There is always room for improvement! 💪🏼

Though I am not one for resolutions, I applaud you all for hitting the ground running come the New Year.

Last April, I had a BP scare and it put some things in perspective. Though I am not a heavy drinker, nor do I eat poorly, I do work a relatively sedentary job and am a shameless homebody. The latter, paired with possible genetics, put me in stroke territory. My doc put me on a low dose med and supported my lifestyle changes that I was already implementing at the time. In two month's time, I had dropped my BP by over 60 points. At this point, after my check-in, my doc told me that due to my build, she would advise a bit less cardio and more weights. I adjusted, still getting the cardio in because it's good for the ticker, but focused more on a free-weight regimen.

Though the holidays always make things difficult and I've been a bit lax in my routines the past several weeks, I am stronger, fitter, and more self-assured than I've been in a long time. Though I look more like a burly Norseman than a Greek god, I am happy with this year's progress and am looking forward to the next.

Make a realistic and sustainable plan and then show up - the latter part is the hard part. Everything else comes easy afterwards.
Today's workout before "Honey, do's..." intervened.

1 mile senior citizen shuffle step approx. 12 minutes & 5 seconds. Not good, not bad, middle of the road. Best has been 11 minutes & 30 seconds trying to keep up with my son.
Long term goal: 10 minute mile.

3 circuits of:
A - F'ugly 3 second L-sit on paralletts to f'ugly 3 second tuck planche
B - Supported front split to standing straddle split (the position you assume when Admin is on the way to see you) to supported front split
C - F'ugly pancake stretch with 3 leg raises
D - F'ugly forward fold with 3 leg laises
E - Straddle jump to handstand ("It's not a handstand if you can't hold it for 10 seconds." per Yuri Marmerstein)
Short term goal: 1 minute f'ugly handstand again. Long term goal: press handstand.
I need to find a way to do dips, the squats of the upper body

I used to have rings hanging from the beams in my garage. Used zip ties to sandwich 2" x 4" to reinforce the beams without drilling.
Rogue Fitness still makes a Ring Hanger that you bolt into the ceiling studs.

Not sure if my old setup will support 260. SwarthyGnome SwarthyGnome 's suggestion for the corner of your countertops or feet elevated dips with 2 or 3 chairs might be a better option.

Embrace the suck!
The Dave Tate scale (in case anyone has never heard it before) is shit, suck, good & great. Unless you're superhuman or just naturally gifted, you will always be shit in the beginning or learning something new. After the shit phase you will still suck at whatever you're doing for a long, long time. After the suck is over you might become good. The very rare individuals become great.

Enjoy/embrace the journey/suck of getting better because it will take consistent effort and a long, long, time before you become good at anything.
Working overtime today.

10 F'ugly 3 second L-sit on parallettes to f'ugly 3 second tuck planche at my workstation.

Random thought: Having a gym at work is great. Spending the majority of my lunch break/work out time cleaning up and putting away weights was not. Messages that I left on the white board and memos posted by Admin had the opposite effect. Someone found intense joy in leaving the gym like a toddler with their Legos. Budget concerns solved my pet peeve for me and I'm working solo the majority of the time with a paid/no lunch break or just too f'ing tired to do anything when I do have a co-worker/supervisor around. When equipment was discovered "missing" or damaged, it definitely wasn't me because I was "chained" to my workstation.
I used to have rings hanging from the beams in my garage. Used zip ties to sandwich 2" x 4" to reinforce the beams without drilling.
Rogue Fitness still makes a Ring Hanger that you bolt into the ceiling studs.

Not sure if my old setup will support 260. SwarthyGnome SwarthyGnome 's suggestion for the corner of your countertops or feet elevated dips with 2 or 3 chairs might be a better option.

Depending on the geometry and construction of the chairs, you can even do dips on the backs.

Have to be careful testing them, though. The leg-back geometry is crucial for the chairs to not tip over. The construction is crucial to them withstanding the load.

Alternatively, there are fairly inexpensive dip bars/stands on Amazon.
I got my 5,000 calories in today ! 🤷🏻🤣🤣🤣

Not lifting again yet but I did stop drinking 35 days ago. Been ill for a couple weeks and on meds but as soon as I’m healthy, I’ll be workin’ out. At 5’11”/206 lbs, I’d like to keep my size but turn the jelly into D3V !!!

Thanks for the motivation, E. You know I appreciate ya brother.

Tomorrow is Day 121 without a drop of booze/beer for me. I miss it like hell but the body and mind feels amazing. Next time we meet up let’s get a coffee instead? 🤣👊🏼
Right on Gents! You got this.
Working overtime today.

10 F'ugly 3 second L-sit on parallettes to f'ugly 3 second tuck planche at my workstation.

Random thought: Having a gym at work is great. Spending the majority of my lunch break/work out time cleaning up and putting away weights was not. Messages that I left on the white board and memos posted by Admin had the opposite effect. Someone found intense joy in leaving the gym like a toddler with their Legos. Budget concerns solved my pet peeve for me and I'm working solo the majority of the time with a paid/no lunch break or just too f'ing tired to do anything when I do have a co-worker/supervisor around. When equipment was discovered "missing" or damaged, it definitely wasn't me because I was "chained" to my workstation.
Rant ON.

WTF is it with people and re-racking weights just wherever the hell there's an open slot. If the weight next to the spot you're putting yours is a 15-lb dumbbell, does it really make sense that a 65-lb dumbbell goes next to it? FFS.

Rant OFF
I'm lifting as we speak actually, but I'm not a huge guy for pumping iron, I'm mainly a distance runner. Going to start the year easy though with two miles today, zero tomorrow, two on Wednesday, and four Thursday before going back to my usual schedule.

Running has been the bane of my life. I absolutely abhor and detest running. Which means that it's something that I need to do because I'm deficient at it. Do what you hate in order to improve yourself.