Old Friends Friday

You left out the part about me posting in another thread a complaint against myself for not buying a copy of Goins and you stepping in with a gift to save the day:thumbsup::thumbsup: I'm now looking up the mark on every knife I bump into:thumbsup:
Awesome book in like new condition :eek: Thanks very much my friend :thumbsup:

My friend rockman0 rockman0 unexpectedly sent me this Buck & Hickman shadow sleeveboard a few weeks ago; it's pretty classy, just like him :)

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Great story, Todd bigfish64 bigfish64 :cool::thumbsup:
Thanks John, so many of my knives are newer and it seems I’m always looking for what’s next. The value of these old knives go way beyond their utility. :)
Thanks for sharing those memories with us, your grandmother sounds like a game girl :) Cool knife :thumbsup:
Your welcome Jack, thanks for reading it! She was a very special person. If she was here she would say, “Oh, I can’t believe you’re still telling that old story!”:D
Have a great weekend fellas!:thumbsup:
You left out the part about me posting in another thread a complaint against myself for not buying a copy of Goins and you stepping in with a gift to save the day:thumbsup::thumbsup: I'm now looking up the mark on every knife I bump into:thumbsup:
Awesome book in like new condition :eek: Thanks very much my friend :thumbsup:
Did I leave that part out? ;) I bought that extra Goins book quite a while ago with the intention of doing a give-a-way but when I saw your post about not having one, I decided I should just send it to you. So in a way... you won the GAW I didn't do!? o_O :D I knew it was going to a good home :thumbsup:
This isn’t something I carry but it is an old friend. When my grandmother passed she left to me. I was 13. She and I fished together when she visited from Northern Indiana. In those days I had a small blow up raft that we would row around a cove and catch bluegill. She wasn’t a big fan of boats and would’ve rather fished from the bank, but being a good grandmother she went out with me in the blow up raft, although she did question the wisdom, several times, of using hooks in a blow up boat! :) I still live on that same lake, a few coves down from where we used to fish. Every time we go by that cove in our ski boat I think of my grandmother and that little blow up raft. This old friend brings back great memories.
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I think a lot of our parents and grandparents had one of those old shell handle fish knives with the "cracked ice" look... I know my Dad had a couple of them. :)
I think a lot of our parents and grandparents had one of those old shell handle fish knives with the "cracked ice" look... I know my Dad had a couple of them. :)
May they all be full of wonderful memories, they’re treasures!:thumbsup:
Your welcome Jack, thanks for reading it! She was a very special person. If she was here she would say, “Oh, I can’t believe you’re still telling that old story!”:D
Have a great weekend fellas!:thumbsup:

HaHa! :D :) :thumbsup:

Imperial Ireland with a troglodytic rehandle by me. Gibson Guitar scrap rosewood, bits of my brother's old garage door rail, and finishing nails for pins. There's an extra pin in each bolster because I can't solder.

Nice work Jer, that's special :) :thumbsup:

I think a lot of our parents and grandparents had one of those old shell handle fish knives with the "cracked ice" look... I know my Dad had a couple of them. :)

I'm sure if I have one currently or not, but I have given several away to other members :thumbsup:

Haha! Great GAW! It found a good home:thumbsup: thanks Kevin:thumbsup:
Did I leave that part out? ;) I bought that extra Goins book quite a while ago with the intention of doing a give-a-way but when I saw your post about not having one, I decided I should just send it to you. So in a way... you won the GAW I didn't do!? o_O :D I knew it was going to a good home :thumbsup:
This 2013 Forum Knife is one of my most treasured knives, as it was a very generous gift from my dear friend Duncan @Campbellclanman . Knowing that I hadn't tried a GEC at the time, Duncan sent me his own knife :) Carrying it is always a special experience for me :thumbsup:


That’s an excellent knife there, Jack, and that sounds exactly like something Duncan would do. :thumbsup:
Not my oldest knife, but so much of my collection I had as a young kid vanished during moves, college, marriage, etc. it was all mostly kid stuff anyway. The knives left to me by my parents and grandparents were safely stored away and I still have them. This one is the first real knife I can remember buying for myself when I was around 12 at the local sporting goods store called Kelly’s Sporting Goods, which of course is long gone now. Actually, Mr. Kelly wouldn’t sell it to me unless my dad was with me, so my dad came in the store and the transaction was completed. One that will never leave the collection. No full blade shots, too embarrassed to show the scratches in the blade I made as a kid trying to sharpen it on a grinder!:D
Have a great weekend everyone!
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Not my oldest knife, but so much of my collection I had as a young kid vanished during moves, college, marriage, etc. it was all mostly kid stuff anyway. The knives left to me by my parents and grandparents were safely stored away and I still have them. This one is the first real knife I can remember buying for myself when I was around 12 at the local sporting goods store called Kelly’s Sporting Goods, which of course is long gone now. Actually, Mr. Kelly wouldn’t sell it to me unless my dad was with me, so my dad came in the store and the transaction was completed. One that will never leave the collection. No full blade shots, too embarrassed to show the scratches in the blade I made as a kid trying to sharpen it on a grinder!:D
Have a great weekend everyone!
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I’ll take a guess and say the blade got dulled from a few youthful adventures? Probably the same way the tip got broken off of my Uncle Henry 127UHo_O