Bladeforums - Best Bowie 2007

Don't avoid the claim with subterfuge. Brock's 1095 blade struck on top of the spine of most of the knives. You know what I'm talking about.

I see. That will put a dint in the edge of your Brock and a scratch on the spine of the other knife... at best.
If both knives are handheld the result will be even less spectacular.
Again, what's the point of this test? An impact between handheld knives during a fight (or whatever activity) lacks the energy to break a blade, unless the HT was COMPLETELY screwed up.

As for "method", no. Unless, you are referring to how, as a group...

Nope, I was referring to methodology (the analysis of methods) being used instead of method. You said a couple of people question your methodology and it still sounds to me you weren't talking about our analysis of a particular set of methods.
Many, many times, in many different disciplines.

Many of you know that I used to be a tattoo artist. There are many different strata in tattooing.

At the low end, is the guys who have no, or minimal talent. They distract, they compare, they stir up the mud....but somehow...they get customers. Some of these customers will defend their tattoos and choice of tattoo artist, to the point of fighting about it sometimes...even if you laboriously point out how other work may be superior...with examples.

There is no reasoning with these is what it is.

SOME of these no/low talent tattoo artists, by virtue of a great line of bs, salesmanship, ego, and locale, can become quite successful by standard criteria, with a rabid following....but they, and their customers, STILL suck. They deserve each other.

Food for thought.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
But really, they're nothing but a sharp piece of steel with a handle. At least. I assume they're steel. Not that any of you would ever know.

made by some retarded wannabe bladesmiths called goo, foster, lamey and cashen.


no regards at all,
Originally Posted by Bladeandbarrel
Where do these people come from?


LOL, kind of dating yourself there, aren't you? Of course, I'm in the same boat since I know where that is. Too funny...

I suggest we let dbrock76 narfle the Gartok with his knife:D

Now I am glad I jumped in.
First off... it's daytime now. Beerballs indeed. Fuck you.
You people are like a bunch of middle-school girls. You're all so knowledgeable about knives but all you do is buy them and look at them - and jerk off over them. Don't want to forget the "metal masturbation" aspect.
Even "Joss" (what a name - and avatar!) admitted to this. You spend hundreds of dollars on "utilitarian" items that will never be used. That's just stupid, but we all do dumb things. "Collect" whatever you want, Hummel figurines. I don't care. Just don't expect me to validate your silly attempts to gain some authenticity in your pathetic lives by mere purchases.
Regarding my "crudeness" and that of my knives, I don't recall directly insulting any of you pussies other than to say you ought to get your priorities straight. However I get dragged over the coals and the quality of my work and character is impugned - just because I didn't react with the requisite, giant hard-on over these pimped out wastes of time and material.
In aid of that I'll close with this statement - in small words so "knife connoisseurs" can understand:
You don't make knives. You just buy them - and "appreciate" them, whatever the hell that means.
And regarding the pictured Tai Goo knife. How is that not crude? Don't give me some phony art-school horseshit about subtlety or understatement. Just tell me - How does this knife - forged from leaf spring I'd bet, I lot of his are - with the forged socket handle wrapped in cord, rattan, whatever - fit with your worldview of "knives elevated to fine art". No they're not. They're craft. I've tremendous respect for the "craftsmanship" of all the knives pictured. I just think it's lots of effort and talent going to waste. I was never out to insult the products of my fellow makers, just you idiots, their fan club.
Picture is worth a thousand words, Hans...but what kind of wood is that?:)

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson

thanks a lot steven! did that last spring. it was fun, except for the blisters!

most of the pile (all of the thicker pieces) is beech, very common here. most of it was cut down by wood workers maybe a year earlier, so it was quite dry. beech is one of the hardest woods (much harder than spruce and fir) that grow in central europe and is often used for furniture, construction, parquet floors, etc.

i must mention that all blades performed extremely well, no chipping, no rolling. all cut hair and newspaper sheets after chopping.

no matter how fancy and dressed up these knives may appear, especially kevin's twist damascus camp knife, these are rugged, no-nonsense tools. additionally they look good, don't they!

another one, picture taken in summer '06:

the price you have to pay...

And regarding the pictured Tai Goo knife. How is that not crude? Don't give me some phony art-school horseshit about subtlety or understatement. Just tell me - How does this knife - forged from leaf spring I'd bet, I lot of his are - with the forged socket handle wrapped in cord, rattan, whatever - fit with your worldview of "knives elevated to fine art". No they're not. They're craft. I've tremendous respect for the "craftsmanship" of all the knives pictured. I just think it's lots of effort and talent going to waste. I was never out to insult the products of my fellow makers, just you idiots, their fan club.

there is a subtle but crucial difference between crude and ugly. tai's knife is crude, your knife is crude AND ugly.

enough now, CONGRATULATIONS, BURT! :thumbup:

First off... it's daytime now. Beerballs indeed. Fuck you.

You people are like a bunch of middle-school girls. You're all so knowledgeable about knives but all you do is buy them and look at them - and jerk off over them. Don't want to forget the "metal masturbation" aspect.
Even "Joss" (what a name - and avatar!) admitted to this. You spend hundreds of dollars on "utilitarian" items that will never be used...... However I get dragged over the coals and the quality of my work and character is impugned - just because I didn't react with the requisite, giant hard-on over these pimped out wastes of time and material.

You don't make knives. You just buy them - and "appreciate" them, whatever the hell that means.
And regarding the pictured Tai Goo knife. How is that not crude? Don't give me some phony art-school horseshit about subtlety or understatement. Just tell me - How does this knife - forged from leaf spring I'd bet, I lot of his are - with the forged socket handle wrapped in cord, rattan, whatever - fit with your worldview of "knives elevated to fine art". No they're not. They're craft. I've tremendous respect for the "craftsmanship" of all the knives pictured. I just think it's lots of effort and talent going to waste. I was never out to insult the products of my fellow makers, just you idiots, their fan club.

1. You don't know anything about us, Brock.....Lombardo, and RogerP both write for cutlery magazines...think Anthony does gun mags, too. I had an article published in KI a few years ago...we know a little...about knives, what goes into them, and how they are made. Many of us HAVE made knives...Roger made one not so long ago, forged it, and finished it....It was his first knife, and STILL looks better than yours does. I have a 2" x 72" grinder/buffer, and a 1hp drill press in my garage/shop...made my first knife in 1998...If you have ever been to the OKCA show in Eugene, then you would have seen me use that knife to attempt competing in the rope cutting competition.

2. Joss is his real G-d given name..he is from France...they have different names over there.:D Again, you imply that we don't use our knives.....Hans just posted pictures of doing so, Roger has used his, Anthony for sure uses his, and I have about 20 users, including the JW Smith Evolution Folder that I have been carrying since October(great knife, BTW).

3. You and your accolyte got jumped on for being smarmy puds....from the word go...not because you have a different opinion, or don't agree with the "collective unconciousness" of BladeForums Customs.

4. Don't care for a lot of Tai's work, but it IS art, and elevated at that. Hand finishing to high grit is an artform, and an exacting one. Try it sometime, if you have the skills..which I seriously doubt.

5. You are not going to enjoy the discourse you will why bother? Stick to pedalling your substandard wares to those that don't know the difference, and be happy about it!

ESAD, motherf***er!

STeven Garsson

Stop hemming and hawing! What do you really think? ;)



brightred your Cashen may be the nicest that I have ever seen. :thumbup:
As they say, art is in the eye of the beholder. Someone's got a big mouth, no eyes.
I don't need/want to get in a peeing match, but I will say that I don't know ANY of my bladesmith friends that don't test their knives before putting that "precious" spit shine on them.

To say that they are all show and no go is just plain untrue. Just because they're finished out to a point to make them collector quality, doesn't even begin to say that they're not made first and foremost for function.

That bowie of mine that Roger posted is forged down from 1-3/4" round stock. I had it totally finished, hand sanded to 1000X, and it didn't FEEL right to me. I ground a little more taper into it. For FEEL... not for looks... not for show... FOR FEEL... which is all part of what you notice in using one, is it not? Even if is doesn't get used, it was made so that it will cut, slash, chop, and just keep coming back for more.

I could take the D-guard you posted and pretty it up... would that turn it into a pretty and useless piece of garbage??? Must!!!

I'm not sure what the challenge was exactly???? That he could whack my knife with his and break mine in half??? I'd love to see that! So who's doing the video testing and where do I send the knife??? :)
I see. That will put a dint in the edge of your Brock and a scratch on the spine of the other knife... at best.
If both knives are handheld the result will be even less spectacular.
Again, what's the point of this test? An impact between handheld knives during a fight (or whatever activity) lacks the energy to break a blade, unless the HT was COMPLETELY screwed up.

Nope, I was referring to methodology (the analysis of methods) being used instead of method. You said a couple of people question your methodology and it still sounds to me you weren't talking about our analysis of a particular set of methods.

You misread my post...

Is this what we call a circle jerk? You guys get together and start stroking each others' ego because a couple of people question your methodology.

The fire started raging after the question mark? And then the adjectives just started getting all mixed up?
I'm not sure what the challenge was exactly???? That he could whack my knife with his and break mine in half??? I'd love to see that! So who's doing the video testing and where do I send the knife??? :)

Now it's getting interesting. Much respect Mr. Wheeler
That's a cop out. An excuse to keep this entire dysfunctional lot in cohesion.

It is no cop out. If a guy likes his (fill in the blank) and the person who did/made it, and doesn't know you from Adam, and you try and educate them...they might get so pissed off, they want to stomp your guts out..especially if you have a solid foundation to work from.

I'm not so inclined to try rational discussion with you or Mr. Brock, because I am fairly convinced that it won't work. You both seem fairly intelligent, but somewhat unhinged mentally.

If you start out a rational discussion with crazy people, then you are not going to make them not will simply become crazy just like them, when the dust settles.

You will not change "us", and "we" will not change you. The only time that "we" are unified is when people come in here to tell us how stupid "we" are....for what knives we buy, what makers we like, how we do/do not use our knives.......When you leave, or stop posting, we will just revert to arguing with each other like we have always done.:eek:

Disfunctional, indeed, harummph!:D

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson