Customs Pricing – Opinions and Views?

As someone who has been in and around the print and ad industry for 30 years, the one difference today is the extreme fragmentation of the media market. Mr. Russell stated that he advertised in four magazines back in the 60's. If you added in Field and Stream, you probably would have had your market as close to totally covered and you were ever going to get. Not so today. All you have to do is look at the magazine rack at Borders or Barnes and Noble and check out the sections on outdoor sports, guns, police/military, martial arts and you quickly become overwhelmed. And this doesn't even take into consideration the internet phenomenon. The days of porn being the only moneymaker on the web are long
As someone who has been in and around the print and ad industry for 30 years, the one difference today is the extreme fragmentation of the media market. Mr. Russell stated that he advertised in four magazines back in the 60's. If you added in Field and Stream, you probably would have had your market as close to totally covered and you were ever going to get. Not so today. All you have to do is look at the magazine rack at Borders or Barnes and Noble and check out the sections on outdoor sports, guns, police/military, martial arts and you quickly become overwhelmed. And this doesn't even take into consideration the internet phenomenon. The days of porn being the only moneymaker on the web are long


If you really dislike someone talk him into advertising in Field & Stream, Outdoor Life or Sports Afield, Buck can make it pay, I never could. Very few buy and they do not buy much. Huge losses