What are you watching & why? (splain)

Having worked in a commercial kitchen, The Bear was both amazing and extremely stressful to watch. They absolutely nailed the chaos that can happen in the back of the house.
I cannot imagine what would drive people to do that, and to endure that kind of chaos. You guys are amazing. I know couldn’t do it, if that show was any indication.
That's hilarious. Never heard that before.

I just watched (and will re-watch) the new documentary about the Blue Angels that just started airing on Prime.

If you liked "Top Gun" (1986) & "Top Gun: Maverick" (2022), you've gotta watch this too!!!

I'm not naive and understand that this was "puff piece" filmed & produced by the Navy designed to make everyone associated with the Navy & the Blue Angels look good but the main thing that I took away from the show was the skill, dedication and precision with which the pilots fly their aircraft, always within inches and seconds of disaster.

What also impressed me was how they and their support staff strive to achieve excellence in carrying out their duties -- something that I once tried to do in my chosen professions-- and (as corny as it may sound) it made me proud to see that there are men & women like these who serve our country.

Hurraaah!!! 🇺🇸

The Blue Angles in the Diamond "Yankee" Formation -- overlapping tip to tip 😮

Update: Just rewatched this on my main AV system w/a (what is now considered a small) 55" "big screen" TV (that I'm waiting to die so that I can upgrade to a 70 incher) w/a 5 way surround speaker system (including subwoofer that I cranked up to max) & it was WAY better. 🤗

Felt like actually sitting in the planes in some of the scenes w/the seat of the pants, wall shaking vibrations coming from the sub. ;)
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