Banned from Imgur? Because of knife pics?


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2016
Has anyone else ever been banned from Imgur? I’ve been using Imgur to host my knife pics since approximately 2018. I switched over to Imgur when PhotoBucket changed their business model and wanted money to host pictures. Anyways, I tried to upload some pics recently and received the following message: “user is banned”. I have made an inquiry, but haven’t heard anything from them for two days. I am wondering if perhaps I was banned because the content of my postings was knife related. I also noticed that most of my picture posts have disappeared.

Please let me know if you have had a similar issue? If you did, were you able to get reinstated? Thanks for any assistance or advice you can provide.

Has anyone else ever been banned from Imgur? I’ve been using Imgur to host my knife pics since approximately 2018. I switched over to Imgur when PhotoBucket changed their business model and wanted money to host pictures. Anyways, I tried to upload some pics recently and received the following message: “user is banned”. I have made an inquiry, but haven’t heard anything from them for two days. I am wondering if perhaps I was banned because the content of my postings was knife related. I also noticed that most of my picture posts have disappeared.

Please let me know if you have had a similar issue? If you did, were you able to get reinstated? Thanks for any assistance or advice you can provide.

I can still see all my photos Travis .

I've been using Imgur for knife pics since 2018 without issue. Is there a chance you're uploading your pics "publicly," as some busybody may have taken offense and reported your images? That may have resulted in a ban.

I post all of my pics as "hidden." Although it's funny to note that i inadvertently posted one pic of my CS Trailmaster sticking in the snow, and that image has -1 imgur points.
I've been using Imgur for knife pics since 2018 without issue. Is there a chance you're uploading your pics "publicly," as some busybody may have taken offense and reported your images? That may have resulted in a ban.

I post all of my pics as "hidden." Although it's funny to note that i inadvertently posted one pic of my CS Trailmaster sticking in the snow, and that image has -1 imgur points.
I hide mine as well. I made the mistake of doing a few public ones and the comments were not very nice.
To the OP, you say "the content of my postings was knife related", so I can't help but wonder, were they just pics of knives, or something else, like maybe bloody pics of you gutting deer with knives, etc?

Not that I would have any problem with such pics, but you didn't just say "knife pics", you said "knife related". Or maybe I'm reading too much into your ambiguous choice of words.

I've been using Imgur for several years. I've got 12 pages of pics, 99.99% are knife pics. Never had a pic deleted or any other problem. Like others have said, my pics are all "hidden".
I found out fairly early that I was posting publicly. I got a comment admiring Uncle Don's faca de ponta and asking if it was a dart from a movie. I've been hidden ever since, and I still have just the one comment.
Anyway, best of luck to OP in finding another hosting site, and I hope we'll all be able to still do this.
Thanks for the help guys. Some of my posts were public and some were private. I didn’t always notice how I was posting them. Over the years I would notice an occasional comment, but these comments were generally harmless and positive. The pics were just what we see posted here on blade forums. There were no bloody deer gutting pictures or anything like that. I don’t know. It was just my speculation that I could have been banned for knife content. I could have been banned by some sort of random computer algorithm error. I may never know.

Does anyone have another hosting site recommendation?
'Hidden' posts is the way. Been using Imgur (specifically for BF) or a while now, without issue. I posted the first few pics 'public' and onslaught of negative Karen comments came on from every angle. Switched to hidden and no issue. The social media side of Imgur is... well... I'll reserve comment; ignore that part and it works quite well.
I added another account to Imgur with my newer email address. I’m back in for now, but I assume my older pics are all gone. I will post everything as private from now on. This is still very disappointing. Oh well for now. Gotta go to work in the real world
I suppose there could be policy changes afoot. Maybe there's some algorithm that boots you if you get too many downvotes on public postings...that would surprise me somewhat, because I've seen posts from amateur knifemakers showing their work getting lots of positive responses.

It could be malicious-downvoting-bots, or just a glitch. 🤔 I've never had any issues with my albums set to "hidden" far.
That is very disappointing Travis, Travman Travman I am sorry this has happened to you. This attachment fiasco has really thrown a wet blanket on the Forum. The posting on the threads that I follow most have slowed to a trickle. Some have had nothing posted in days. Some have had a very few photographless posts. Yet the people who question third party hosting are criticized into silence. No matter how they sugar coat it, third party hosting is no good and it is going
to continue to be a huge drag on the Forum.

Third party hosting exposes you to the ugly underbelly of social media; trashy content, constant advertisements, malfunctions, political
crap, complicated process, and mean spirited people. I will not go that route. I have been forced to delete all the photographs I could, one at a time. Admin should not have shut us down without a plan or at least an ability to mass delete. To add insult to injury, many of my photographs are locked in closed threads, and the moderator in charge adamantly refuses to even consider requests to open them for deletion. Instead, you are told to comply with third party hosting or quit the Forum or even be threatened with banishment.
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Is there an easier way than Imgur to post pictures here for registered members? I'll gladly switch if someone can give instructions.
I suppose there could be policy changes afoot. Maybe there's some algorithm that boots you if you get too many downvotes on public postings...that would surprise me somewhat, because I've seen posts from amateur knifemakers showing their work getting lots of positive responses.

It could be malicious-downvoting-bots, or just a glitch. 🤔 I've never had any issues with my albums set to "hidden" far.
This wasn’t a surprise for me because of the whole 2018 PhotoBucket fiasco. I am aware that these companies could change their policies or disappear. I might have seen one or two down votes over the years, but mostly positive votes. Before I was unceremoniously banned, I had been noticing that some of my post were disappearing. I thought maybe Imgur was limiting us or maybe running out of space.
That is very disappointing Travis, Travman Travman I am sorry this has happened to you. This attachment fiasco has really thrown a wet blanket on the Forum. The posting on the threads that I follow most have slowed to a trickle. Some have had nothing posted in days. Some have had a very few photographless posts. Yet the people who question third party hosting are criticized into silence. No matter how they sugar coat it, third party hosting is no good and it is going
to continue to be a huge drag on the Forum.

Third party hosting exposes you to the ugly underbelly of social media; trashy content, constant advertisements, malfunctions, political
crap, complicated process, and mean spirited people. I will not go that route. I have been forced to delete all the photographs I could, one at a time. Admin should not have shut us down without a plan or at least an ability to mass delete. To add insult to injury, many of my photographs are locked in closed threads, and the moderator in charge adamantly refuses to even consider requests to open them for deletion. Instead, you are told to comply with third party hosting or quit the Forum or even be threatened with banishment.
I agree. Third party hosting works if you ignore the stuff you don’t want to see and hope they don’t delete your pictures over night. So far both sites I’ve used over the last 8 years have done me wrong.
Thanks for the help guys. Some of my posts were public and some were private. I didn’t always notice how I was posting them. Over the years I would notice an occasional comment, but these comments were generally harmless and positive. The pics were just what we see posted here on blade forums. There were no bloody deer gutting pictures or anything like that. I don’t know. It was just my speculation that I could have been banned for knife content. I could have been banned by some sort of random computer algorithm error. I may never know.

Does anyone have another hosting site recommendation?
This happened to me as well the other day! I thought I did something wrong, but only use Imgur to host my pics for the swap. I went to list stuff the other day, shared the link, and a mod said I have to fix my timestamp issue. I was like wtf, I went back on and it said the photos didn’t load and did them again and it said I was banned from posting publicly. I went to do them private but it won’t share them then via link copy. I just use my apple cloud for convenience purposes, and it’s doable. Just a blank though on the thumbnail of the post though until someone clicks on it. Lmk if you find any good ones too. Kinda sucks, but whatever, it’s just funny in the end that we post knives and get banned, and folks post sick stuff and that’s okay.