And So.... The Phantom Of The "Khukura" Is Dead

May 16, 2002
..after 86 pages, 1707 posts, and 17806 views. Is there a prize for the last person to post to it? (hee hee)

No, but in a week or two when Spark's not looking, you can be the first to start a "Fantasma de La Cucharacha" thread.

Stay tuned to find out Senor Tsimi's reaction when his long and painfully degenerate karma results in his being brought back to life as a common cockroach!!! This could get downright ugly here, folks!!!

:eek: :p ;) :D :D :D
YOU are a wonderfully twisted soul Rusty :D:):D:):D
Twisted doesn't begin to describe him!!Bet he sneaks into Reno & robs us innocent members of Uncle's prised K's!!K's we "never" see!Ever wonder where Uncle keeps getting all that German Beer!!Well now you know!!
Well, it was a good run while it lasted. Guess I have no reason to crawl out of my hole anymore.

Glad you guys enjoyed it.
it took more twists than a slinky in a blender.

Did some searching. Found an amazing number of sites, each with a different explanation of how this came to be composed, and then used.

But somehow, after all the posts, laughs, and confusion....

Here's to the "Phantom"


The Phantom Thread has a life of its' will reincarnate when it ready....maybe even in chunks :eek: :grumpy:
Originally posted by jim_l_clifton
Bet he ... robs "us_INNOCENT_members" of Uncle's prised K's!!

Note how Tsimi has now regained his innocence within a few hours after showing the true, dastardly dark side of the duck, causing the great and powerful Spark to shut down the threat - and his evil karma necessitating his return as Tsimi the Cockroach. ( Notice he didn't even get a chance at being a rat? From duck straight to cockroach is shall we say, unprecedented in this millenium ? )

Next will come claims that his heaven ejected soul has regained it's virginity and purity and that he is thus no longer an HIKV carrier. :barf:
SNIIFF!! I come home from work to find THE thread of the new millineum dead. ... the end of an era. ...


I doubt that we'll ever see another quite like it -- which may not be all bad come to think of it.
I bought a couple of boxes for roach-pruf to sit w/ my khuks.
Hopefully Tsimi's new girls will have 2 legs.:p
NOOOOO!!!!!!:( I'll bet it's the longest thread in the history of BFC. Dang, guess I'll have to try and get a life now.:p The girls out number us 4 to 1 here at Snow. Maybe I should look in that direction now.

*Sob* no more Phantom.
4 to 1! Maybe I'll get plastic surgery, dye my hair black, fill the trunk with a couple of hundred pounds of viagra and move up.
Yeah, I just started thinking about emigration! But if we all move there, this proportion will change to 1:4, so I'll better stay where I am and leave this to Uncle and others:D
Uncle, you're welcome up here any time. I just talked to some friends and they are saying it's more like 4.5 or even 5 to 1 here. Everywere I look there are girls. Lots of girls.:)

Sharri, a couple more guys won't change things much. Come on down. The more Khukuri nuts in this area the better. Plus, if they like the ladies then that's just one more thing we have in commen.;)