Spyderco fan group?

Membership requirements is pretty much set. We are keeping it as simple as possible to join. We'll make exceptions on an as per case basis. We're certainly not out to turn people down. :) One knife requirement is good. Off to work I go, hope someone does a poll for the name!
Ok I'm becoming a basic member today and iv got dibs on ether #0009 or #0007. We are makine history people.
I'm in because if it exist I have to be in. I am a little foggy on exactly what the purpose is though. W/out going overboard (mission statement, vision statement, crazy list of requirements etc.), and I certainly don't want to, what is the difference between this "club" and the sub-forum as we have it? Everyone wants to make sure we are not overly exclusive which I agree with, so then what is the difference? Again, I am in no matter what, I don't see this getting snobbish or ugly, just some questions I had as I am reading through this. I think we should also have some code of conduct similar to KAI's club, because even though Spyderco is not endorsing this, we shouldn't be a bad fan group and do Spyderco damage. Like was mentioned already other clubs have turned people off of certain brands (wrong or right to let that influence you doesn't matter, it happens), and that is not the goal. Also, I would be curious if Sal has seen this, and what he thinks of it. Sorry to chime in kind of late, this seems to have blown up overnight.
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I agree we will in a way be Representing spyderco so there should be so rules for members something along the lines of:
No foul Language.
Be a stand up guy......ect
Thanks for your input. Those concerns has been discussed and mostly resolved.Like I said, membership is to acknowledge that you are a Spyderco enthusiast and not much else. Also read previous posts regarding its purpose
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Ok cool I'm about to start a poll for the name of this little group. Then I'll do a logo contest
Excellent. Lets get 'er done. Way to member up 9blades. Maybe I should follow suit...
Go to your profile page
The click post areas.

You've got 28 post in the spyderco forum.
Kershaw mafia... and Spydercult Syndicate...

Yeah I can see bladeforums becoming the internet equivalent of the gang infested "Queens" or "Harlems".

Well I will have to pick a side, so I will go for Kershaw Mafia.
Kershaw mafia... and Spydercult Syndicate...

Yeah I can see bladeforums becoming the internet equivalent of the gang infested "Queens" or "Harlems".

Well I will have to pick a side, so I will go for Kershaw Mafia.

Spydercult sounds a little extreme for what it is. Lets roll with Spyderco Syndicate if we go the syndicate route.
The reasoning behind setting the post count at 50 is it ensures some involvement/activity on the subforum. Its really not hard an is practically the only requirement. Special circumstances may allow you to bypass this as previously posted.

As for special requests on reserving a number, you can do so on this thread. Ill sort through it when I create a list. 2 to 1000.

I'll reserve 1000 for now. Maybe 3 lol