Randall knives--I just don't get it

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I don't know where the perception comes from that Randall Knives don't perform. I have seen Randalls in use all over the world and have yet to see one perform poorly.

Poor quality items don't reach legendary status. Same thing with Rolex. Anyone that thinks a twenty dollar watch will perform at the same level as a Rolex is fooling themselves. A properly maintained Rolex will perform for a lifetime, same as a Randall Made Knife.

If you like something else better than that is what you should own. But if you think you are buying better than Randall you are again fooling yourself.

Randalls are not hard to obtain. Sure if you want one from the factory exactly as you want it takes a while. Ponder for a moment how long it will take to get a CRK just as you want it (change the guard, handle material, or grind). Randall is the only factory made knife I know that you can get exactly as you wish. Unless of course if the factory model is exactly what you want.

There are lots of good knives available. Trying to pee on Randalls legendary status doesn't make one look intelligent it makes one look jealous.
There's even a song about them, called "Randall Knife" I think. Can't remember who sings it. Name another knife brand that has its own song!
;) I was lucky enough to live close to Orlando when I was growing up and started my collecting at an early age on my Randall's and through the years I have acquired 19 of his knives and I have never sold or traded any of his knives while most of my knives come and go his will go to my boys when I am gone as they both have about 1/2 dozen of there own. Any of my other knifes are for sale or trade but his will never be and people say everything has a price but my Randall's don't because I have had some "very" nice offers on a few of them from time to time through the years and they are still either at the Bank and some are in my Safes just to take out and pet.! lol :)
I think they are worth it and I will own a Model 11 one day. If you think they are expensive try pricing an Ed Fowler.:eek: I would love to have one of his also but for now I don't have the extra $$$.
I have no idea who you are, but if you have "absolutely no use for a fixed blade," why are you here stinking up this thread with your negativity?

Curiosity more than anything on my part...

I am always interested to see what brands occupy this "space" and see how they are percieved by the enthusiast communities, for most other areas interest it is easy (pens = montblanc, stereo's = Bose, watches = Rolex, to a degree autos I would say Mercedes, bikes = Harley, lighters = Dupont)

However with Knives I was at a loss given that I don't know much about historically significant manufactureres and much of the discussion on the high end seemingly revolves around more modern makers (WH, CRK)

However another point is how defensive people become of brands...I often find it rather funny.

With that said something I didn't realize is that the Randalls don't seem that expensive when ordered direct, just you have to wait an eternity for one and instead are relegated to going through a dealer markup if you want one soon.

Not saying they don't make a good knife, just interested to finally figure out which brand was in that spot from a perception standpoint.

Reminds me of the Rolex daytona, and fail to see where I am being negative.
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I have owned a #8 for about twenty years now. It has skinned many deer and is used every hunting season. I would be classified as a user not a collector, but I do want to use a knife that I appreciate. It holds an edge well and I can get it amazingly sharp without too much difficulty. It feels "right" in my hand and I like the lines and the way it looks. I tried a Knives of Alaska Elk Hunter last year and it is a very good knife, but I will carry the old Randall again next year, however, as it and I have become old friends and I can't bare the thought of it staying home while I am in the field...it just doesn't feel right. In any case, the point I was trying to make is that the KOA is better suited to the task, uses better steel, and is far cheaper, but just has no soul. It is just a knife and the Randall is so much more to me.

Historical note: Francis G. Powers, U-2 pilot, was carrying a model 8 when he was shot down over Russia in May, 1960.
Fair enough Mathew J, you said you were starting to get "it" in reference to Randall Made Knives. But then you didn't talk aobut the topic knives, you went on to discuss youur favored knives. Everyone has an opinion, but if all 175,000+ members simply offered up posts that only alluded to the topic these threads would be tiresome.

Everyone should order a Randall, end of story. The cost does not prohibit their purchase. Thoughts like, I don't deserve to have to wait.....I want mine now..they highlight what is wrong with society and people in general.
HH, yes. Everyone with an interest in Randall knives should buy my reference book on the subject - then you'll have something to read while you're waiting for your knife to arrive. It's sold at the Randall shop and can be purchased when you place your knife order. If I can be of any additional service, don't hesitate to ask. Hope that helps... :D
"Everyone with an interest in Randall knives should buy my reference book on the subject "
Having recently bought this book (directly from Sheldon), I fully endorse Sheldon's plug for his book. Great 'knife-porn' pictures and the text gives both the basic Randall info as well as all the minor changes and details that are a great help to the collector. It's also a well bound, coffe table type display book.
Excellent addition to my knife reference books.
unsolicited, roland
It's also a well bound, coffe table type display book.

Agreed, the quality of the book itself suprised me as well. It was the first thing I remarked about.

So this is what I don't get, in the case of Randall made knives. We have available to everyone, no games, no bull%^$, just order and wait, probably one of the last handmade American production anything, not counting the fact they are first and foremost fine user blades. And an entire bunch of you cannot muster up the fortitude and national pride to sit back wait, and order just one?

Randalls are an American ICON like Harley's and Bowie Knives. Arguably better knives can be had but none that still have there roots in old Americana. No to Randall's are the same each is slightly different, Randall doesn't use jigs, fixtures, lasers or CNC machines to make there knives instead they rely on the experienced eye and steady hands of a craftsman from start to finish. Something that is all but gone in the computer controlled world of modern production.

Having worked in a field that required hi tolerance's for many years my eye became accustomed to the near perfection of computer made parts. After 15 months I received my Randall, i opened up the box and immediately every irregularity jumped out at me. I was very disappointed and angry for having just waited 15 months and spending $600. Then I saw a little piece of paper about the size of a post it and it read something like this, Please excuse irregularities and small imperfections, our knives are all made by hand using no fixtures and jigs. Well After reading I relized that I had totally lost my appreciation for Hand made things. I since have re-aquired that appreciation and I thank Randall for that. Randall knives are a high quality knife well worth the money. Randall has managed to do something that most if not all have failed in and that is hold onto old world craftsmanship in a world where production is dominated and controlled by computers......
What I don't like with Randalls (or Busses) it's that they're hard to find... On the other side, it's part of the game, and I like this game !
And an entire bunch of you cannot muster up the fortitude and national pride to sit back wait, and order just one?
I buy other production, as well as customs, made by Americans. There is a great knife shop near Ft Huachuca, I stop by (& purchase something) every time I have training there. It has a cabinet full of Randalls. I have never been told it was my civic duty to buy one, and have never asked to handle one. They are nice looking knives, but there are several display cases also filled with customs & all other forms of production models. My attentions are directed elsewhere, and I strangely don't feel like a coward because of it.
Everyone should order a Randall, end of story. The cost does not prohibit their purchase. Thoughts like, I don't deserve to have to wait.....I want mine now..they highlight what is wrong with society and people in general.

And an entire bunch of you cannot muster up the fortitude and national pride to sit back wait, and order just one?


But I don't want one. That was the point of my original post. An honestly, not much that's been posted in this thread has changed my mind. I understand how historically significant some Randall's have been, but we aren't talking about those specimens here. We're talking about buying new production.

I think the strongest arguments in favor of getting in the queue have been the ones that have been based on pure economics: You'll always be able to sell it for more. I 100% agree with that statement, but I still don't understand why. And yes, I have seen the knives and held them.

I suppose it's like somebody blithely said way back in an early post: "If I have to explain it to you then you wouldn't understand." I guess I won't...and that's OK. I know how it feels to try to explain to somebody why spending $100 for a knife with a hole in the blade is a good idea. :D Not everybody can get everything...but it doesn't make me a traitor if I don't want one.
I buy other production, as well as customs, made by Americans. There is a great knife shop near Ft Huachuca, I stop by (& purchase something) every time I have training there. It has a cabinet full of Randalls. I have never been told it was my civic duty to buy one, and have never asked to handle one. They are nice looking knives, but there are several display cases also filled with customs & all other forms of production models. My attentions are directed elsewhere, and I strangely don't feel like a coward because of it.

Are we debating the topic? I wasn't sure I was dirrecting any of that at you.

If you like other knives that is fine by me. If you know what you like than what I said shouldn't have shaken you in the slightest. I never called anyone a coward, I said "fortitude.....to sit and wait." sometimes waiting can be dificult.
You were directing it at everyone when you said everyone should order a Randall. I have no doubts that they deserve the stellar reputation. But I'm not waiting to get one, and I think precious few people will just to get a good knife. When you need a tool to get work done, you probably need it in under five years.

A special custom order is more understandable, but that is not something everyone needs/wants/or is even aware of. "Everyone" certainly takes us past people who have an interest in knives, knows that there is a high end production and custom knife industry, wants or can spend more than even $20 on a knife, or is interested in the materials and designs Randall produces. Now, plenty of us here have the required interests and desire to spend at the given level for these knives, but I doubt any of us want to be told we're obligated to the task.
You were directing it at everyone when you said everyone should order a Randall.

You chose to highlight the "Everyone" instead of "should". If it is darkness you seek, shadows abound.

hardheart said:
I have no doubts that they deserve the stellar reputation. But I'm not waiting to get one, and I think precious few people will just to get a good knife. When you need a tool to get work done, you probably need it in under five years.

So you do "get it"' you just don't like them. Why post in this thread at all?
Should I also highlight "end of story", "society and people in general", and "an entire bunch of you". I can't tell if you are criticizing people who don't want to wait for quality American products in general, or criticizing people who don't want a Randall specifically. Your only suggestion in demonstrating patience and national pride is in acquiring a Randall, so it would be difficult to separate them. Can you clarify your message, since I seem to have misunderstood it?
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