Banned from Imgur? Because of knife pics?

Yeah. Actually, Imgur's social media component is not too different from Reddit's, it's a format that seems to attract toxic and miserable people (or maybe just trolls). Unlike Reddit though, it lacks the ability to narrow one's focus to specific topics (or subs). As such, you get exposed to all sorts of garbage that is difficult to sift through unless you know how to work with hashtags and keywords. A heavy percentage of the most popular content is also very politically charged - but that isn't saying much, everything and everywhere is these days.

I just ignore it. It's a facet of their service that I have no interest in.

I had to go back into Imgur and make all my knife pics hidden too. The Youtube crowd is much more accepting of my knife videos.
I had issues with imgur frequently being "over capacity" and inaccessible. I have started using other sites for image hosting.