Day 4 Birthday Bash Gift: KA-BAR Swabbie

The first 32 seconds looked like 2AM on any Friday night. Anyone from West Michigan knows that's exactly what people mobbing to Yesterdog look like!
You see, smoking is bad for your health. Kids, cigs kill, don't start with 'em.

Atleast that's what I was thinking...

Awesome vid though. Brought me right back to some older cult zombie flicks. Loved it!
Poor, poor Skeeter...zombie juice all in his face ! And he didn't even get the zombies name..
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Haven't these people ever seen a zombie movie? Kill the brain, kill the ghoul. Zombie 101. Much as I like knives, a ball peen hammer to the head would be a better zombie close quarters tool.
I Think that the swabbie would make a good polearm. take off the handle slabs, attach it to a good pole and go to town!
Exactly what I was thinking Forester33... haven't they seen The Walking Dead? Oh how I've always wanted to chop a zombie in half.
Not an entry. Thanks for doing this. Knives are always better than guns in Zombie Films! Nice Job Ka-Bar!
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Man i cant wait til the zombie apocalypse happens. Especially with a swabbie on hand! Great video.
"Produced by Sam Raimi, Directed by Bill Campbell?" LOL, seriously first thought.

Thanks again for the giveaways.
Damn those looked like some great chicken wings! I wonder how they tasted the 2nd time around when the zombies got to them?