Just shaved my face with a Paramilitary 2....

Jun 16, 2010
Sharpened it, decided to see if it would shave my face... quite painfully. Then I decided, hey, maybe dry shaving is not a great idea, so grabbed a bar of soap and lathered my face up, have to say other than the numerous cuts it was quite comfortable.

I just thought it was interesting enough that s30v can do this with its toothy reputation I had to share.
Sharpened it, decided to see if it would shave my face... quite painfully. Then I decided, hey, maybe dry shaving is not a great idea, so grabbed a bar of soap and lathered my face up, have to say other than the numerous cuts it was quite comfortable.

I just thought it was interesting enough that s30v can do this with its toothy reputation I had to share.

Pics of cut face as proof.
Nothing like a close shave. Slap on the hai karate get spruced up and go to town for some high steppin.
You can be comforted in doing this since they have perfected face transplants.:D
If l may make a recommendation , sir.... Toothy steels ARE NOT a wise choice for shaving ( such as 440c , D2 or S30V ) . You should use fine grain steels like 1095 carbon steel , AUS-8 or VG-10. When l went Hunting on an African Safari , l realized l didn't have a razor . So , l used a VG-10 plain edge Delica ( ss) with some soap. Wasn't easy , but l got clean shaved in 6 minutes.
Sharpened it, decided to see if it would shave my face... quite painfully. Then I decided, hey, maybe dry shaving is not a great idea, so grabbed a bar of soap and lathered my face up, have to say other than the numerous cuts it was quite comfortable.

I just thought it was interesting enough that s30v can do this with its toothy reputation I had to share.

Pics or it didn't happen....:D

Yep. I'm not especially coordinated to begin with and a PM2 isn't exactly balanced for shaving
Back in the early 80's, after we began making knives (1981), I decided that there were a few things that I needed to know how to do if I was going to be in the knife industry. One was forging and the other was shaving with a straight razor. In 1983, I went to the first "Hammer in" in Dubois Wyoming.

I had purchased a razor, brush and soap for my adventure. I stayed in a camper or the weekend. On the first day of the seminar, I boiled some water made up my soap, brushed in on with a genuine boars hair brush and shaved for the first time with my new straight razor. When I went into the seminar, I had little pieces of tissue stuck to my face for nicks. :eek:

One of the knife-makers attending the seminar, from Canada said; Hell sal, whatch you been doin'? You look like you've been trying to shove butter up a wild cat's ass with a hot icepick? Still has me laughing.

It took another 6 months before I really got it down. Ended up shaving with folders, kitchen knives and a razor that I made from an MBS kitchen knife. It was quite an exercise that I maintained daily for about a decade. I recommend the adventure for any knife afi.

Truth be told, It actually worked better in some places than a cartridge or electric razor. more control.
Funny that you post this, about a week ago I showed one of my coworkers how sharp my Delica was by taking some hair off of my arm. Fast forward to today and he asks me if he can borrow my knife. His brother missed a spot above his upper lip before work, so he used my Delica to touch it up.