new way to make non-rotating throws

Did you go to the link and look at the knives? They have sliding lockable balancers in the handle! I bet you could order extras if need be to get the weight correct. Just a cleaner look to use with your style maybe?
I don't really like to promote or disparage any particular product, but I am not a fan of adjustable weight knives, for three reasons. One, those weights stick out the sides, and this can really ruin your grip and your ability to handle the knife. Two, those moving parts are just begging to be broken or slip out of place. Three, they're expensive.

I like the look of a pretty knife as much as anyone, but to me performance is always most important with throwing knives because you're endangering yourself if you're missing a lot and knives are bouncing around unpredictably. I think it's best to learn with cheap, dull knives that you don't mind breaking, and then once you know what you're doing, experiment with different kinds of equipment.
That's just my personal preference, though, and if someone is happy throwing adjustable-weight knives, then that's what they should do. The most important things are experimentation and finding out what works for you individually, and, of course, practice!

I doubt there's ever been anyone who could throw a knife with much success right away, without any practice or any instructions. It's just not as easy as throwing a baseball or shooting a basketball, for example. That's part of its appeal -- not just everyone can do it, only those who are ready to put in the work. And that's true of any kind of knife throwing, whether it's my style (which is intended to make it as easy as possible), the conventional style, or anyone else's. What I'm trying to say is, don't get discouraged and don't be surprised that you didn't start getting sticks right away. As for my book, I have already posted that kind of information in the past and the moderators don't feel it should be repeated over and over in this forum, so just look over the previous postings on this thread for the kind of information you want.