Photos Knives and tea, pix thread

Evening tea with my Cold Steel Bird & Trout knife. This is a great neck knife to wear while fishing and canoeing. It’s always where I need to get to it with either hand, and can re-sheath it with one hand. Great for holding a rod with one hand, cutting line with the other, cleaning trout, etc.

Hunan/Anhua tea brick from 2009 with Buck 112 from 2021.
Reminds me of my lineman days using a Buck 110 and chewing plug tobacco! 😁
Wednesday after lunch tea with the backups. This Buck 112 Slim Select and Victorinox Rambler ride around in my laptop backpack every day. They’re rarely, if ever used, but they’re always ready. The Streamlight Microstream USB, or a Macrostream, is always close at hand as well, if not actually on my person.

Happy New Knife Friday! My Redmeadow drop point Cowbell in 52100 and blue denim Micarta was waiting for me on the kitchen table when I got home yesterday. My first from Redmeadow, and also my first in this steel. I’ve wanted one of these for a year or so now, and I’m really looking forward to getting to know it.

A warm cup of English Breakfast tea on a rainy Sunday night offers time for reflection. I’m getting down towards the bottom of the fantastic loose leaf wild ancient red tea that my wife’s friend brought back from China and realizing that I’m going to miss it when it’s gone. I’m realizing that while I still like the English Breakfast that’s been my staple for several years, there is a whole other world out there. Which one of you was it that told me I was staring down a slippery slope? LOL! So, I just ordered some tea online. I’m excited for it to arrive and try some new stuff.

Reminds me of my lineman days using a Buck 110 and chewing plug tobacco! 😁

Days o work, and cannonball were my favorite...... Ever gaff the ole calf...🤔.....I came close but just scratched mostly....... Saw one guy do it!!!!! Luckily he had already tied his climbing line because he turned to a limp noodle once he sunk the gaff in.........OUCH😭!!!! Tree work for me was always. FUN.....90% of the time it didn't feel like work.....But when its miserable, there really is much that compares.....
I’m just a homeowner who burns a wood stove all winter and helps out friends here and there, but I definitely respect the gaffs! I don’t do it for money, and only a handful of times a year, so I go slow and methodical. Man, that would hurt!

I’m just a homeowner who burns a wood stove all winter and helps out friends here and there, but I definitely respect the gaffs! I don’t do it for money, and only a handful of times a year, so I go slow and methodical. Man, that would hurt!

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Nuthin better than ridin the stick after.topping 30+ feet off a 90+ foot tree........I miss it........
Part of my New Year’s resolutions is no soda (used to drink 6 cans a day, roller coaster trying to quit for years, drive a desk nowadays… you know the story), and taking my lunch and not eating out at work - because it’s healthier for me, and my wallet. It’s the end of January and I’ve been doing great. But sometimes you have to take the new guy out for lunch and cheat a little bit with a large unsweet tea and a splash of lemonade. :)
