Snow in Yuppieville


Good to see another Reedie here. I missed you by about 10 years.

You know what's fun, - hitting one of those 12" deep Portland mud puddles at 35 mph on a motorcycle.

When I lived in Montana around 1990, I had a Mazda 4x4 pickup. That thing would go ANYWHERE! and my hunting pal went up into an area that usually was a dirt road that consisted of at least 8 inches of red colored dust. We were up on the hill grouse hunting and it started to rain. I mean rain,, you take bigtime rain and mix it with that dust, which I think had some clay in it, and you have greased snot. Lots of it...So, here we were, trying not to slide off the mountain side to get home. Some of the dropoffs were 6-800 feet to the bottom of the valleys. That little Mazda got us home in one piece. At times, the clay/snot would build up on the tires to 6 inches thick, but a little revving of the engine would toss it off. There were times my heart was beating real fast. Probably should have just spent the night on the mountaintop, but the wife would have been worried sick..

I regret not keeping that truck, as it would outclimb both the Fords I've had since.
Howard Wallace,

I didn't know current Reedies took to knives or somesuch. It was always my impression that the campus was a hotbed of leftest, anti-violence and required disarmement

Actually, I haven't been to the ole place in about 15 years. Last time I tried to crash on campus (was motorcycling through Oregon, Washington, toward Colorado) I was rousted out of the place by some very straight looking Dorm Daddies

Talk to me sometime via email. And remember, I was a freshman during the "summer of Love"

Watakushi Wa Shinajin Desu

the year of woodstock, when the unwashed masses gathered to make history, and quite a stench

I say this very tongue in cheek. My father in-law was there. With a lot of his close friends.

[This message has been edited by Matt Matheny (edited 02-25-2001).]