Corona thread. No politics please

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Only a Birkenstock wearing, Lilly-livered liberal hippie from Northern Cali listens to NPR while driving to work. So why am I also tuned to that station? :confused:

#guntotinglefty :p :D
I'm a pretty bad hippie, not particularly crunchy at all (I burn dinosaur farts for a living after all)...but yeah, guilty as charged;)
For those who are wondering if they may have had COVID-19 around New Year's and January/February, there was a new mutation of RSV that went around during that period. I caught it and ran a fever for almost 10 days, along with very heavy nasal congestion & some lung involvement. But it was not as bad as the flu, and I recovered just fine. RSV continually mutates, so every few (maybe 5 to 7) years, it has changed enough so that your old antibodies don't work against the new strain.
I'm O- so hopefully that means I can better deal with it IF I get it but I am asthmatic so maybe the two will cancel each other out lol

Is there going* to be any relief for smaller businesses? They announced an $82B relief fund in Canada but I'm not exactly sure how it'll be used our distributed.

I know someone who JUST opened a gym within the last half year and I honestly don't know how his business will survive this. They're saying we'll be in lockdown until July.

Edit: typo*

CEBA just went live- $40K loan, 0% interest until Dec 2022 and if paid back in full prior to that date, 25% is forgiven. If it goes past the due date, no principal payments for three years and 5% interest

The Pope says coronavirus could be ‘nature’s response’ to climate change.

there's probably more I disagree with the pope on that I agree with, but that concept rings true to me.
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CEBA just went live- $40K loan, 0% interest until Dec 2022 and if paid back in full prior to that date, 25% is forgiven. If it goes past the due date, no principal payments for three years and 5% interest

there's probably more I disagree with the pope on that I agree with, but that concept rings true to me.

This current Pope was not a favorite of the old-school Vatican establishment. I believe him to be a righteous man outside of his responsibilities to the Church and to the Religion. In fact, he may even be open minded and a man of science too. Note that he stated Nature refraining from overtly using the G-word.

P.S. Can I become an honorary Canadian till 2022? :D
Apologies for the above juvenile Q. It's all Lorien's fault because he manages to bring out the child in me :)

Now a serious Q for the experts: what do you think about using facial cleansers a couple of times a day? Like when you get paranoid that you inadvertently touched your face, even if you've washed your hands like crazy already?
Yes, that's fine.

Carry a bottle of alcohol hand sanitizer (if you can find it) when you go out as well, so you can sanitize your hands (or nitrile gloves, if you're wearing those) after touching community surfaces (gas pump handles, card scanners and touchscreens etc.).

Also potentially a good idea to sanitize your groceries when you bring them home. Many items are plastic and/or in coated cardboard. If the stockboy was infected (or anyone else who touched the items), the virus can live on those surfaces for several days.
I'm interested in what happens when the numbers subside, the "non essentials" come back out, and businesses reopen. Will the virus be there waiting to start round two? Obviously, we can't hide forever; so is SIP merely delaying the inevitable?
The idea, is to flatten the curve and delay things, so the healthcare system doesn't get overwhelmed, leading to the cascading failures I'd mentioned in the other thread.

The other reason is playing for time, to get a better handle on supplies like PPE, AND develop effective treatment protocols and/or a vaccine, or to slowly build herd immunity.
I swear I had this shit last year. In July or August of last year, I came down with a bug that felt just like the flu. Sweats, fever, chills, coughing, that kicked my ass for about 7 or 8 days. I mean, laying up on the couch, don't-want-to-get-up-to-go-pee kind of sick. Went to doctor's care and tested negative for the flu. Took some antibiotics and finally got over it. Makes you wonder how long this has actually been around and we just didn't know it, or blew it off as a bug of some sort.
It's common for people to think/hope that they caught a particularly virulent circulating bug (happens every bad flu season), but unfortunately, the modeling simply doesn't support that.

We can see 2 simple indicators:
1) look at how fast and hard this hit the US, once it began. If there had been community spread in the US back in November or December (like some believe, again, citing their, "I had something. It swept through the local community" anecdotes), much less any earlier last year, we would have been well under way in January-February.

This bug is HIGHLY contagious. You might've heard/read of the term R0/R-naught. That's the reproductivity of an infectious pathogen (how many other people, each infected person will in turn, infect). It's back calculated from how quickly, and wide, this spreads. Seasonal flu has an R0 of about 1.2.

The R0 for this bug WITH all the social distancing measures in place is STILL 2-3. The R0 WITHOUT the extreme SD measures has been estimated at around 5-6. It spreads like wildfire unmitigated, and the numbers double every 3 days or so. Back calculating the numbers, the US really only started community transmission about the end of January.

2) while there are issues with false negatives in the tests, the fact remains that ~90% of the people WITH symptoms who've been tested, show negative for Covid-19. There are just a lot of other respiratory illnesses going around as well.
I'm glad they recovered! Covid19 was already doing in February so it's possible it could've been that - especially with the restricted breathing. Does anyone know what your test result would indicate if you got the virus but fully recovered from it? Would it just show negative? Unfortunately I don't know too much about viral testing
Depends on the test.

rt-PCR tests for the presence of the virus, so if you were infected, recovered and cleared the virus from your body, the test would show negative.

Serology/antibody tests look for antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and THAT test could show if you'd been infected in the past.

Unfortunately, there are some disturbing developments :(

It seems that some percentage of people who had Covid-19 never develop much in the way of antibodies. :(

This may be a factor in the anecdotal reports of recovered Covid-19 patients getting reinfected. It could have HUGE consequences on the development of herd immunity, as well as developments of vaccines.
Closing up and abandoning at this stage can have a wide variety of terrible consequences. I would imagine that most small businesses (defined as having up to 500 employees here in the U.S) operate on some form of borrowing and lines of credit so you just can not just close your doors on a whim. There are taxes, payroll taxes and the debt to deal with which are always lagging so most of those monies are still owed. The biz can file for bankruptcy protection but that does not exonerate them from their payroll taxes at the very least. Then the banks will start to collapse if this is done on a large scale as landlords who lease out to those small businesses will not be able to pay on their commercial mortgages and the bank's assets on their balance sheets will be worth crap! Banks will not be able to pay their depositors because you will be surprised to find out that they are only required to keep something like 7% of their reposts in actual cash reserves and many banks I bet you, will even fail that liquidity test!

But you didn't hear it from me in here.

I don't even want to think about the long term economic impact of this. The stock market was doingunusually well this week. I'm pessimistic and unloaded all my holdings today. I think it will dip again as we haven't seen the worst if this yet in North America.
An ayatollah in Iraq said the coronavirus is Allah's punishment. He tested positive. :D

I had to look up this genius! He is an Iraqi born "ayatollah" who lives, studies and practices his BS in the city of Qom in Iran! Apparently he was opining about the Chinese government forcing the Chinese muslim Uyghurs into slavery, internment and eating pork / drinking wine among other forced sins. The genius was talking his arse off till he did not realize that many so-called infected Chinese Uyghurs were already in the city of Qom, the epicenter of the Covid-19 virus in Iran!

Team Nature: +1 against this ignoramus moron :thumbsup:
I don't even want to think about the long term economic impact of this. The stock market was doingunusually well this week. I'm pessimistic and unloaded all my holdings today. I think it will dip again as we haven't seen the worst if this yet in North America.

Don't ever play individual stocks unless you like gambling and can afford to lose the dough or better, have a verifiable insider tip which will lead you to serve time in jail if found out to be a part of such conspiracy.

See my handle? I used to know a thing or two sans serving the jail-time part :p
local media is touting Vancouver Island's success in bending the curve with decreasing numbers of cases, which means a lot of fucking idiots are going to think it's ok to go about their long weekend business around here. D'oy!
local media is touting Vancouver Island's success in bending the curve with decreasing numbers of cases, which means a lot of fucking idiots are going to think it's ok to go about their long weekend business around here. D'oy!

There are already talks of a second and a third wave... Chances are that this virus ain’t gonna go anywhere till there’s sufficient immunity and a proven vaccine, which means more deaths and more misery. It’s now a good time for those who want to be smarter than the average sheeple, to study the history of past pandemics to learn from the past.
Last night, I sent an email to my primary care physician at Kaiser. I stated that I had been feeling weird and kinda off for the past 4 weeks or so, like I had described in here a few posts back yesterday or so. I also explained that I haven’t had any of the prominent Covid-19 symptoms being reported day in and day out.

This AM a nurse calls me to schedule a phone visit with the Doc (I know this Doc for a couple of years now). So the Dr. call me 10 mins later and again goes through everything with me and then suggests that I should try some OTC remedies to treat what seems like seasonal allergies and/or sinus issues. He was absolutely against prescribing any antibiotics because as we have already discussed antibiotics are not for treating viral infections plus he told me that antibiotics actually decrease immunity so not recommended as a prophylactic or therapeutic med for this COVID-19.

The visit to the pharmacy was very interesting for lack of a better word. If you are with the Kaiser group, you already know that everything is under the same roof including the pharmacy. It was like I was trying to gain access to a top military cite! Most entrances were cordoned off so only a couple of controlled and manned enyerances to this huge structure. I was asked a series of questions about my well-being and my condition and my travels and contacts. Then my temperature was checked and I was five a green colored sticker to put on myself. Some other people had orange and also red colored stickers and I can only speculate as to why. Then I had to go through the whole darn structure to get into the other building where the pharmacy was and my sticker color was checked before I was assigned a spot marked with an X to wait till I was called in! I can’t believe that I did all this for an OTC steroidal nasal spray. What a trip and imagine the what/if, if I was sick for realz!

ETA: I was face masked, latex gloved and the whole nine yards as almost everyone else who were also at least masked.
local media is touting Vancouver Island's success in bending the curve with decreasing numbers of cases, which means a lot of fucking idiots are going to think it's ok to go about their long weekend business around here. D'oy!
Here in the interior I've been handing out one way bus tickets to Nanaimo all week.
Nanaimo is fucked right now, the homeless situation is getting out of hand, so that's going to be VI's epicentre, I think. There's a huge tent city there now. City's corrupt as hell from what I understand so I don't have a lot of confidence in their management competency up there. I'd be surprised if many on those buses are even able to make it over to the island

Victoria is housing homeless in motels and wherever they can, but without access to services I worry these places will become nexus points due to the transient nature of those folks and their vulnerabilities due to addiction or mental health glitches. Seems like we're all just sitting on a ticking time bomb

Canada's modelling shows between 11K and 22K dead from the virus (til when I dunno research if curious) if we act exactly as we should. Don't have much confidence that enough of us can do what needs done without the proof right up in our face, by which time it's too late to do anything except let the wave wash over you and hope for the best

we're hunkered down staying hyper local, aka; at home. Shit's going to hit the fan over the next few weeks so we're just gonna get our shit dialed and hope for the best
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