my balisong shirt design

Bravo S!

When the time comes, I'm in! I like Tony's idea of a tour jacket. Keep it going!

P.S. You mean your name's not Johnny?! ;)

Best regards,
Oh no S!! You're cover is blown! Are you going to have to kill us all now? :D And to think this entire time I thought Susan was just your nickname. ;)
tony: hmm dunno - talking to Les in the past about Misc. things, I think I shoudl come up with a more impressive sales pitch before I can sell him the idea.. that being 60% or Oregon wearing the shirt :), then again we're doing this as a rbel thing not as a mainstream thing..

text question: this is open to everyone - but I have no qualms removing, is it that and the copyright stuff that is lame or the text in general?

not that it's going to affect my final zealous fanatic artist decision ofcourse.. muwahahahaa. :D
(although I think he would prefer the BM Blue)

Gotta be that glossy, shinny red just like in the picture.

As for shirts, black looks cool for the first washing or two, but it always fades and looses its punch, even if you use cold water and everything. I know, some of you never wash your cloths, so that wouldn't matter for you.

There you have it, folks: the Sniperboy Spring Collection.
please do not be alarmed if you receive a red pill in the mail.. just eat it.. or was it the blue pill? (man, I feel an off tangent to this thread now >_<)

I don't mind the text in the upper corner, in fact I rather like it. The bf.c and [balisong.2002] are cool with me too. I find the copyright stuff sort of cumbersome and unnecessary though. If it needs to be there, I understand, but I'd rather it wasn't. ;)
S, it's not the way the text is written but the copyright stuff in general for me. I like the and the Balisong.2002 and for sure the text in the upper right but that copyright stuff ruins the rebelious side of it IMHO. It's a cool design for a daily wear shirt, next thing I need is a small design for a sparring shirt in my JKD class.
That's really some amazing skill you've got there Snipe, can't wait to have one in hand.
droool... I want one :)
I don't dislike the bladeforums text, is anyone outside of BF considering getting a t-shirt? :)

I could live with the .com and all. Maybe just ditch the copyright info if possible. And white would be a better option for the shirt.

Regards, :)
Yeah, me too thought Sniperboy was your real name... ;)

Now for commenting the design... Worst thing I've ever seen.

NEEUUU!!! (no)

It's beautiful, it's excellent, it's perfect, it's complete!

Personally, I think I'd prefer COLOURS (of course), and I also think it would look best on a white tee. If it costs the double of the 49spl, I too shall take at least TWO! Hot damn, that's a nice design! And you claimed you weren't qualified to make the official balisong t-shirt. :p This is most excellent. Even the writing is perfect.

Oh my god, I simply can't credit you enough. SWEEETT!! :D :D :D
BaliLover: wait till I design the tactical version.. black with removed sleeves and collar for wrestling meets, and in bod yellow reading "yo mama!"

I get the drift on the text issues.. thanks for th einput.. I would prefer to put some text.. any text to kind of anchor the design in thet lower right corner.. just my design quirk..

now I wish those shirt guys woudl get back to me already =\... oh wait.. I only sent the email last ngiht :p aanyways...

thinking it over I think it makes more sense to do the while shirt and worry abotu the black evil version down the road when I draw another one or mutate this one..
To think,I just now noticed this post.:confused: :p

I think it looks awesome. Anime and bais, what be better:D
How 'bout getting a naked chick holding that bali?
Very cool! I'll definitely be getting one. As for the writing, I'd personally like see the copyright and removed, especially I already go to Carnegie Mellon U; I don't need any more "computer dork" labels. ;) You know what I mean...
Don't worry Penguin, I think compared to the dorks in CMU youre pretty safe :) LOL. Now if you were goign to get a custo made cape to wear around town then I'd worry about yinz..