Going into the wilderness. What's your SAK?

+1 on all that! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

No intent to derail this thread - I have found the key to comfortable pocket carry for a OHT/new Soldier is to somehow keep it vertical in the pocket. Horizontally it feels like a big ole' lump of lead!

I agree, I just got my first OHT and at first I found it cumbersome in the pocket. Then I attached a small clip from a key chain light now it hangs veticaly in my pocket and all of the sudden I don't even know its there.
I have huntsman (got a good deal with SAK flash light), love it so far.
I mean it's hard to not love SAK regardless of w/e type it is.

Considering how popular farmer and trekker are,
What's difference b/w steels of farmer, trekker and huntsman?

What about their large knife's cutting power? Is there a different grind for farmer, trekker and huntsman's large knives?

thanks in advance
The steel used on the knives are the same. The Victorinox steel is nice as it sharpens up easily and takes a fine edge. They are all flat ground and the Farmer blade has more belly then the Huntsman and the OHT has a bigger blade. The Farmer feels bomb proof in the hand and I think it's tougher then the OHT. The Farmer has aluminum handles as well, they aren't plastic like a traditional SAK
For a day hike, casual camping, or just knocking around in the woods: the Farmer or Camper. For serious backpacking I'd go more minimal to save weight: maybe the Bantam.
For most woods walking, hikes, trail walks, etc, a OHT GAK version works for me.

I've mixed it up with Swisschamps, Champion Pluses, Swisstool Spirit and Explorers---overkill, I know. Just the sak knut in me.
Between the Farmer, OHT, and Rucksack, I like the Rucksack.

For me, the farmer is like a gentlemen's outdoor SAK. I'll take it to outdoor parties or random places with friends, but for a dedicated outdoor SAK, I have come to like the Rucksack. I like it even more than the OHT. The large handle is more comfortable and without the "one hand opening hole" it is also more comfortable when using the saw.

The philips on the trekker is a little redundant considering that the can opener works great as a philips head driver -and even out in the woods I have little use for a philips. The cork screw can untie tough knots, and the mini-flathead screw driver is nice for fixing people's eye glasses.

The Rucksack wins for me, and only by a very small margin.
Well I guess I'll have to get an Alox Farmer now to see what all the hype is about. :eek:
My preferred Vic is the Super Tinker.....


But this is what I take to the woods....

The GAKs make great outdoor knives. The Safari (the red civilian version) was my first SAK. That was almost 30 years ago. I still have two of them that I occasionally carry just because I like it so much. The handles are grippy and comfortable. It's also easier to carry than the 111mm models. The saws do not work as well as those on current Vic knives. They work well enough though. The back springs are quite strong (at least on Victorinox versions.)