Box of Goodies?

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
We used to do this about once a year. The idea is to take a flat rate mailing box and put some stuff you are no longer using or don’t need anymore. I would start it out by putting stuff in, and sending to the next person in line. (Chosen by me with a name drawing to put everyone in order). Then that person chooses a few items he wants, and adds a few items to put in the box, then ships it to the next person and so on. The idea is to keep it moving quickly.
If there is interest I could get it started in about two weeks.
Only regular posters on this forum are eligible!
If something is not clear, just ask, I probably didn’t explain it right.

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I'm game for a passaround box.
medium or large flat rate? (I suggest starting with a large FR box and significant padding, so it has room to grow without issues)
if you allow canadians, group them together and make them either first or last to limit how much time the box spends going through customs and how many folks get hit with paying the extra for international postage.
People can use any size box they want. I’m limiting this to regular posters on this forum.
I am interested. Had a good time in the other one I participated in on the general forum.
I'd be in. I've participated here and on other forums before and always had fun. My younger son has unfortunately inherited my sharps addiction and I refuse to steer him away from his destiny. When I get a box now opening it is a family affair. Thomas sets things that are "his" in a separate pile as we dig through the contents.
Will do. Let’s get this going. I need to find some junk....I old treasures to make it interesting. :D
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I need everyone who is interested to email me their address!
I tried sending from my phone this morning but it looks like the email isn't going through. I'll send an email from home this evening. Looking forward to this.
Sorry, being one of those weeks.
I will try to send you an email tonight.