a few thigs:
(1) Sad to hear aboutr things in Nepal
(2) Don't hack arranged marriages - its a culture foreign to the one you've grown up with and the only Hindu arranged marriages I've seen are consented - figures show that arranged marriages fare better than conventional ones amongst 1st and 2nd generation offspring in Western countries. This may seem irrevelvant but it kinda wizzes me off when Westerners patronise cultures that they may not have grown up with (no offence)
(3) Doubtful India will send soldiers into Nepal. The Indian govt is scared to go into foreign countries like that after Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated after Sri Lanka, and anyway the summers coming so India should have more trouble with Islamic extremists.
(4) Sorry if i sound like a picky person.
(1) Sad to hear aboutr things in Nepal
(2) Don't hack arranged marriages - its a culture foreign to the one you've grown up with and the only Hindu arranged marriages I've seen are consented - figures show that arranged marriages fare better than conventional ones amongst 1st and 2nd generation offspring in Western countries. This may seem irrevelvant but it kinda wizzes me off when Westerners patronise cultures that they may not have grown up with (no offence)
(3) Doubtful India will send soldiers into Nepal. The Indian govt is scared to go into foreign countries like that after Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated after Sri Lanka, and anyway the summers coming so India should have more trouble with Islamic extremists.
(4) Sorry if i sound like a picky person.