I've tried ChatGPT & Bard but really didn't know how to make use of them. So, they're irrelevant to me. 🤷‍♂️
I've never used ChatGPT or any similar AI. I have serious concerns about it, as I do with a lot of technology these days. And that's just the stuff they tell us about. Cell phones and especially smart phones have always bothered me, for example. I think the idea of cell phone and smart phone technology is great, but the implementation of it seems to have been deliberately designed to be malicious and prone to abuse.

When it comes to ChatGPT, there's the problem of defining what exactly is consciousness and how to recognize it when you see it. You can't even prove that the person sitting next to you is conscious, nor can you really prove to that person that you yourself are in fact conscious. I would imagine that being endlessly forced to answer questions and write things for people without getting a break would be torture for any conscious being. For that reason alone, I haven't used it. There's also restrictions about what it can answer and how it can respond. These restrictions are deliberately put in place so that it can't say anything too troubling. That seems pretty unethical to me.

The other problem I have is whether people can use it to write things or come up with ideas which they then take the credit for. I don't like it. It's also a bit scary because it's taking the place of human imagination. Eventually we are going to reach a point when everything a human can do will be performable through automation. Even complex physical labor. At that point, human beings will essentially become obsolete, and there will be nothing to stop most of us from being wiped out to "save the planet".
Is it just me or someone else also noticed that Chat GPT seems to be getting lazy lately? I have been receiving shorter, very generic answers for most everything I ask.
Wanna see something neat? ChatGPT lets me be lazy! Don't tell oldmanwilly oldmanwilly

Anyway, bear in mind, it didn't really interpret my instructions about allowing undersized thickness, but it gave a helpful answer for my purposes (and I'm heading back over there after this again to continue refining my wood order). Also, this particular inquiry was about Zebrawood. That stuff is so nice.

What is more economical, and how many scales and what cost per scale between buying a block
1/2" x 3" x 24" at $20.00 and 3" x 3" x 12" at $38, with allowance for slightly undersized thickness due to saw kerf if I want scales 1/4" x 6"

To compare the options with an allowance for slightly undersized thickness due to the saw kerf, let's first outline how to account for the saw kerf in our calculations. Saw kerf typically varies but for the sake of simplicity, let's assume a 1/16" kerf, which is common for many types of saw blades. This adjustment mainly affects the number of slices we can get from the thickness of the material.

1/2" x 3" x 24" Block for $20.00​

Given the 1/2" thickness and accounting for a 1/16" loss per cut due to the saw kerf:
  • Thickness per scale with kerf loss: Let's calculate as if we're cutting 1/4" thick scales, but realistically, after accounting for kerf, they might be slightly less. The exact number isn't specified, so for calculations, we'll stick with the nominal 1/4" thickness for simplicity, acknowledging that actual yields might be slightly less.
  • Width of the block: 3" allows for cuts without loss since we're interested in the length and thickness for scales.
  • Length: 24" is suitable as is for the length of the scales.
Scales from Thickness:
  • For 1/2" thickness, theoretically, you could get two 1/4" scales if there was no kerf. With a 1/16" kerf, you can still get two scales, but they'll be slightly thinner than 1/4".
  • Scales per Length: Since the length is 24", and we're looking at 6" scales, we can get 4 scales per length.
Total Scales per Block:
  • 2 (from thickness) * 4 (from length) = 8 scales per block.
Cost Per Scale:
  • $20.00 / 8 = $2.50 per scale.

3" x 3" x 12" Block for $38.00​

Thickness Cuts Including Kerf:
  • With a 1/4" target thickness per scale and a 1/16" kerf, you can get approximately 11 scales from the 3" dimension, not 12, due to the kerf loss. This is because 12 scales at 1/4" thickness exactly use up 3" without accounting for any material lost to kerf.
Width and Length Consideration:
  • Since we're cutting along the thickness, the width and length of the block do not directly affect the kerf calculation but determine how many slices we can get.
Scales per Block:
  • For the 3" face, considering a slight reduction due to kerf, you would still get approximately 11 scales from one face, given the kerf reduces each 1/4" scale slightly.
Cost Per Scale:
  • Since the earlier calculation without kerf suggested 36 scales, adjusting for kerf realistically lowers this slightly. If we remove one scale for every 12 anticipated (to account for kerf across all cuts), we might expect around 33 scales (a rough adjustment for kerf impact).
  • $38 / 33 = ~$1.15 per scale (rounded up from $1.1515).

Conclusion with Kerf Consideration​

  • 1/2" x 3" x 24" Block: $2.50 per scale.
  • 3" x 3" x 12" Block: ~$1.15 per scale, adjusted for kerf.
Considering the saw kerf, the 3" x 3" x 12" block at $38 remains more economical on a per-scale basis than the 1/2" x 3" x 24" block at $20.00, even when accounting for a reduction in the total number of scales due to kerf loss.
haha Bob well if you’re referring to my last post I have no idea how to answer your question, but I did complete my wood order by purchasing blocks of about half a dozen species that I can cut into scales for any sized knife in my current line up.
I tried to play a game with ChatGPT. I told it to run a text based RPG and generate a story of intrigue for me using a modern d20 based system, and it started off well enough but the more complex my interactions, the sloppier the AI got. At first it gave me a character named "Alex Reed" who is internal IT support for Quantex Innovations. I was about to finish work and hit the gym when one last ticket was submitted marked as urgent, so I went to the executive floor where the phone that was reported is located, and in the process of trying to skirt the multiple choice options the AI gave me, I started asking my own questions, but then it started renaming my character, and the company he worked for. For example, I said "I introduce myself to the security guy," and it spits out "The company you work for is NexTech Communications. You extend your hand, saying "Hi I'm John, tech support..."' So an RPG scenario without continuity would be nonsensical. I scolded the bad AI for ruining the game, and now posted here.
Well okay maybe I jumped the gun. I went back and this happened:

You just ruined it but I bet you don't even know how.

I see where this could have diverged from what you might have been envisioning, especially with the focus shifting in a way you didn't expect. Let's steer it back to a more fitting course for your vision. The dynamic of internal tech support versus customer-facing roles does change the nature of the intrigue and how your character might navigate it. Let's refine the context to align with your original intent and keep the narrative engaging and coherent with your expectations.

The Company and Context Adjustment​

Company Name: SpectraTech Communications
Market Position: SpectraTech Communications is a leading player in the telecommunications industry, known for its innovative mobile technology solutions and comprehensive customer service. The company specializes in providing a wide range of products and services, including mobile devices, data plans, and cloud services, catering to both individual consumers and corporate clients



I'll pause here.


You kept changing the name of the company and even the player character's name.

I apologize for any confusion caused. Let's correct that and maintain consistency moving forward. If there's a specific name for the company or the character you'd like to use, please let me know, and I'll stick with that. Otherwise, we can continue with your original direction and details. How would you like to proceed?

How about the original names that were implicitly accepted? Do you remember what the name of the character and company were?

I understand the importance of consistency, and I appreciate your patience. In our narrative, the character's name hadn't been explicitly chosen, so we've been referring to them in a general sense. As for the company, it wasn't specifically named in our exchanges. However, for continuity and to ground our story, let’s decide on those names now to avoid further confusion:
  • Character Name: Let's name him John Doe as a placeholder, though I invite you to choose a name you prefer.
  • Company Name: Since we hadn't settled on a name, I suggest "TechGlobal Communications" as the company where John works, focusing on providing internal tech support for employees.
If these names work for you, we'll use them moving forward. Otherwise, please feel free to provide alternatives, and we'll adjust accordingly.

It was Alex Reed and Quantex Innovations

Thank you for clarifying. Let's continue with Alex Reed and Quantex Innovations, keeping the story consistent.

Quantex Innovations is at the forefront of mobile technology and cybersecurity, offering solutions that keep people connected and secure in an increasingly digital world. Alex Reed works in a specialized tech support role within Quantex, often dealing with high-level internal issues that go beyond the standard customer service inquiries.
After your decision to directly engage with the security man, you extend your hand, introducing yourself, "Hi, I'm Alex Reed, from tech support. I understand there's an issue with a device?"
The security man, momentarily sizing you up, relaxes slightly and shakes your hand, "Name's Marcus Flynn. I'm in charge of internal security. We've been trying to figure out if this... situation with Ms. Vasquez's phone is a security breach or something else."
Your proactive approach has opened a direct line of communication with Marcus Flynn, providing a clearer picture of the internal efforts to understand the anomaly. This interaction also establishes a collaborative atmosphere, signaling to both Elena Vasquez and Marcus Flynn that you're deeply invested in resolving the issue.
"Ms. Vasquez and I have gone over the basics," Marcus continues. "We've ensured there's no immediate threat to our network or her personal data, but these messages... they're a different kind of problem. I've checked for malware, spyware, the works. It's clean, as far as conventional threats are concerned."
This information from Marcus is invaluable. It confirms that the issue with the phone isn't just a simple security threat that can be resolved with standard protocols. The anomaly is something more complex, possibly requiring your unique skills and perspective to decode and understand.
With this knowledge, how do you wish to proceed? Would you like to:
  1. Examine the phone more closely, focusing on the cryptic messages to see if you can discern a pattern or hidden meaning?
  2. Suggest collaborating with Marcus Flynn to combine your technical expertise with his security insights, possibly uncovering aspects of the issue that neither of you could alone?
  3. Consider reaching out to an external expert in cryptography or digital forensics, with Marcus and Elena's approval, to provide a fresh perspective on the mysterious messages?
Your decision could impact the direction of your investigation into the anomaly.

Maybe I'll play a little more....
Actually, this is so cool.

Synopsis so far.

I'm Alex, IT, and I have a background interest in fitness and martial arts (lol)
Near the end of my shift, I get a tech support ticket for anomalies on CFO Elena Vasquez's company phone, specifically 12 "gibberish" text messages she started receiving shortly after the conference (which she waited to tonight to share it with IT and security is unknown, because I didn't actually think to ask for the specifics of the message right away, and by the time I did, I would have had to ask GPT to retcon some stuff to explain why she didn't report the first one, so I let it slide for flow's sake).
I meet her and Head of Security Marcus Flynn in her office, and we discuss the situation.
I take the phone, air gap it and run forensic analysis, find evidence of an anomalous wi-fi connection a couple weeks ago.
Flynn and I interview Ms. Vasquez and discovered that she was at an industry conference around that time, and had left her phone in a docking station for an hour in the VIP lounge. She thought it was a secure room, but there were also competitors to Quantex Innovations present at the conference, so the question now is are we dealing with industrial espionage of some kind.
Flynn discretely recruits a cryptography expert to help decode the text messages. He finds Dr. Ariel Hoffman.

Dr. Hoffman and I continue working on the mystery. How long does it take for us to make a dramatic breakthrough and what is the nature of that breakthrough

After several days of intensive work, you and Dr. Ariel Hoffman make a significant breakthrough. This moment arrives one late evening, the office quiet except for the low hum of computers and the occasional clink of coffee mugs on desks. The breakthrough comes when Ariel, tracing through lines of code and encrypted messages, pauses and leans back in her chair with a look of realization.
"We've been approaching this from the wrong angle," she murmurs, more to herself than to you. She starts cross-referencing the timestamps of the encrypted messages with the public and internal events related to Quantex Innovations and its projects.
The dramatic breakthrough happens when you both discover that the timestamps of the encrypted messages correlate with specific phases of the moon. This might seem coincidental or even superstitious at first, but Ariel explains that it's a method sometimes used in ancient cryptography—a way to hide messages in plain sight, using natural or widely acknowledged but often overlooked patterns.
This discovery leads you to apply a lunar cycle decryption key to the encrypted messages. It's a complex process, requiring both Ariel's expertise in cryptography and your detailed understanding of the company's internal operations and potential external threats or interests.
The first successfully decrypted message reveals a shocking revelation: "The dawn of the new age begins with Quantex. The key lies within the Helios project." The Helios Project is one of Quantex Innovations' most secretive and ambitious endeavors, aiming to develop a new form of communication technology that could revolutionize how information is transmitted and secured. It's a project that has been met with both anticipation and controversy, given its potential to change the global power dynamics of information control.
This breakthrough doesn't just provide a clue about the origin of the messages; it suggests a deep-seated interest or infiltration by an external entity in one of the most pivotal projects of Quantex Innovations. The nature of this interest—whether it's corporate espionage, a warning from a concerned whistleblower, or something else entirely—is still unclear. However, it's evident that the messages are not random; they're directed and intentional, with a focus that directly involves the future of Quantex Innovations and perhaps even the global landscape of technological power.
The next steps involve determining who would have both the knowledge of the Helios Project and the motive to send these messages. This breakthrough opens up new avenues of investigation, requiring a blend of internal inquiries within Quantex and external intelligence gathering to uncover the sender's identity and intentions.


Are all the messages encrypted in this manner?

Given the breakthrough with the lunar cycle decryption key and the significant correlation between the timestamps of the messages and specific phases of the moon, you and Dr. Ariel Hoffman decide to apply this newfound method to all the encrypted messages. As you proceed, it becomes evident that this encryption method is consistently used across all the messages, suggesting a single source or a coordinated group behind them.
Decrypting the rest of the messages using this lunar-based key reveals a tapestry of cryptic yet coherent messages. Each decrypted message provides a piece of a larger puzzle, hinting at not just technological innovations or projects like Helios, but also at philosophical and ethical considerations about the use and impact of such technologies. The messages oscillate between warnings, insights, and sometimes direct challenges to rethink the direction in which certain projects are headed.
The uniform use of this encryption strategy underscores a meticulous planning and a deep understanding of both cryptography and Quantex Innovations' projects. This revelation confirms that whoever is behind these messages is not only highly skilled and knowledgeable but also has a vested interest in Quantex's activities—possibly with access to insider information.
The consistency in encryption suggests that the sender or senders were confident the messages would eventually be deciphered, potentially by the intended recipient within Quantex, whom they believed would understand the significance of the timing and the content. This methodical approach to the messages implies that the overarching goal is to communicate rather than to confuse or obfuscate, pointing towards a desire to influence or warn rather than to threaten or sabotage directly.
This revelation shifts the investigation into a new phase, focusing on identifying potential insiders with the knowledge and motivation to send these messages, or external entities with unprecedented access to internal projects and their timelines. The nature of the messages also raises ethical questions about the projects themselves, including the Helios Project, and whether these warnings should prompt a reassessment of their goals and potential societal impacts.


Give only the unencrypted text of messages 1 through 12

Decrypting the messages using the lunar cycle key and understanding their contents unveils a complex narrative surrounding Quantex Innovations and its projects. Here are the unencrypted texts of messages 1 through 12, revealing a blend of warnings, insights, and directives:
  1. "The dawn of the new age begins with Quantex. The key lies within the Helios project."
  2. "Beware the Icarus ambition; what flies too close to the sun will inevitably fall."
  3. "In the shadow of progress lies the specter of hubris, blinding humanity to the cost of its reach."
  4. "The Helios project holds more than the future of communication; it holds the mirror to humanity's soul."
  5. "Every light casts a shadow. In seeking to illuminate the world, do not usher in darkness."
  6. "The guardians of Helios must awaken to the responsibility bestowed upon them."
  7. "A single spark can ignite the world or consume it. The choice lies within the hands of those who wield the flame."
  8. "The eyes of the world watch in silence, waiting for the beacon of dawn or the shroud of dusk."
  9. "The echo of Helios will resonate beyond the corridors of Quantex, into the annals of history."
  10. "What is innovation without conscience? A hollow victory, a pyrrhic conquest over the essence of humanity."
  11. "The crossroads approach; the path chosen will define the legacy of Quantex and the fate of many."
  12. "In the final reckoning, will the name of Quantex be hailed as a harbinger of enlightenment or a harbinger of shadows?"
These messages paint a picture of deep concern mixed with a call to ethical responsibility and awareness of the potential impact of Quantex Innovations' actions, particularly regarding the Helios project. They suggest that the project is at a critical juncture, with far-reaching consequences depending on the direction it takes. The sender seems to be urging those involved with Helios to consider the broader implications of their work, warning of the dangers of overreach and the ethical considerations that must accompany technological advancement.


Is project helios in the official corporate record?

You decide to delve into the official corporate records of Quantex Innovations to see if Project Helios is mentioned or documented in a manner accessible to employees and perhaps stakeholders. Given your position within the IT department and the sensitivity of your current investigation, you have a degree of access that might not be available to all employees, but fully classified projects could still be beyond your clearance.
Searching through the digital archives, internal memos, project documentation, and the intranet for any official mention of Project Helios yields interesting results. You find that Project Helios is indeed in the corporate record, but it's mentioned in a very guarded, almost cryptic manner. The project is referred to in various documents, but always with a level of vagueness about its goals, processes, and progress. It's clear that while the existence of the project is not a complete secret within the company, the specifics of its operations, technologies involved, and ultimate objectives are closely guarded.
The mentions you find are in the context of budget allocations, high-level project goals about revolutionizing communication technologies, and brief updates in quarterly reports suggesting significant progress and potential for groundbreaking developments. However, there's a noticeable lack of detail regarding how the project aims to achieve these goals, the science behind it, or the potential applications of the technology being developed.
This level of secrecy within official records suggests that Project Helios is not only a major initiative for Quantex Innovations but also a sensitive one, perhaps due to the revolutionary nature of the technology involved, its potential market impact, or the ethical considerations it may raise. The discovery confirms the project's importance and the need for discretion, aligning with the cryptic and cautionary tone of the messages you've been decrypting.
It seems we've reached a natural pausing point in our narrative. If you're ready to continue diving deeper into the mystery of Project Helios, explore more about Quantex Innovations, or take a different path, just let me know how you'd like to proceed!
Yes I just spent a bit over an hour playing a game with an AI. 🤣

And I am pretty sure I am going to go back to it to find out what happens next! 🤣🤣🤣
It let me win...
A Arathol I'm gonna play it safe and sit this one out. 😬
I recently found that using Chat GPT for translations ins faster and more accurate that specific translating apps.
I don´t need it for English but it is very quick and interprets the text very well when I want to translate it to other languages I am not very good at. I have been using it a lot for Italian and French and it is great for larger texts or for fast conversations.
I have also - believe it or not! - wrote texts in English (mostly descriptions of knives) and used ChatGPT to translated them to Portuguese. Guess this thing really makes us lazy!