Axe skill videos

As Woodcraft and Square_peg said, blowdowns that need to be bucked for trail work don't often give you the best advantage to buck standing on top of the stick. When you do your own felling, you damn well should have placed the tree on the ground to the best advantage to limb, buck, skid and end up standing at the base of the next tree you want to fell so you take as few steps as possible in a day long felling operation.
The dead dry wood slowed him down. He did fine. He shouldn't have stood behind it pushing. Never trust a dead tree to do what you hope.
Falling with an axe- some might ask why "An Ax To Grind" did not address falling. I wanted to include falling with an axe but the Forest Service decided, rightfully so, that falling was a different ball game as far as safety goes. Also, the intended audience was trail crews, fire fighters, log building restorers, etc. The decision was that axe falling should be a separate manual & video, to be done at a later date. Long story short, never happened.
Falling with an axe is not very much different from falling with a chainsaw. The one exception would be that your cut should be higher up on the stump. You want a straight cut for safety, this makes it necessary to go with a higher cut.
I would recommend a book that was published in 1974-"Professional Timber Falling, A Procedural Approach" by D. Douglas Dent. Doug did an excellent job. Like I said, the procedure is the same with an axe.
Some nice axes, but watching this video gave me the willies!

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I'd have to watch it again but I'd say Glock. ;)

*Looking again it may not be - have to see the profile, edges, and overall geometry on a larger screen.

Bob, I know that wasn't the question though

*New guess is S&W M&P
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I got the sense he was just toying around with a different kind of grind to see what he could see. @RoosterMod
I get the sense his best skillset with axes is in the "carpentry" side of ax use and his sharpening and mod choices and ax design reflects that. No disrespect intended. Just an observation. I'm sure the man can chime in and tell us all how he feels;)