New Becker Patrol Pack?

It's kind of funny what changes, and what stays the same.

I've been around Blade Forums for quite some time.
Even longer than my join date would indicate.
My original one was lost to a forum update and I had to do it all over again.

But even before that, I had "The Joy of Cooking" cookbook in my kitchen cabinet.
It served me well back then, and is still a constant reference manual.

It was not until I joined Blade and the Becker Forum, that I learned it was Ethan's mom.

Long before I discovered Blade or the Becker Forum, I was keenly aware of the Becker Patrol Pack.
Back then, it was de rigueur for hard hitting Webelos and Cub Scouts alike.

Once again, I had no Idea it was the brainchild of Uncle E.
It was just a well thought out 3 day option, that worked extremely well.
But they were expensive at the time and Medium or large Alice did the job for nothing.

With a Beckerhead # 0f 24, I have been here for a bit as well.
For me the internet is the perfect Yin/Yang metaphor.

It can deliver such learning and joy, or make you crazy mad, all in the same sitting.
So over time, I have tried to limit my exposure.
I also chucked my televison set many years ago, and have never looked back.
That $72.00 a month for 17+ years, just tucked away in my pocket intsead of the cable company's,
affords me the luxury of being able to snag a knife or a Pack should I so desire.

Plus, I can say with some certainity,
I don't miss Paris Hilton, Rosie O'donnell, or any of the other craziness that would invade my life on a daily basis back then.
My life these days may be boring, but at least it's real.
I'm out in the woods, doing stuff, real stuff.
And I still as of yet, have not had to squeeze elephant dung to make it through.

Even when stranded in some hotel, I find myself watching old reruns of "The Andy Griffith Show"
Modern programming just doesn't do it for me.

So here with the offering from Bongo Gear, I feel we have come full circle.
An opportunity, and perhaps the last one, to own an Ethan Becker approved Becker Patrol Pack.

Packs like knives are a conundrum.
Not enough pockets can be bad, too many pockets can also be bad.
A large gaping hole,fits everything,
but can you find what you are looking for when you need to find it?
in the dark?

The BPP always held my attention, with its compartments.
It still does, or I wouldn't be typing.

Is it perfect??

Like knives there is no perfect one.
Choose one for what you will do 90% of the time,
and you will be happy 90% of the time.

Choose one for what you do 10% of the time and you will be frustrated 90% of the time.
It's not the knife's fault.

My current employment position has me patroling 3,000+ acres.
Sometimes on foot, sometimes in a buggy of some sort.
My chores can range from measuring bear footprints to clearing trails,
to convincing poachers there are better places to poach.

In my mind's eye,
I can already see where a Silky saw would go, Pad and pencil, Compass, GPS, Two Way,
There is certainly room for several Nalgene Canteens (I hear they went the way of the Dodo, sad.)

I like canteens, never made friends with Hydration Bladders.
I think I fall somewhere between a Luddite and Neanderthal.

I'm hoping a Wooly Pully and a watch cap fit inside without issue,
Gloves, tools, glasses, food, where willit all fit?

Off to work, think, plan, and dream.
Would my life be better with a new Becker Patrol Pack on my back or on the seat next to me?
Will it hold up the the rigors of my daily work life?
Will it make me taller and better looking?

Out for now,
Probably not

If you want to borrow mine to check it out and see if it fits, drop me a PM here or on that other site
You know, I have always been intrigued by the BPP (the original, now the new one). But as I have so many packs, and some that have gone many places, done many things, and kept me comfortable and protected, I didn't think I really had a need, or maybe even a want, for a new pack. But NOW.... after reading LostViking LostViking 's prose... I find myself considering buying one. Looking forward to seeing where this goes with LostViking LostViking .
Probably not

If you want to borrow mine to check it out and see if it fits, drop me a PM here or on that other site

Thank you sir for the kind & generous offer.

I think I have one I'm going to purchase coming from a member here.

If I love it I still want a Tiger Stripe one.

I also think these would make the perfect truck pack.

Discovered the Becker Patrol Pack Mk II side pouches will hold a 64 oz. double-wall stainless Bubba Growler which is what I use to carry ice water for the dogs during the summer.
Bubba Growler in blue shown with a 40 oz single-wall stainless Klean Kanteen.