Please use this thread to demonstrate fake, clone, or otherwise nonauthentic Spyderco knives. Please observe the forums rules, and keep it clean.
Why have a shrine thread to fakes? Why not just report them and be done?
Why have a shrine thread to fakes? Why not just report them and be done?
This thread is not a shrine, it's a place where people can report fakes. This way Sal , Joyce, and Kristi don't have to go hunting for them. This thread should also serve to educate new people on what a fake is and ask questions. There is an endless wave of those ugly blue handled, comet opening holed knives from China and all kinds of threads popping up asking if they are real or not. Just trying to help out.
Fake Spyderfly...:barf:
Here is another one of the UKPK. Pretty good fake on this one. It took a few minutes to figure it out. I will post the link since it is an auction that has ended.
Another ended listing to a flea market fake...
This one offered by "dentman"?There is also another one of those blue beauties but it won't let me save image in a postable format and since I can't post a link to a live auction, just know it's out there.
Merry Christmas Spydernuts!!