BLADE SHOW ’07 – Show us what you got; Please!

I was sick when I found the cracks in the tiger stripe walrus scales (about a $400 set of scales). I don't have but three sets large enough for this knife and Pete chose the best of them, the red popcorn mammoth will look real good here.

Don, I wouldn't worry about the $400, as good as that red ivory looks, just add another $400 to the price of the Bowie. Peter won't mine. ;) :D :D

Right Peter? :eek: :D
One more...I'm graduating from law school tomorrow, so I'm feeling especially generous ;).

In addition to feeling especially generous, you should feel especially proud of yourself. That's one hell of an accomplishment. I know it will be a wonderful day for you and your parents.
Congratulations Matt.
Yeah - big congrats Matt. Probably explains why you've been a little absent from the forums lately. Good to see you'll have some knives with you at Blade. You got a pic of that hamon?
Here is a snapshot from the bench of Don Hanson III, to get all of you in the mood for Atlanta.


Peter, stop teasing us. Where is the rest of it? :confused: ;)

Nice touch with the groves in the ferrule Don. It appeared too long without them.

As always, the little gold pins add that touch of class.
Don, you are the master of subtle enhancements, where little discrete design elements goes a long way to give the piece that WOW factor. :eek:
Thanks guys! It feels great to be done.

Derrick, I didn't take a photo of the hamon. My photo equipment is packed and ready for the move so I won't be taking any additional pictures. In fact, all of my knives have been done for several weeks.

Steven, I got your message, thanks.

Here's another knife I'll have with me.

11" blade, sweeping radiused spine, 416ss fittings, maple handle, 16.5" OAL.



Everyone has already seen this piece, but I'll post a photo anyway :)

Big time Congrats on graduation. :thumbup:
Thanks for sharing the images,more great Bowies/fighters.
You have been missed around here.
All the best in Atlanta.

Just AMAZING! :eek:
The nicest ivory I've seen as well.
Beautiful blade.

Great work. :cool: :thumbup:

Matt, that is one beautiful piece of maple. Not a wood that usually appeals to me, but I sure like that piece.
Well, less than 5 weeks until Blade and we have already seen some very nice pieces here.

I know of several makers that have some SUPER knives in the works as we speak. Can't wait to see them.

And for those of you that have not checked out the BladeForums Bowie stickey, the Bowie is finished and will be in route for photographs on Tuesday after Burt completes the sheath.

An eariler thread mentioned BF members getting together for dinner @ Blade. Really looking forward to it. :)
Here's some more Blade bound knives from down Arkansas way. These from JR Cook.

This is my ALT # 3 Model: The Blade is 7-3/4" long, the handle is Mamoth and Walrus Ivory.


This is a new model: Caping knife:
The blade is 4-3/4" and the handle is stag.

One of a kind: South West Style:
The blade is 6-3/4" and the handle is Mamoth Ivory. Very Bold Damascus. Around 60 layers.

Here is a nice hunter: One of a kind. the blade is 4-1/2" long. Nice Stag!
This is Jerry's Bird and Trout Sendero with mother of pearl scales on a stainless steel frame handle. Guard and bolsters are also stainless steel. It has gold pins and scroll engraving on the guard and bolsters with 24K gold borders.

Guys, don't you hate those rare (thank goodness) occasions where you have to get all dolled up in a tux. This would make that occasion much nicer as this baby would fit right in that attire and give you an excuse to show it off a bit.

This is Jerry's Bird and Trout Sendero with mother of pearl scales on a stainless steel frame handle. Guard and bolsters are also stainless steel. It has gold pins and scroll engraving on the guard and bolsters with 24K gold borders.

Guys, don't you hate those rare (thank goodness) occasions where you have to get all dolled up in a tux. This would make that occasion much nicer as this baby would fit right in that attire and give you an excuse to show it off a bit.


It would go nicely wih your Winston Churchill engraved Colt SAA and maybe your Purdey game gun for those formal occasions when you wear a tux on a grouse hunt:D
Well, less than 5 weeks until Blade and we have already seen some very nice pieces here.

I know of several makers that have some SUPER knives in the works as we speak. Can't wait to see them.

And for those of you that have not checked out the BladeForums Bowie stickey, the Bowie is finished and will be in route for photographs on Tuesday after Burt completes the sheath.

An eariler thread mentioned BF members getting together for dinner @ Blade. Really looking forward to it. :)
Kevin.......we also need to stake out a table in the Pit so we can pour massive amounts of liquor down Matt's gullet in celebration of his graduation from law school. Preferably near the ring where Mssrs. Berger and Thompson are going to be sqauring off in the All Mall-Ninja UFC Mud Wrestling match to settle this feud once and for all:D
Those are some incredible knives that are going to Blade!! I wish I was going!
That looks cool, Matt. Did you paint a bunch of clay Xs on the blade? The effect is very neat. It's as though it means to say Do not cross!!!