"Carl's Lounge" (Off-Topic Discussion, Traditional Knife "Tales & Vignettes")

There is a local place that is using them in some tacos, my sister is trying to convince me to try them but I can’t get past the wings. And the eyes - yikes.
I hear they are good lightly fried and eaten like popcorn! :eek: I might try them when they come back in 11 years! 😂
Has your sister tried one?
I hear they are good lightly fried and eaten like popcorn! :eek: I might try them when they come back in 11 years! 😂
Has your sister tried one?
I’ve eaten chocolate covered antes and grasshoppers. The antes were like eating chocolate covered rice crispies and they were okay once. The grasshoppers not so much. But when you’re ten years old and your best friend dares you to I couldn’t back down. 🤢
CIcada is very good....if ya like spiky little legs and green gloop....interestingly after the 1994 bushfire in Sydney...the bush was blackened and only the BlackPrinces survived....the brighter Greengrocers and YellowMondays got picked off by birds...
Ugly as sin, but when you are hungry . . . . . . . . . . . . ?????????
There's a story of one of the old mountain men who was captured by the Indians. In making his escape he killed one of his captors and cut off his leg to have food for his long journey to safety. When asked how he could eat human flesh he replied, "Sh_t, meat's meat."
Maybe a SFO Cicada skinner knife is in order?
Ive been wondering about a 2024 Forum Knife....The Cicarva? no?
The Chirpy Cutlet Cutter? ...perhaps not ...too 1930s...wait I have it! Yes...a 2024 handle for a 2024 TradForum knife...As the traditional knife world heaves and flexes under the glare and pressure of the modern world ...from beneath the very Earth we walk upon ...comes........

The Insectivore
CIcada is very good....if ya like spiky little legs and green gloop....interestingly after the 1994 bushfire in Sydney...the bush was blackened and only the BlackPrinces survived....the brighter Greengrocers and YellowMondays got picked off by birds...

I've been through the Donner Pass in the Sierra Nevadas a few times. The Story of the Donner-Reed Party is pretty sobering.
I've been through a few Doner kebabs :rolleyes: ;)
I had to Google that, Jack! My tastes are fairly pedestrian but those sound pretty good!
Sorry Gary, they're not to be eaten sober ;) :thumbsup:

Edit - I thought that might be funny and interesting to read, but it is in fact rather dull, and badly written :rolleyes: Sorry :(
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Jack Black:
Sorry Gary, they're not to be eaten sober

Edit - I thought that might be funny and interesting to read, but it is in fact rather dull, and badly written


I enjoyed the read, Jack. I've read worse!

Sounds like something I might have eaten back in the day when I might drink too much and find myself hungry in the wee hours!
I enjoyed the read, Jack. I've read worse!

Sounds like something I might have eaten back in the day when I might drink too much and find myself hungry in the wee hours!
Well over 30 years since I last had one Gary :D I guess I could have just summed them up by writing: "The traditional late-night repast of the English drunk!" I know one younger feller who will eat them sober, and he even asks them to leave off the salad! 🤣 The 'meat' is roasted vertically on a spit, and comes in frozen sections, often of dubious provenance, and which have certainly not come from any animal I recognise :eek: The shawarma on the other hand is actually made from meat! :D :thumbsup:
