King and Queen Killed by Prince

a few thigs:

(1) Sad to hear aboutr things in Nepal
(2) Don't hack arranged marriages - its a culture foreign to the one you've grown up with and the only Hindu arranged marriages I've seen are consented - figures show that arranged marriages fare better than conventional ones amongst 1st and 2nd generation offspring in Western countries. This may seem irrevelvant but it kinda wizzes me off when Westerners patronise cultures that they may not have grown up with (no offence)
(3) Doubtful India will send soldiers into Nepal. The Indian govt is scared to go into foreign countries like that after Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated after Sri Lanka, and anyway the summers coming so India should have more trouble with Islamic extremists.
(4) Sorry if i sound like a picky person.


Picky person? No, just expressing your opinion. We have a saying here (mostly used as a joke) that "Everyone is born with an a**hole and an opinion, and they usually smell alike". We all need to ask ourselves what would be left if we did away with the opinions. PHhheew!

[This message has been edited by Walosi (edited 06-07-2001).]
Long ago, in a universe far away, I was privileged to study Indian philosophy under a professor who held a Ph.D from a prestigious British university, was a Brahmin from India, and was a happy partner in an arranged marriage. He made no secret of his contempt for the Western concept of "romantic love" and the "freely entered into" marriages which resulted therefrom, with their attendant high divorce rates, broken homes, and child neglect and abuse. In the ensuing quarter century which I have spent as a correctional administrator, prosecutor, and criminal defense attorney, I have not had occasion to question the accuracy of that professor's observations.
That said, it appears that the latest reports indicate that it was the Eton-educated Crown Prince who, while drunk, reacted violently and irrationally to his parents' traditional respect for the concept of arranged marriage.
You'll have to forgive my stand against arranged marriages, Vishalk, for the following reasons -- or if you are so inclined you need not forgive at all but here are my reasons.

There are two basic reasons I am personally not in favor of arranged marriaged in Nepal or anywhere else. One is the result of seeing some disastrous results when I lived in Nepal. Like the father who lived a couple of houses down from my apartment in Swayambu who emolated his daughter after she entered into a "love" marriage rather than one he was trying to arrange for her -- and a couple of kids of acquaintances of mine committing suicide rather than following through with a pending arranged marriage. The second reason is I believe every person everywhere should be entitled to live his or her life as he or she sees fit as long as it does not hurt anybody. If I adhered to the notion of arranged marriages or parental approval of my spouse I would not be married to Yangdu and that is something I would not have missed in this life for anything or anybody.

And welcome to the Cantina.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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[This message has been edited by Bill Martino (edited 06-07-2001).]
I can understand some of the feelings about arranged marriages and at one time Uncle, I felt exactly the same. However, I think the concept of arrange marriages is starting to change ( at least from what I've seen in India.) Before getting married, I was completely against that concept. However, as time went on, I thought the concept was not bad as long as I was not forced into one that I did'nt want. I also made it clear to my parents that I would not marry any girl who was being forced by her parents to marry me. When my wife and I met, we talked for about 2 hours. Her views were exactly the same as mine and my inlaws were in total agreement with both of our views. We felt that we were right for each other and we married. Needless to say, our marriage has worked so far inspite of a lot of hardships, we have ridden them out and have become closer together as a result.

Just thought I'd put in my 0.2 cents and a different view point about the subject.

A nearly unnoticeable comment in one of the follow-up articles on Nepal News may shed some light the nature of the "romance" angle. The Queen's objections may have had nothing to do with the idea of arranged marriage, or her opinon of the bride to be on a personal level

The article names the Prince's girlfriend of several years as the "daughter of a leader of the opposition party". The "opposition party" appears to be a coalition of most of the left-wing groups inthe country, and even though I haven't seen them directly described as communist as a whole, the group does include the Maoist faction (s).

In Nepal, "politics breeds strange bedfellows" can be literal, it seems.
I saw something the other day that stated there was some kind of clan feud between the Queen's family and the girl that the Prince wanted to marry. I don't know if I understood it right or not, but it was either the girlfriend was from a rival side of the same family as the Queen, or she was from a rival family...

I don't even know if that make sense... it has been a LONG day shooting a very fun wedding. I should go to bed and come back later today.



When all else fails...JSTF :D
Uncle, "arranged marriages" in Kentucky and most of the South went along "group" lines. "You can marry into any of these families, but not the ones over there" sort of thing. The dividing line could be political or old feelings over the price of an acre of land, but sometimes the solution was to "bounce a rifle ball off'n his punkin haid". Kentucky, and my Mother's family, was split during the "troubles between the states". and , amazingly, some tendrils of this still drift through from time to time, and although they are usually humorous references, an edge remains.

[This message has been edited by Walosi (edited 06-10-2001).]
That was the feud to end all (but didn't, of course). "Devil Ance" Hatfield led his group, and the McCoys had several, as the Hatfields excercised "recall votes" among their leadership. Most of what is in print is by authors who want to make this an "ignorant hillbilly" thing, but both families were well educated, even for present times, and owned extensive farm holdings over the counties they occupied.

These "hillbillies" were much more self sufficient than the eastern press was capable of believing. The will of one of my Mom's forebears who passed in the late 1700s includes tools for blacksmithing, carpentry, veterinary, and shoemaking. Most of the men, and all of the women of that line were literate, and saved every scrap of written material that passed into their care. The entire collection was brought together by two relatives into a family genaeological history, and makes incredible reading. There is even a transcription of a pocket notebook carried by one who returned to Kentucky from Macopin Co., Ill. where he had re-settled. The round-trip expenses wouldn't get you through the check-out linetoday, and included ferry crossing fares ("one horse, one man, 20 Cent"). Great old stuff.

I guess this is going OT (again
) but if I've given the impression tha these were wealthy landholders, they weren't in the beginning. One couple settled in 1750, and "spent three bitter winters in our one-room cabin on the dirt floor. Our slave couple, acquired in Nashville, stayed with us and we barely managed our comfort, only
with the greatest of effort by all".

[This message has been edited by Walosi (edited 06-10-2001).]
In relation to absolutely nothing, I'm sending a Fender Leo 5 string ( early import Japanese ) banjo back to Jack Hatfield's music store in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on Monday unless someone wants to make me a better offer than $425 and shipping. Back has 2 slight scuffs 1/2 long and 1/2 apart. Probably could be polished and waxed out. Anyway the early ones were produced better than current import. Dealer will probably sell for $600. ( Also available are a couple of absolutely unused books on how to play the banjo.)


The devil made me do it, ( go off topic here ) but how could I possibly resist such a beautiful opportunity?

[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 06-10-2001).]

I thought that "arranged" marriages in Ky, and the Southern States involved a shotgun...


When all else fails...JSTF :D