Outdoors Survivin!

This was down on the way to work last week. But it was mostly vines. The Milwaukee sawz-all handled it nicely so I could let a bus through. I'm sure the kids were pissed at me.
If I had a S! Machete I would have just taken care of that with it.

This was down on the way to work last week. But it was mostly vines. The Milwaukee sawz-all handled it nicely so I could let a bus through. I'm sure the kids were pissed at me.
If I had a S! Machete I would have just taken care of that with it.

Super Tex to the rescue!!!

I wonder how a 12 would do with lighter vegetation clearing like that.
It looks like a chainsaw is in order also. That's a lot of fallen trees in one trip!

Lol. Yeah the first one was no problem, about a minute's worth of chopping work and then bust/shove it out of the way. That last one kinda put a damper on my trip.

This was down on the way to work last week. But it was mostly vines. The Milwaukee sawz-all handled it nicely so I could let a bus through. I'm sure the kids were pissed at me.
If I had a S! Machete I would have just taken care of that with it.

Now your house is gonna get egged!
The bus doesn't go by my house so I figure they don't know where I'm at.
Plus you never know when or where I'll be with a gun at night. I step out and walk the land if I can't sleep and that's pretty often. The mini is rigged with a light and I got a laser for it. It works on more then hogs and coyotes. It does well to run off unsuspecting lovers, trying to hide on one of our entrances to take a snuggle stop. It wouldn't be the first time. We get a lot of people stopping to sell illegal drugs on our land cause were in BFE. The tactical rifle tends to persuade the would be idiots to move along.
The bus doesn't go by my house so I figure they don't know where I'm at.
Plus you never know when or where I'll be with a gun at night. I step out and walk the land if I can't sleep and that's pretty often. The mini is rigged with a light and I got a laser for it. It works on more then hogs and coyotes. It does well to run off unsuspecting lovers, trying to hide on one of our entrances to take a snuggle stop. It wouldn't be the first time. We get a lot of people stopping to sell illegal drugs on our land cause were in BFE. The tactical rifle tends to persuade the would be idiots to move along.

Haha I'd get a kick out of scaring people off! Nothing like a laser beam or a cocked shotgun to get the heart pounding!
Finally got out for the first time in 2016...thanks to the snow storm and already rough rd to the cabin, there was a bit of an interesting drive in and out, luckily this lady was there to greet us:

the above scary ass haunted witch picture was actually just a previous tenant of the cabin:
Nice!! I'm so glad this thread got a bump. Seriously, one of my favorite things here is getting to see others' adventures and excursions... I'm slightly challenged in that department. What a great trip! Cabin, working wood with a GSO, some meat... you had it all!
Good to see you finally got out Redwood! That cabin has seen quite a bit of history also. Is this a place that you go to often?
Yea I was happy to give it a bump too, We came here last yr, so 2x now, might make it an annual trip. The PATC owns a bunch of cabins along the AT that are mostly turn of the century or older. This one had no running water/ no elec/ no heat. We did have an awesome wood stove though and actually got the one side of the cabin up to about 75 (outside was 30). It does have mice living in the walls, which get really active when you heat her up, and of course feels haunted thanks to that creepy ass photo... I also may have converted a few guys into potential survive customers. None had ever processed wood with a knife before and the first night everything was wet so getting into the dry core was helpful. I forgot how fun splitting wood with a maul could be too (on a purely limited basis...)
Sounds like a neat tradition you're making. Even though the pictures are of former tenants in the physical sense I wonder if their spirits still float around the area :D

Sounds super rustic. What did you use for light? Do they provide anything? Mice can be a real pain, but if the only sign of them was the audible type, that's not so bad. Way to go spreading the word! Your last comment got me thinking........ we need a SURVIVE! maul!
I'm dying to get out! My wife is ready to pop another baby out so I can't go anywhere until she does.