.100" AEB-L Run EDC and Neckers - Completed

DocJekl DocJekl actually I cut jimping on that one by hand with a 20 lpi checkering file. That knife is entirely hand made, unlike the ones I get laser or waterjet cut.

Like I said, it's a good thing you don't have me cutting the jimping 🤣

You have mad hand machining skills that I can't hope to display, yet somehow I was a pro at suturing skin wounds with minimal scarring. But ask me to do anything artistic with fabrication of any kind, and... OMG no! You did a fantastic job on the jimping though, mad props!

Also, auto corrupt keeps changing jimping to jumping. Sigh...
DocJekl DocJekl actually I cut jimping on that one by hand with a 20 lpi checkering file. That knife is entirely hand made, unlike the ones I get laser or waterjet cut.
Oh, and my Itty Bitty Bitey Birdie is 100% hand made from scraps, so that's impressive as well. And I know you had to do a lot of fixing up on my LC200N Speedy Weasel v0.9 with the material you were gifted.
Oh, and my Itty Bitty Bitey Birdie is 100% hand made from scraps, so that's impressive as well. And I know you had to do a lot of fixing up on my LC200N Speedy Weasel v0.9 with the material you were gifted.

Yes true on both points. I still have one LC200N blank left from that batch but have been hesitant to work on it because it was the worst of the three in terms of flatness. I might have to make a paracord handle for that one, rather than try to flatten the tang.
Yes true on both points. I still have one LC200N blank left from that batch but have been hesitant to work on it because it was the worst of the three in terms of flatness. I might have to make a paracord handle for that one, rather than try to flatten the tang.

Crafty people find ways to expand their craft in new ways - I bet you can find a good use for that scrap blank.
Wait! We get individual colors???? They are the scale colors??? 🤣
I don’t know which one is mine, but there are some good looking knives there!
B beeinak you selected a Badger Scout from this run.

Here's hoping this package doesn't end up in the two month long customs limbo like the last one. That other package said released, presented, released, presented, about six times before it finally actually started on its way from Canada Post customs inspection facility to me. Based on "Item processed" this time, I am feeling optimistic.