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Bad I paid Schenk Knives $10,000... months later no knives, no refund

Josh I am sorry that you are going through this. As a small business owner this sort of loss could be catastrophic to you.

I can tell you with almost complete certainty that you will not be the only one going through this with Schenk Knives.
These sorts of incidences with a company are seldom one off's. My guess is that their has been some internal implosion in Schenk's business model and you and others are the victims.

It may be worth trying to contact other customer's to see what the true lay of the land is.

I applaud you for posting this thread, not only to attempt to rectify your own position, but also as a warning to others who may be considering entering into business with Schenk. I hope you are made whole soon.
I hope your issue Josh REK Knives REK Knives gets resolved soon too. Get your money back and your peace of mind. Sorry to hear that you - such an upright classy man of integrity - gets to hold these cards. :mad: All the best.
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If I was in your shoes I would have my attorney proceed immediately to Court and get a judgment against him asap. With a court awarded judgement in hand I believe you can go with the local Sheriff and begin seizing any assets his business may have (grinders, heat treat ovens,tools, computers,etc.). Your judgement should include your lawyer fees and any additional costs involved in seizure and disposal of those assets until you are made whole. It would be much cheaper for Schenk Knives to get a loan to pay you off than lose much more with a judgement against him which would more than likely put him out of business permanently. Do not feel sorry for anyone that screws you in a business transaction no matter how sad their story. Remember the old saying, "Nothing personal, just business".
Thanks for the advise and sentiments guys. I think ultimately it will hurt Schenk's business MUCH more than $10k if this remains unpaid.
I hope this works out.

I had a similar experience for a much larger sum, and was essentially told to pound sand and lawyer up.

The entinty I was up against knew that I would drown in time and legal fees, and in the end I lost not only a large sum of money, but also future sales, business credibility, and high amounts of stress.

Don't wait too long, and be as aggressive as you need to be to protect yourself and be made whole.
Man that SUCKS, ugh. There needs to be a knife maker guild or something where everyone pools their money for situations where big companies push the little guys around.
Man that SUCKS, ugh. There needs to be a knife maker guild or something where everyone pools their money for situations where big companies push the little guys around.
You know, I was going to suggest something very similar. With technology today, setting something up would be relatively easy. You can also work to develop legal relationships in multiple states.
Very sorry to hear you are going through this Josh. You definitely do not deserve it. Thank you for all you’ve done in the community and your high quality knives with exceptional attention to detail.

That said, I hope you are just after you’re money back at this point. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable if in your shoes if you are told “the knives are in the mail” so to say. Especially after the miss truths you’ve already been dealt by them. God speed And good luck.
Man that SUCKS, ugh. There needs to be a knife maker guild or something where everyone pools their money for situations where big companies push the little guys around.
Don't accept any promises or agree to anything in writing, let your lawyer handle it from here on, otherwise this clown will be in court saying you were okay with whatever bull he's shoveling.
I had the same sort of thing happen to me a decade or so ago, it was not knives and a little less money. As I was about to retain an attorney, I saw the MF'er that stole my money stocking shelves at Wal Mart, his shop had since closed. At that point I knew I could not get blood out of a turnip. As much as I wanted to sucker punch the SOB, I didn't. It was a tough pill to swallow. I hope your outcome is better than mine. Good luck!
Any updates? I’m really hoping REK Knives REK Knives gets made whole. I don’t have any experience with your knives, but you just seem like a genuine and good hearted person.
Perhaps you can get a list of knife shows that Schenk exhibits at, contact the promoters, alert them to this thread, call them if possible, and present any documentation to prove your case. Perhaps some of them will disqualify Schenk, not wanting to support a company with such shady and possible criminal business practices.
Sorry you are dealing with this, Josh. You are a class act and a skilled craftsman, and there are many people in the community that are pulling for you.

PLEASE keep us posted. I think that there are more than a few of us that would not hesitate to help educate the larger knife community about this situation and how Schenk Knives is behaving. Blade Forums is but one of many social media platforms frequented by potential Schenk Knives customers...
Every person who has someone's money but hasn't sent the object (knife, watch, flashlight, car) will invariably claim illness in the family because this excuse elicits sympathy. IMO 90% of illness claims are either non-existent or highly exaggerated.

When my wfie & I were having renovations done to our house, we would each guess what excuse the contractor would claim for delays. We anticipated excuses because contractors usually have multiple jobs going and whoever squeals the loudest gets his attention.
Sorry you are dealing with this, Josh. You are a class act and a skilled craftsman, and there are many people in the community that are pulling for you.

PLEASE keep us posted. I think that there are more than a few of us that would not hesitate to help educate the larger knife community about this situation and how Schenk Knives is behaving. Blade Forums is but one of many social media platforms frequented by potential Schenk Knives customers...
Thanks brother, I appreciate the sentiments, kind words, and offer. I am going to try to get an update this coming week for everyone.
Thanks brother, I appreciate the sentiments, kind words, and offer. I am going to try to get an update this coming week for everyone.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Josh. Just want to say how impressed I am with your ability to keep cool and calm under the circumstances without resorting to mudslinging, (you're a better man than I), and also to reaffirm my commitment to help in any way I can.

Let's hope for a resolution to this matter soon. Fingers crossed.
Also wanted to contribute here. I usually don't like chiming in and adding to the noise on stuff like this, but I owe it to Josh here for a bump. He worked with me on several re-grind projects back when he was still doing that, and he was the epitome of communication and professionalism. Even here the civility he is demonstrating is admirable - you can tell he takes no joy in going this route, but it is warranted. 10k is a lot of money for most of us here.

It's also personally frustrating as makers at this size/level of the game are really vulnerable to stuff like this. I really miss josh's re-grind work, but the other side of that is I was excited to get my hands on his other projects - the things that his time and talents are going towards instead. This kind of thing really dampens that possibility.

Pay that man his money.
Doesn’t solve the root problem, but a Crowdfunding sort of thing would make Josh (never net the good man) more than whole IMO. I’d contribute (don’t know how to set one up, though).
I texted Zane for an update, he said that he is the CEO and had a meeting with the owner(s) this week and this is "closer to getting resolved." He said that he stands behind his word and will figure it out and get me paid. I just wanted to update everyone where I am at with this. Once it comes to around the 20th, if nothing has been done by then the goal is to push this info to all major social media platforms and possibly youtubers/podcasters.
I texted Zane for an update, he said that he is the CEO and had a meeting with the owner(s) this week and this is "closer to getting resolved." He said that he stands behind his word and will figure it out and get me paid. I just wanted to update everyone where I am at with this. Once it comes to around the 20th, if nothing has been done by then the goal is to push this info to all major social media platforms and possibly youtubers/podcasters.
Promises mean nothing. Keep the lawyer on them.