Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

I want to sit outdoors and drink beer!
Get one of those big umbrellas on a stand!
Maybe I'll build that gazebo this year.
Good morning everyone and Happy Easter to all. Our esteemed member Rachel got me with her April Fools Day gag, my first thought was " She Has Completely Lost It ".:eek:.

r8shell r8shell outdid herself this year! :D Happy Easter Leon, I hope you enjoyed your Hot Cross Buns :) I had just put my toast in the toaster this morning, and I spotted mine :rolleyes: I'll have to have a couple later ;)
Haha! That was a lot of fun. :D After all that glittry gold madness, I'll be sticking to some classy, dark ebony this weekend while planting the garden. I hope y'all have a pleasant Good Friday, and enjoy those hot cross buns; they look delicious.
Picture from last year's garden:
Get one of those big umbrellas on a stand!
Maybe I'll build that gazebo this year.

I've just been sat out for a couple of hours. The sun was out when I first sat down, but it was freezing by the time I came in! :eek: o_O :thumbsup:

Haha! That was a lot of fun. :D After all that glittry gold madness, I'll be sticking to some classy, dark ebony this weekend while planting the garden. I hope y'all have a pleasant Good Friday, and enjoy those hot cross buns; they look delicious.
Picture from last year's garden:

Looking good Rachel, great pic :) :thumbsup:
It sounds like you had far more misses than hits Ted :( Who is going to buy a knife from a company who can't do better than that?!
Unlucky saps like me:cool::(. I gifted some of them, kept the others. I was lucky (sort of) with the white buffalo one, only had to file down the heel a little the rest is acceptable. The stag one closely resembles the one you posted. I guess that if there isn't noticeable blade play I'm OK with the knife. I can fix (for better or worse) other minor ailments and with age related failing eyesight, minor F&F problems disappear :confused:;) The saddest part is that most of these were the "premium" ones, I take it they meant they'll charge a premium price for sub-quality work.
Unlucky saps like me:cool::(. I gifted some of them, kept the others. I was lucky (sort of) with the white buffalo one, only had to file down the heel a little the rest is acceptable. The stag one closely resembles the one you posted. I guess that if there isn't noticeable blade play I'm OK with the knife. I can fix (for better or worse) other minor ailments and with age related failing eyesight, minor F&F problems disappear :confused:;) The saddest part is that most of these were the "premium" ones, I take it they meant they'll charge a premium price for sub-quality work.

That's TERRIBLE! :eek: With all the duds that have turned up here the past couple of years, I've sometimes wondered if, rather than taking extra care, and checking them over, they don't just send the worst ones overseas, knowing that folks will be especially reluctant to return them :mad: Most of the UK dealers are no better than the firm that makes these knives, it's disgraceful the way they treat customers :thumbsdown:

I don't think there's anything better than a big, messy burger (especially when you're hungry) and my lamb agrees :)

P.S. A cold beer would've been a great but I was at work.....

Looks like you're both tucking in there Ted! :D Well-earned I'm sure :thumbsup:


Enjoying a pint or two....

Cheers Taylor, have a fantastic weekend :) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, I had an upset stomach last night, really not sure what it was, was a bit like food-poisoning o_O Feeling a bit better today thankfully, but still a bit weak. With the current restrictions here, celebrating my 60th birthday with various friends has proved to be a bit of a logistical nightmare, not helped by a couple of people who are just trying to take control. Hoping I can make it through today without too much drama :rolleyes: I have the first arrivals at 10.00am, then others coming at 12.00pm, but they'll undoubtedly be late, just because...Then, I have to meet up with a new neighbour, who has got a bit obsessed with the whole thing, and is driving me mad, and then another friend later. All of them have kids/brats. Maybe I should have stayed 59, I just want an easy time :rolleyes: Wishing everyone a great Easter weekend, I'm carrying my Hartshead Barlow for strength and fortitude! ;) :thumbsup:

I thought my ears were burning a couple days ago :D lol

Such cool wildlife you guys got there :thumbsup: :cool: :D

This one here was not so cool, although it sort of redeemed itself after posing for a pic with my African rosewood lamb.
During the night we heard some noises, found a small hole in the little tent we use for food :eek: .
What he really was after was the scraping of macaroni and cheese my wife had dumped further in the forest while cleaning the cast iron pan.


Dan, I always enjoy your wildlife photos, and that little trash panda is no exception. :D :thumbsup:

Good news Mel, while I think knives should be sold sharp, it is not something I look for when buying a knife. I think that's common among traditional knife lovers too, most of us look for even grinds, rather than sharp edges. Like yourself, I'd rather sharpen a knife to my liking, than have some fool mess up the edge o_O :thumbsup:


I agree, Jack. If the blade is ground properly, then putting (and maintaining) a nice edge on it should be an easy task, especially with traditional steels.

With the current restrictions here, celebrating my 60th birthday with various friends has proved to be a bit of a logistical nightmare, not helped by a couple of people who are just trying to take control. Hoping I can make it through today without too much drama :rolleyes: I have the first arrivals at 10.00am, then others coming at 12.00pm, but they'll undoubtedly be late, just because...Then, I have to meet up with a new neighbour, who has got a bit obsessed with the whole thing, and is driving me mad, and then another friend later. All of them have kids/brats. Maybe I should have stayed 59, I just want an easy time :rolleyes: Wishing everyone a great Easter weekend, I'm carrying my Hartshead Barlow for strength and fortitude! ;) :thumbsup:


Sounds exhausting! :D I hope you have an enjoyable day, Jack, and a nice Easter weekend. :thumbsup:
If there's anymore to be said, please have this discussion privately, or in another thread gents. It's one of the reasons I ask people not to post pics of other patterns here. In this case, I know it was done as part of a Lambsfoot discussion, but see how easily it can lead on to discussing other patterns? Thanks for understanding :thumbsup:

The worst thing, for me, about this knife is that Wright's sell it as part of their "Premier" range. It's their most expensive Lambsfoot pattern, yet, despite the file-work, and the relatively high price, it's no better put together than their other knives, and often worse. Here's some photos of the first one I had from them (which the old gaffer replaced). There wasn't much RIGHT with it o_O







It took a huge amount of effort and persistence to get them to produce some knives of decent quality, and still around 20% had to be rejected. I had hoped that, when the firm was taken over by a cutler, standards would improve further, but they have dropped alarmingly, as have their business practices. I certainly wouldn't buy another knife from them :thumbsdown:

It sounds like you had far more misses than hits Ted :( Who is going to buy a knife from a company who can't do better than that?! o_O The thing that really annoys me about Wright's is that they ARE capable of producing better knives, yet they're happy to turn out garbage :thumbsdown:

Sheffield produced knives of all types in the past, including exhibition knives of dazzling quality. If they hadn't produced great knives they wouldn't have eclipsed the other English cutlery centres, and dominated the world for at least a century in that respect. That was a long time ago though, and quality has been in decline since at least WW2, and arguably since WW1. Unfortunately, as has been discussed here many times, the factory owners never invested in the trade, they paid the lowest wages and demanded cutlers rush out knives. When the Sheffield cutlery trades were fighting for their existence against cheap foreign imports, most firms chose to make CHEAPER knives, rather than BETTER knives (sadly, it's arguable that's what most people wanted). Standards dropped, as did wages, firms went to the wall. Few able lads went into the trade, and the few who did were trained by increasingly mediocre cutlers, who were struggling to earn a living on appalling piece-rates. They learned bad ways, and became poor craftsmen themselves. Now there is virtually nothing left of the historic Sheffield knife industry, with only a handful of cutlers capable of producing a decent knife :(

Thank you my friend, I enjoyed carrying it :) Spectacular photos of that gorgeous knife :) :thumbsup:

r8shell r8shell outdid herself this year! :D Happy Easter Leon, I hope you enjoyed your Hot Cross Buns :) I had just put my toast in the toaster this morning, and I spotted mine :rolleyes: I'll have to have a couple later ;) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, I hope everyone has had a good week :) I have, and I had a few beers last night, including one of the birthday beers donn donn sent me :) It went down great! :thumbsup:


I usually have something exciting planned for Easter, but like many of us, I can't travel this year, again :( It's been a bit cooler the past couple of days, and - typically - we have some rain forecast o_O I'm hoping we don't see too much of it, as I want to sit outdoors and drink beer! :D Have a good day Guardians. I'm back with my Hartshead Barlow today :thumbsup:


That's TERRIBLE! :eek: With all the duds that have turned up here the past couple of years, I've sometimes wondered if, rather than taking extra care, and checking them over, they don't just send the worst ones overseas, knowing that folks will be especially reluctant to return them :mad: Most of the UK dealers are no better than the firm that makes these knives, it's disgraceful the way they treat customers :thumbsdown:

Looks like you're both tucking in there Ted! :D Well-earned I'm sure :thumbsup:

Cheers Taylor, have a fantastic weekend :) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, I had an upset stomach last night, really not sure what it was, was a bit like food-poisoning o_O Feeling a bit better today thankfully, but still a bit weak. With the current restrictions here, celebrating my 60th birthday with various friends has proved to be a bit of a logistical nightmare, not helped by a couple of people who are just trying to take control. Hoping I can make it through today without too much drama :rolleyes: I have the first arrivals at 10.00am, then others coming at 12.00pm, but they'll undoubtedly be late, just because...Then, I have to meet up with a new neighbour, who has got a bit obsessed with the whole thing, and is driving me mad, and then another friend later. All of them have kids/brats. Maybe I should have stayed 59, I just want an easy time :rolleyes: Wishing everyone a great Easter weekend, I'm carrying my Hartshead Barlow for strength and fortitude! ;) :thumbsup:

Some beautiful photos of the pile side Jack:thumbsup:. Sorry to hear that you are ailing; hope you feel better:). 60 is a milestone birthday, but my 70th hit me the hardest:eek:. I never fretted birthdays until then. When my friends say to me "Good to see you Bill" I just reply "I'm glad to be seen and not viewed":D. I know that my reply is a little macabre but I mean it in a light hearted way. Certainly apropos in these times with COVID and allo_O.
Maybe when @knifeswapper has more time on his hands, he can get the Italians to make some lambsfoots.
Unfortunately, I think the Italian makers are having their own troubles filling Mike’s orders. I don’t know the reason, but I’ve seen his expected arrival date getting moved back and he mentioned elsewhere that some of his orders with them remain outstanding.
Unfortunately, I think the Italian makers are having their own troubles filling Mike’s orders. I don’t know the reason, but I’ve seen his expected arrival date getting moved back and he mentioned elsewhere that some of his orders with them remain outstanding.
I bought several Italian made knives from his website and they have been excellent. I'm guessing that the way Covid-19 hit Italy did not help in any way but just thinking of a Lambsfoot in M390 steel brought tears to my eyes!
That last photo is a beautiful old building.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:. I don't know how old it is, but it will still be standing when a building constructed today will be a pile of rubble. :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:.

Thanks Cudgee. They think it's about early 18th century but there not sure. The well is ancient so it could incorporate elements of much older structures built around the well.

Good morning everyone and Happy Easter to all. Our esteemed member Rachel got me with her April Fools Day gag, my first thought was " She Has Completely Lost It ".:eek:. Hope anyone who is travelling for the holidays takes it easy and looks after themselves and their families. We have had the hottest Good Friday in 50 years, according to our weather bureau, but i don't have much faith in them. Here are some Good Friday treats, and they are good, enjoy your day.:).


Me to.


That's the Sanctuary Knocker on the north door of Durham Cathedral in England.

(Filtched pictures as I can't find mine).


Good morning Guardians, I had an upset stomach last night, really not sure what it was, was a bit like food-poisoning o_O Feeling a bit better today thankfully, but still a bit weak. With the current restrictions here, celebrating my 60th birthday with various friends has proved to be a bit of a logistical nightmare, not helped by a couple of people who are just trying to take control. Hoping I can make it through today without too much drama :rolleyes: I have the first arrivals at 10.00am, then others coming at 12.00pm, but they'll undoubtedly be late, just because...Then, I have to meet up with a new neighbour, who has got a bit obsessed with the whole thing, and is driving me mad, and then another friend later. All of them have kids/brats. Maybe I should have stayed 59, I just want an easy time :rolleyes: Wishing everyone a great Easter weekend, I'm carrying my Hartshead Barlow for strength and fortitude! ;) :thumbsup:


I hope it wasn't anything to do with the Tripwire. :oops:
But good to hear your celebrating your birthday in chaotic style. Of course you could of just stayed perpetually 38.
Like Joan Collins.


Happy Easter everyone! I'm glad to say my Easter Saturday has been far calmer than Jack's. :D
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