Protection knife against wild animals.

Personally I'd just pry out the bear's eyes with my CRKT Eat'n Tool. But I'm trained in the ancient martial art of bear-fu. Anyone who hasn't obtained proper bear-defense training is just asking to be a victim.

Oh man, glad you said that. I now realize that an CRKT Eat'n Tool is a vital piece of kit.
I can picture a grown man choking a stag screaming like a girl. Quite the funny picture, but admittedly I can only imagine the stag reacting like Bart being choked by Homer.

Oh wow, no man you do NOT want to be around a deer in that situation. I assure you they are far FAR stronger than they look and those hooves may as well be razors with the force they put behind them. I'd only once seen a grown man try to go hands on with a deer but I have heard plenty times about others who have and I assure you the anomalous outcome is the one where the human prevails. Yeah, those pretty little deer with those delicate little legs have NO problem kicking your teeth in.
When i turned 21.. ibought a brand new S&W 40Cal Tactical about 800 bucks... best gun i ever owned..... Untill i took my girlfriends friend out and she dropped my clip in the sand
Well just last week i took my girlfriends jack Russel out to pie and a Pitbull attacked her... Didn't know what to do i jumped on top of the pitbull
I was told Jackrussel.. the pit bill had her head in his mouth. I kicked it many times... Finally i said fuck it. and jumped on him...
I had my pants back on when the owners came to my door... "Lucky i didn't have my knife with me or i woulda killed it" Our dog has already lost a leg due to a dog fight
I was walking my dog.. to pee and pop.. and a huge pit bull attacked her... I tried to kick her off. Lucky i didn't have my ZT560.. I told the owner after they came and got her.. she should be dead
I was walking my dog.. to pee and pop.. and a huge pit bull attacked her... I tried to kick her off. Lucky i didn't have my ZT560.. I told the owner after they came and got her.. she should be dead

That's true. Pit bulls, when they see a knife, get scared and run away. Good plan. :thumbup:
Hi Dkenz,
if you'd extract the useful answers, there are only a few. Simple question, simple answer. How long should the blade be and of which shape? It's not the longer the better, and it shouldn't be too short. Only as long as necessary to make enough damage, because of fast handling. I suppose that's what you like to know. Meanwhile everyone knows that's the chances are nearly zero to fight a grizzly with a knife. So, it would be fine to get only the answeres which one like to get. That's it.
A 40s&w is a crap caliber for bear, not really a major upgrade from a 9mm. Slashing at a bear would probably be similiar to slashing at a hanging carpet. You are not stronger than a bear or probably not even a mountain lion. You are also no where near as fast as a bear regardless of the ground you are on.

Does that pretty much cover the wrong stuff?

As for a knife? A bayonet is best.....hooked to a 12 gauge
Humans can basicly stop on a dime and reverse direction instantly.. bears would have to slow down.. and gain speed again. People are more agile. Least thats how i picture it.. Am i wrong?

Don't ever let it come down to that. Or to a knife. Use bear spray.
Right Hwang... a bear is large... semi slow moving with all his weight. He has to get close too. Quick swipe/stab to the head would bring down a bear if you get so lucky. And of course you have the right equipment. As someone else said.. Play dead.. a bear will kinda sniff and play with ya to see if your alive... Perfect time for a stab to the head. Just looking at all options. Cause we love to hike... ride bikes.. Were even looking into getting a couple horses to ride on the trail.. Horses would notice a wild animal well before we did

I live where bears live. I see them often. Never been attacked, but my property adjoins onto the wilderness and they frequently come around. One thing that you should know - they are not semi slow moving. Not even close. A bear is extremely fast. They can outrun a horse and are very quick as well. And his knives are built in.

Bear spray works. I've used it. The bear did not attack but he was coming my way. Curious, probably. Use it correctly, though. Position yourself so that the wind doesn't blow the spray back in your face, then spray a "wall" of mist between you and the bear. Do not try to spray the bear, just put up a wall of mist and it will turn tail when it tries to come through the mist. It works. IMHO, the only thing better is a rifle from long range. And don't even think about a small caliber hand gun. I carry an H&K .45 with hollow points and wouldn't suggest anything much less. But I also carry bear spray and it would be my first line of defense - not the gun.

Don't ever let it come down to that. Or to a knife. Use bear spray.


Just the POV of someone who interfaces with the critters commonly...

A small yearling on the porch of our guest cabin.
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Some of the OP's post show that he has done no research whatsoever. I feel some trolling going on.

What knife would I have? Some super size boar/hog sticker meant for deep penetration and a quick kill. That way you MIGHT get off a lucky thrust before the weight snaps the blade off.
Reading some of the posts in this thread I can't help but wonder if some people don't know how to perform an internet search. Do a Google search for "Man kills bear with knife", or "Man kills mountain lion with knife" and you can read SEVERAL recent and documented incidents of such things, including names, dates, locations, and the types of bear.

Are such events rare? Of course they are. But so are bear and mountain lion attacks.

It really makes me wonder about the people who suggest that it's impossible to successfully fend off or kill a bear or mountain lion with a knife. I guess they don't know how to perform an internet search. Or maybe they just don't want facts to get in the way of acting like an expert.

Its not that we dont want to search its that actually planning on using a knife to protect yourself against bear or mountain lion is insane.
Reading some of the posts in this thread I can't help but wonder if some people don't know how to perform an internet search. Do a Google search for "Man kills bear with knife", or "Man kills mountain lion with knife" and you can read SEVERAL recent and documented incidents of such things, including names, dates, locations, and the types of bear.

Are such events rare? Of course they are. But so are bear and mountain lion attacks.

It really makes me wonder about the people who suggest that it's impossible to successfully fend off or kill a bear or mountain lion with a knife. I guess they don't know how to perform an internet search. Or maybe they just don't want facts to get in the way of acting like an expert.

It has absolutely nothing to do with one's Google skills. There is a huge difference between the extremely rare occasion where someone has succeeded in fending off an attack with a knife, and having that be your pre-planned defense.

If there is going to be any "wondering" about anything, it should be about people who have all sorts of opinions about this or that in relation to bears, and obviously have very little, if any, real experience with them. But hey, it's the internet, so don't let a lack of experience hold anyone back from having no shortage of opinions. After all, if you search enough on the interwebs, you'll find something to back it up, right?
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Its not that we dont want to search its that actually planning on using a knife to protect yourself against bear or mountain lion is insane.

If the situation arises, fight with all you might not have to die.
But yeah, planning on what knife for fighting bears? I sincerely hope it's only someone playing internet fantasy games.