Random Thought Thread

There's a school of thought that every time you've faced a life or death situation, there are versions of you that died, and the version of you that lived diverged into a less probable parallel universe. So the older you get, the more improbable the universe is that you're able to continue existing alive in.
Anthropologists propose that human's (the homosapiens) greatest achievement ever was development of language and writing without which none of their other achievements would have been possible. I wish that in the process of advancing outta the lizard brain as our species was developing, Mother Nature would've blessed our thought/speech/relay systems with a STFU self-censoring mechanism.
Anthropologists propose that human's (the homosapiens) greatest achievement ever was development of language and writing without which none of their other achievements would have been possible. I wish that in the process of advancing outta the lizard brain as our species was developing, Mother Nature would've blessed our thought/speech/relay systems with a STFU self-censoring mechanism.
Hahaha man that is definitely a thing people have, I'm sure you have one, somewhere...

I probably have one too...

Seriously though, I think the biggest problem is that we are living among basically an entire generation of people who have never been punched in the face. Most people don't seem to think being punched in the face is ever a real possibility, no matter what they say. I'm not talking about anybody in here by the way. And maybe it has something to do with more and more communication taking place on the internet, where you can pretty much say and do whatever you want with no real consequences. It's taken dozens of face punches and worse to get my self-restraint to this point, and I'm sure I still make a lot of people nauseous.
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Anthropologists propose that human's (the homosapiens) greatest achievement ever was development of language and writing without which none of their other achievements would have been possible. I wish that in the process of advancing outta the lizard brain as our species was developing, Mother Nature would've blessed our thought/speech/relay systems with a STFU self-censoring mechanism.

my self censoring mechanism is currently being strained to the point of fracture atm
Random thought:

I grew up learning that you should "know what you think and why you think it". It is a reflection on our own beliefs and preconceived notions to understand why we have come to those conclusions. And I think that most of the time it has nothing to do with real thought and truly self derived opinions but instead is simply a function of being born in a certain time and place. Most of the thoughts and opinions in our heads were put there by someone else. So in a way, our own thoughts aren't really our own.

Think about some core belief that you hold and feel completely certain about. For many people this might be something religious. If you had been kidnaped as a baby and raised somewhere like Pakistan would that core belief be different? Would you still be completely certain about it?

^ this is a rhetorical question. But if you'll think about it for a moment you might see that many people hold beliefs that they are completely certain about but they could hold completely contradictory beliefs if some element that was outside of their control were changed a little bit, such as the time or place of their upbringing or the beliefs of their parents or community.

If one accepts that our own thoughts are frequently ideas put into our heads by other people, one can see the wisdom in being skeptical of information being fed us and choosing where we get our information as carefully as we chose what foods to eat. Junk food will make you unhealthy. Junk information is also bad. The problem is that information doesn't come in a package with a nutritional label on it. Like food, it's probably a good idea to get a variety information from different sources and accept that if you can't digest it you shouldn't just eat it.

It's odd that many adults seem to stop asking (themselves?) every child's favorite question; "Why...?"
Have you noticed that lately Blade Forums has been refreshing as slow as molasses at times? There is even a specific thread in the Technical section dedicated to this!

Case in point: when Nathan unleashes the first DEK1 sale, I reckon that Nathan will probably melt down this Site for a good whole, so be careful what you wish for (the old Chinese curse proverb applies here) LOL.

I keep thinking my internet is having issues. I try for half an hour to browse through the forums, then realize you going to another site that it's just bladeforums. The funny part is I keep forgetting that it's not my internet and looking for a hardware/provider problem. I'm both excited and terrified for the DEK1 release because of this.
There is a mathimatical formula that can be used to determine how much of something, that is a known distance from you, should be hidden to the observer due to being below the curvature of the earth, or the horizon.

Certainly interesting.
There is a mathimatical formula that can be used to determine how much of something, that is a known distance from you, should be hidden to the observer due to being below the curvature of the earth, or the horizon.

Certainly interesting.

You are aware that you can see light that is bent around the horizon right? It's the same way that the light in fiber optics cable can be transmitted across great distances around bends. You do believe in fiberoptics, right?

People figured this out a long time ago. The correct way to conduct this experiment is to put the objects up on poles above the water to get up off the of the layer of air on the surface. If you put the objects up on poles and view them from a distance you will see the most distant object much lower/closer to the horizon. Put it on a 30' pole and the one at the back will look like its right down on the ground. This is done by eliminating variables that can fool your perception. Raise them up off the ground so you're not getting a distorting layer of boundary air.

You are being fooled by a common optical illusion (that people figured out a LONG time ago) and I think the worst part about it is the people fooling you know it's bullshit. It's awful what they do, messing with peoples heads like that.

Listen to me man. These internet conspiracy theories aren't good for anybody. This happened to my buddy Shane. People prey on the gullible. I think it gives them a feeling of power that they "know" something you don't and get people worked up. Folks get where they can't tell what is real. Please don't go down that rabbit hole. That way madness lay.