ALL NEW Busse Pets Thread

...... yes operational till 3weeks ago. He is an awfully big GSD and has a switch, on and off. Right now he is asleep next to me on the floor in the off mode. If I move he will transition to on and will need a task to do (chasing a kong is his chosen role for now). Have seen very few flashes of his training beyond obeadiance. As we are working to transition him to a homebody we are doing nothing to knowingly trigger a working response. He didn't like the sound of some folks walking home from the pub last night, no barking or aggression just him at full size in the middle of the front door, ears forward "watching and listening"....he is asleep on the floor next to me as I type this.
Sounds like he could be a bit of a challenge until he (hopefully) goes into retirement mode. But, oh what a reward for sticking with him, I’d bet!
My Bro inlaw bought Summer a Kong, tough toy, seatbelt material - she scissored the straps off it in 5 minutes so now it's a ball, the ball inside the "ballistic" material - Summer thinks ice cubes are a treat - every time we go to the fridge for ice, she comes over and sits down for hers. 3 crunches, ice cube gone - thankfully she hasn't learned to push the button, but she knows it's there.
Oh my girlfriend will kill for one of those pies! The one on 58 is kind of out the way for us...I wonder if the one next to i5 has the pies... we just might stop by in two weeks.
Here is a fun one ....