
Love it. Hell of a knife.
Anyone have one? I have always like Les George knives and his ZT's collabrations. I wonder if this is going to be another good one like the 909? I like the 909 so good I had to get a spare.LOL

This one's on my radar too, Ray. Big fan of Les. His knives are always very ergonomic for me...just a pleasure to use. They're made to be put to work!
This is the Les George ZT I will get. I passed up on the 900 and 909 as I just felt they werent for me. The 900 was too similar in point of use to my Spyderco Techno. The 920 looks too good to pass up. I love the design. It sort of reminds me of my Lionsteel Sr1 and Lionspy.
its really growing on me. I wasn't sure I liked the grips, but I may give it a closer look later this year. The 909 is my favorite ZT.
I love Les George designs, and this is IMO the best looking knife from ZT to date. The re curve is holding me back from getting one, but I may eventually pick one up and have it reprofiled.
its really growing on me. I wasn't sure I liked the grips, but I may give it a closer look later this year. The 909 is my favorite ZT.

I loved the 0909 but it was on the heavy side and the grip was a tad thick to the point i would get hot spots on heavy usage.... otherwise fantastic knife. The 0920 fixes that with a slimmer handle and deceptively light weight overall package for such a large folder. I know it's currently a new toy, but it's been in my pocket since I received it. It carries great.


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Could someone please show a close up size comparison between 0920 and 0560/1?
my .02


Includes a comparison with the 0560 and the new 0850
Talking about rain on the parade. Mind sharing what you dont like about Les George design?

Well, I only know these two designs. But, the 0909 is a linerlock and IMO a tough knife of 7.5 oz should be a frame lock. It also lacks jimping. The ZT 0920 is a good weight, but I don't like full ti knives, isn't aesthetically pleasing to me, lacks traction, jimping, not sure if the grooves in the ti handles are for traction or looks but both fail for me. Also the clip on the 0920 is ridiculous. Maybe I'm being a little harsh on the design, it isn't horrid just nothing special in my opinion.
One of my top 3 favorite ZTs that I've handled. I haven't gotten to play with all too many of them maybe 7 or 8, but this is a very nice knife.
I think it feels lighter than what you'd expect from full Ti handles.