Mod, supermod changes and more.

I'm crushed. All those late night fantasies; so much wasted effort... :p

Did those fantasies include melted butter and romantic bass guitar music:p I full heartily support the likes of Kiah, Melvin-Purvis, and Guyon stepping up to the position of super mods. I think they would do great jobs, but those are some pretty big shoes to fill. I also think that both women mentioned should be considered for a red mod position so they have the experience when the time comes that you need another super mod. That 1234 guy is offering free bacon and lives in the future so he would be another one to consider.
Did those fantasies include melted butter and romantic bass guitar music:p I full heartily support the likes of Kiah, Melvin-Purvis, and Guyon stepping up to the position of super mods. I think they would do great jobs, but those are some pretty big shoes to fill. I also think that both women mentioned should be considered for a red mod position so they have the experience when the time comes that you need another super mod. That 1234 guy is offering free bacon and lives in the future so he would be another one to consider.

It's been almost a day and I have yet to see so much as a bacon bit. Shenanigans!!!
Sorry to hear about Eliott and Gus leaving the super mod squad.
Now Gus will have more time for singing lessons for his goats!!!:rolleyes:
Although everyone is voting for supermod candidates, the thread is about adding both mods and supermods.

It's kinda sad seeing Elliott and Gus stepping down. They were both mods in Traditional when I started hanging out there, and are great guys...
I can certainly understand them wanting a change though.

Guyon, Sheldon, and Morrow would be great choices. I also agree with Kiah being considered, and although he hasn't been a Mod as long as others, RevDevil has shown himself to have great skills when it comes to keeping people going in the right direction...

Someone mentioned adding a woman as a Mod :eek: Just kidding :D

Why not ? Neither have Mod experience, so a Super Mod position might not be the best start, but given time I'm sure either BA Colt or Pertinux would do great.
Beth Ann and Sarah are both well liked, and somehow manage to keep themselves out of trouble when it erupts.
Although everyone is voting for supermod candidates, the thread is about adding both mods and supermods.

Good point. I read much more than I post, but I venture into pretty much all areas of the BF.
I agree with the suggestions for supermods that have been submitted, for what that's worth, and would like to make one of my own for a mod.

I think that Pertinux would make a fine moderator, if she's willing. She's certainly likable enough, has an interesting perspective on the hobby, and has demonstrated plenty of times that she has the temperament and social skills for the job.
I'm quite new here, so not sure if I'm qualified to give an opinion or how highly it'll be regarded, but I'd like to give Kiah a hearty :thumbup: as well. Again, in my limited time here, he's been exemplarily fair and level-headed.

Oh, he also makes a fine kydex sheath and has spectacular taste in music. Should be a shoo in.
The Honorable Gentleman from Concord casts his vote for===>
Charlie Mike
Total Posts 19,777 Posts Per Day 3.79
That's impressive!!!:thumbup:

Codger would be cool too......
Just to clarify a point a few people seem to have missed, Morrow and RevDevil are both Super Moderators already.

I gotta make sure I'm awake before posting :eek:

I still think they would make good ones.... :foot:



Thanks Andy. I don't feel so bad now.. :D

Just to clarify: I'm male as well. I realize my biscuit may look female but if you flip it over and look closely...

I'm taking your word for it.

I'm crushed. All those late night fantasies; so much wasted effort... :p

Can I retract my endorsement for Sheldon ? :eek:

DB731 and Charlie Mike. They're both cool guys, and I think they'd be great as either mods or supermods.

Unless I'm having a brain fart, which is entirely possible, I've seen enough of the pictures DB731 posts to vote negative on that one.
I would like to mention the following members, for these reasons. 1. Time of service is great, it should allow you to cut the Turkey twice per year. Often guys who are popular or been "here" a long times develop habits, good and bad. They have "canned", judgmental responses geared toward friends, not rules. 2. Mods should understand knives, and be current regarding knife trends. With little or no Itrade ratings, It is IMPOSSIBLE for any mod to understand any part of the forum dealing with knife transactions. That completely removes those mods from real time knowledge of the exchange. Since a huge part of the ENTIRE BF forum, including GBU, involve exchange issues, a mod must be "IN THE GAME". 3. Lastly a Mod should be balanced and only post in restricted areas as a member, NEVER a mod. unless otherwise appointed to that area. How can a Mod. spend 70% > of their time posting in "adult" areas of the forum as a friend or buddy and then shift into general areas of the forums without being tainted. Or without pressure and influence of friendship? THEY CANNOT...

The recent situation involving members and mods is a clear example of how the entire forum views Mods. On one hand you have mainly members of a small section posting here, to protect their agenda. Funny but that same group of members and mods. created this most recent event. It is clear that balance is the answer. Mods. that DO NOT HAVE AGENDAS. But rather members who understand the rules and are willing to not only enforce the rules but to apply the rules. So much is left to settle on it's own, because of , again friendships.

My three candidates all are beyond a doubt honest, fair, and loyal. They have a very well balanced approach to the forums and "use" the entire forum as a tool to better serve their knife needs. They have the necessary time and post almost anytime of day or night. And they own and use knives. While non aggressive, they will stand for what is correct as their involvement in GBU will show.


With Gus and Blues stepping down, this creates a hole in the super mod group. They can't be replaced, as their service and help has been invaluable and irreplaceable. Founding members, here from the beginning, and treasured, their council and advice has helped me immeasurably over the years.

Before i start submitting names for possible additions, I'm curious if anyone has suggestions.

Personally, I think Guyon would make a great super mod, as well as Melvin Purvis; both have been incredibly helpful and valued members.

I'm open for additional moderator suggestions for the general forums as well.
I just re-read the heading to this thread and it is my hope the "and more" includes a Moderator relocation to Siberia................................
Charlie Mike? At first I was like WTH, but he'd probably be a great mod, because he has high interest in knives, he's not in with a circle of people to the extent it would influence his judgement. He has a mild temper, so he wouldn't try to throw his weight around. He's here a good bit and last but not least he's a fairly interesting person. :thumbup: (plus he's just crazy enough to take the job and stay:D)
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