It locks up quite nicely. I like it so much that I bought a second one. I am thinking about taking one apart, scanning the parts, enlarging them, and making a bigger version of this knife.
Now that would be something to see! It looks that that could be either a really ergonomic design, or a disaster as a larger knife. I don't think you would know until you had it in your hand. I tried some of the weird looking (and very off-putting to me) Cold Steel designs in hand at a gun show a while back. They looked like pure mall ninja gear, but man were the comfortable in the hand, and no hotspots. Still couldn't get over their looks, though.
That's the same thing I was thinking. I was actually so intrigued that I was forced (FORCED, I TELL YOU!!) to order a couple of them for evaluation purposes.
I am feeling that same pressure. To me, all the traditionals are looking pretty much like all the same patterns we have seen for the last 50 years. Modern makers seem to "create" a "new" pattern by using the same blades they have used in dozens of knives by using a different combination of blades, a different case style, a different pull or nick, etc. All from existing parts and stock designs, just assembled differently and presented with a different set of scales on them. They get a new name, but in the end it's same stuff, different day.
I bought one of these for my nephew:
image borrowed from the 'net
I liked it so much, I bought myself one. I actually bought it because of the whistle, and the pocket slip case thinking it might be easier for him to carry since the overall dimension is about 3 3/4", a wide load in a 10 year old's pocket. With the knife in the slip case and the whistle hanging out, it was like having a pocket watch with the whistle as a fob. Had to get myself one immediately. No one else made this design of a "dog bone", nor did they have a exposed pin inside the bolsters to use as a lanyard. It is a really nifty, unusual knife that has proven quite useful.
It was a limited run of some sort, and they quit making it. I was sad to see it go, but... due to popular demand it came back, and now has smooth tobacco bone scales and an excellent acorn shield:
borrowed from the 'net
I only have two RR knives, but a few more choice Pacific Rim offerings that I have grown quite fond of using. After seeing the knife Chris posted (which by the way also comes as a three bladed stockman), then this acorn shielded Dog Bone, it might be time for me to dust the wallet off! I need another knife like a hole in the head, but dang it, I ain't made of stone!